+11|7002|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Ok people watch this, lets see if we can maybe just maybe keep the, "I'm an american, and i have no opinion of my own" down to a mild scream shall we.
I and i am sure most of the rest of the world dont give a damn about you.
Watch this, think for a moment, turn your TV off and think.
All those women and children, killed for what? dying painful deaths just because you all believed a lie.
There flesh burnt from there bodies, so that you can drive around in you SUV's, talk about your feelings and watch you reality TV, all the while basking in your crack pot greatness.

If you watch this and think, oh well they had a chance to get out, they had it coming. If you are a heartless american that is but a drone of the red, white and blue. I hope that you and your family fall prey to some sort of terrorist attack, so that you may feel what these poor people have to live with.

I know there are loads of great americans, americans that still believe in what america is about. Which upon reading about america. What the founding fathers said, did and got done. You are truely americans and the world waits with baited breath for you to change america. From a money and oil hungrey country into something that even i cant imagine.
If i have offended the good people in america, i am sorry. If i offended those for the war before and during. I dont give a shit. … mp;pl=true
OK mate. first of all I would like to give you the good old one fingered salute.  YOu put of a intellectual topic asking people to open thier minds and in the next breath you say anyone who doesn't agree with you opinion should die.  Hell you live in South Africa.  Don't throw stones about change when you live in a glass house. 

NOw to address this video you posted.  FIrst off, the guy presenting the "documentary" never identifies himself.  Ohh thats real good.  Next, The video is named "How the United States used chemical warfare indiscrimately in iraq".  Now in the video it mention sonly Napom and white phospherous.  Ohhh yeah thats so gd indicrimate.  Not like Iraq using mustard gas on thier own people..or like your own south africa  Link-

This entire video is more anti-american mindless blog.  Its a view of those who would see the US stop interacting with the world so they can turn thier own counties into corrupt terrorist havens for thier own gain.  Face it mate, the US is the world police.  We have proven it.  At the same time, we don't do what we do just to help people (I really think that the WMD thing was just a cover to help liberate Iraq and do what Bushes Dad should of done a decade ago).

If your unable to open your mind and think outside your little box of a world then please...Write your thought on the walls of your box and keep them there. 

Now for all the picture of injured and dead people...I'm sure thats real.  In war there are casualties.  Both combatant and non-combatant.  It is a sad truth.  Some may be there by my own hand...who knows.  But that is something I have to deal with. 

So please man, get off the far side of whatever politcal group your associated with and think for yourself.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
Napalm & phosphorus?  You've been duped.

Fact: China is becoming the #1 consumer if oil in the world.
Fact: Napalm is used for de-forestation, it's rarely used as anti-perssonel.

But you won't listen - your mind is made up.
Ohh yeah I forgot one thing.  The video of the american chopper dropping White phosphorus on the city....well for one the chopper nor the town is identified anyway.  The WP looks much like chauff.  There is no time stamp or date on the video.  If you going to provide documentation that supports your view then maybe you should find a more realiable source.
Captain Input
+4|6942|Sunshine Coast, Queensland
You should know better than to post this sort of rubbish and expect a non-patriotical view from people who live in and love their own country, beit America, Britain, or Mars.
Hell i'm just attacking his supposed source here.  If your going to mount an arguement have some gd concrete information..
i hate you all

sfg-Ice__ wrote:

If your unable to open your mind and think outside your little box of a world then please...Write your thought on the walls of your box and keep them there.
So... Who`s thinking in a box again?
hmmm i wonder if that was suppose to mean something

I love how people start threads like this without noting Saddam's own use of torture and gas against his own country. Of course dictators like that should be left alone.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-03 22:25:52)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I love how people start threads like this without noting Saddam's own use of torture and gas against his own country. Of course dictators like that should be left alone.
Still. No excuse to do it yourself.

Sorry about not watching, but I have to conserve dowload space.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I love how people start threads like this without noting Saddam's own use of torture and gas against his own country.
Oh yes, I remember. Was this bevor or after Saddam was a ally of the US? Hmm, I wounder where he got all his nice toys from?

Knochenmann_AUT wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I love how people start threads like this without noting Saddam's own use of torture and gas against his own country.
Oh yes, I remember. Was this bevor or after Saddam was a ally of the US? Hmm, I wounder where he got all his nice toys from?
he got his nice toys from the french and americans. dont just blame the US.

sfg-Ice__ wrote:

Ohh yeah I forgot one thing.  The video of the american chopper dropping White phosphorus on the city....well for one the chopper nor the town is identified anyway.  The WP looks much like chauff.  There is no time stamp or date on the video.  If you going to provide documentation that supports your view then maybe you should find a more realiable source.
yeah that chopper did drop things more like flares... it may just be a test on the desert in the US on the new flares that might of been produced...

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-04-04 01:42:18)
Junglist Massive
You will find many people on this forum who approve of the US armed forces using napalm and white phosphorous on human targets.  Most seem to think that it's the only way to defend their 'way of life'. 

I however, think it's a horrific human rights violation.

junkpi1e wrote:

You should know better than to post this sort of rubbish and expect a non-patriotical view from people who live in and love their own country, beit America, Britain, or Mars.
If I was told that the UK armed forces were using napalm and white phosphorous on human targets I would not defend that behaviour.  If patriotism is defending human rights violations by your country's government, then bring on the fucking anarchy.  Luckily it's not.

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Napalm & phosphorus?  You've been duped.

Fact: China is becoming the #1 consumer if oil in the world.
Fact: Napalm is used for de-forestation, it's rarely used as anti-perssonel.

But you won't listen - your mind is made up.
Fact: China has about four times the population of the US.  When China uses 4 times the amount of oil that America does, then they will be more guilty of over-consumption than America. 
Fact: Apart from the fact that de-forestation is totally wrong and destroying the environment (why the fuck would you want to mass burn perfectly good trees anyway?), the US armed forces have themselves admitted to using a new 'kerosine-based' type of napalm in Iraq in the form of MK-77 firebombs.  They must be using them to deforest the dense jungle of Iraq, right?
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA
You post a blatantly biased and politically motivated clip, espouse a blatantly biased and politically motivated view, criticise others who hold such views, and then ask us to open ourselves to your view point?  Please, grow up.

I can give the essense of your film with three words:  Dubious at best.

By the way, there is a word for people who accuse others of being closed minded when their own minds are firmly made up: Hypocrite.  Your opening rant says it all.
+156|6941|space command ur anus
its clearly propaganda.
But jesus fucking christ
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I love how people start threads like this without noting Saddam's own use of torture and gas against his own country. Of course dictators like that should be left alone.
I heard that if the Iraq national football team lost a match or made a bad mistake saddam would cut your ears off.But if you played well and scored he was good at rewarding.Don't think i'd risk it though.
The Microwave Man

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Napalm & phosphorus?  You've been duped.

Fact: China is becoming the #1 consumer if oil in the world.
Fact: Napalm is used for de-forestation, it's rarely used as anti-perssonel.

But you won't listen - your mind is made up.
Yeah , looks like White phoserous to me being shot out of the helicopter again and again .
and judging by the photos I'm pretty convinced it was WP but what do I know , I wasn't there .
I could be wrong though . Maybe a flare gun got stuck on full auto and shot 10,000 flares at once before the gunner knew what was going on and switched it back to semi auto . And then wouldn't you know it , about ten seconds later the same damned thing happened again . And again . Obviously the Army is in desparte need of further researching safety mechanisms because in this video it is clearly evident that our current safety mechanisms are no good .

Well that's my guess anyhow .
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
The problem with that video (of the "white phosphorous" dispersion) is that you can't tell the scale.  It is too dark.  All you see are the light bursts with nothing else to give you an indication as to the actual size.
EDIT:  If you filmed someone releasing chaff at fairly close range, it would probably look like that.

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2006-04-04 12:53:28)

Flavius Aetius
+3|6983|Stalking Chuck Norris
it could have just been rockets from an MMRLS (or what ever it is), or hell, even artilery, but i don't see anything wrong with its use, if you look at most of the bodies they've shown, there is a chest rig for magazines to their weapons which their buddies took away before the media got there
The Microwave Man
MRLS - Mulit rocket launch system . Now IF you watched the video you can see that a helicopter was used to fire white phospherous . 4 times they fired . with 5 second intervals . MRLS cannot float in the air .

As far as determining the scale of the white glowing bolbs falling to the ground take a good look when they zoom all the way in on the city being hit . You can see roof tops and a telephone pole and some trees . I dunno but it looks like the blobs can be anywheres the size of basket balls to baseballs . Who the fark cares it dosen't matter . The results are deadly and kills eveyone it touches . Woman , babies and terrorists .

  If this is actual footage of WP being used in Iraq and our Gov lies to us about it , well that just pisses me off . I can really rely on anyones word it would be that of the young marine who WAS there . And judging by the look in his eye and what he said I don't think he is bullshitting us . Like our government is ......
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
Actually, the US Gov't does not deny using WHite Phosphorous against enemy combatants in Fallujah:
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
Here is another article about this:
The Microwave Man
Well there you have it . We did use it , say we didn't and when proof was shown that we infact DID then we had no choice but to say we did indeed use it .
LOL Jonnykill noone here said we didn't.  The point is that the WP was used for illumination not for anti personel as was depicted.  Also, the video of the WP being released could be from any country, anywhere.  Like I said there was no time stamp nor date.   Kimosabe is just trying to express a poorly explained view while at the same time not accepting that he may be very wrong.
GunSlinger OIF II
suck my dick I was at Fallujah, I was apart of operatio phantom fury I dont need to see a lil video you caught while your doing a websearch....kiss my ass

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