
MadDogs&RunningMen wrote:

lol uzique you talks.  many issues you have.
ban yoda already
+3,611|6767|London, England
It was Spidery Yoda eh, I dunno. I'm gonna need more evidence to prove that it's not .Sup

And Uzique, just let her come to her senses. Whatever you will do from now on is just lose:lose by the looks of it. As annoying as it is, there's probably nothing you can do but rely on her getting her shit straight, except make her realise all this shit is tearing you up, and it ain't a one way street
be nice
+2,646|6600|The Twilight Zone

Mekstizzle wrote:

It was Spidery Yoda eh, I dunno. I'm gonna need more evidence to prove that it's not .Sup

And Uzique, just let her come to her senses. Whatever you will do from now on is just lose:lose by the looks of it. As annoying as it is, there's probably nothing you can do but rely on her getting her shit straight, except make her realise all this shit is tearing you up, and it ain't a one way street
karma him with my nick more often-that will prove it

Mekstizzle wrote:

It was Spidery Yoda eh, I dunno. I'm gonna need more evidence to prove that it's not .Sup

And Uzique, just let her come to her senses. Whatever you will do from now on is just lose:lose by the looks of it. As annoying as it is, there's probably nothing you can do but rely on her getting her shit straight, except make her realise all this shit is tearing you up, and it ain't a one way street
I said that because he wrote like yoda.... nvm mek
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6811|NT, like Mick Dundee

ColCarnage wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

It was Spidery Yoda eh, I dunno. I'm gonna need more evidence to prove that it's not .Sup

And Uzique, just let her come to her senses. Whatever you will do from now on is just lose:lose by the looks of it. As annoying as it is, there's probably nothing you can do but rely on her getting her shit straight, except make her realise all this shit is tearing you up, and it ain't a one way street
I said that because he wrote like yoda.... nvm mek
Attention to detail you have, go far, you will.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
I'm back
I don't like very much you guys having fun with me.
I didn't relize we were having fun
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6811|NT, like Mick Dundee

MadDogs&RunningMen wrote:

I don't like very much you guys having fun with me.
Taking the piss, I was.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to reporting posts.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Uzique wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Uzique wrote:

She's going home again tomorrow afternoon, anyway, for another week. Another week of being treated and having the time of her life with that wankstain, haha. I've just kind of resigned myself to the luck and chance of fate now, I suppose. Either she'll come around and realize everything I've given her and have been prepared to do for her, or she'll enjoy the liberties and care-free way of single-life way too much and will stay away for as long as possible. She'll have to be here in September/October though, when term starts, so she'll just be voluntarily making her own life very difficult if that is the path that she chooses to take.
Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants so just let her make up her mind. Let her know you're not happy about the situation and believe me she'll come running back gagging for you the second she realizes things are sketchy. I can't count the amount of times girls have treated me like shit, I dump them and they come running back ready to receive whatever you demand.
Ah she knows that things are sketchy man, and I've told her I'm more than unhappy about the way things are going- I have very clearly explained that I know, if I give her space then she's just going to run to creeper-guy and a 'liberated' single-lifestyle for support and consolation, and she'll never want to try and come back to fix a relationship that she has been unhappy in for the last few stressful weeks of moving-in and adjustment. Part of me wants to just slap her and say, let me fucking show you that everything is and will be fine, but her mental stress and emotional exhaustion really is just creating a huge barrier right now. Yes, she needs time to get over that blockade in her head so she can think clearly, but how is that 'clarity of thought' going to turn when she's been spending the majority of her summer month's with a creeper best friend, living a lifestyle with no restraint or responsibility? I can't see her fully 'healed' and recovered mind then thinking "Yeah, I want to return to that relationship I perceived as being unhappy, and then left without giving [Uzique] any chance to make things work". It's hideously unfair, but I know that it's the way things have got to be... if I try to coerce her into giving me a chance anymore, I'm just going to frustrate her mind and drive her further away. Getting this one back on track and ensuring that we patch-up this stressful bump in the road is going to be a major task: part-fluke and luck and part involving me sticking around and putting my entire life on hiatus until she finishes frolicking around and makes up her mind.

Difficult girls are difficult, it's such a massive kiln. This is the most I've ever posted in self-indulgent, shitty whine threads like this, but Jesus, it's also probably the first time I've given everything to a chick to make her and the relationship happy, and ironically also the first time it's all gone tits up for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
You seem to be having the same problems as me - ish.

My girlfriend left me two weeks ago saying that I was too serious, and that she couldn't cope - been together 9 months. The only thing I said about being serious was that I was saying 'I hope this lasts for a long time' - that sort of stuff - to convey my emotions at the beginning of the relationship, as I couldn't put them into words (never felt this strongly for a girl before). I stopped doing/saying all this aout 4-5 months in because she talked to me, and I realised it scared her.

We then had a pregnancy scare about 2 months ago, and it brought all those feelings back, and she broke up with me because of the reason above. Been apart two weeks, and I'm just giving her space, I want to see her happy - she knows this - so I'll do anything that will make her happy.

Good luck with your situation mate, just be honest with her - and her FAMILY - there'll respect you more for it, especially if you see them as part of your family also.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Mekstizzle wrote:

It was Spidery Yoda eh, I dunno. I'm gonna need more evidence to prove that it's not .Sup

And Uzique, just let her come to her senses. Whatever you will do from now on is just lose:lose by the looks of it. As annoying as it is, there's probably nothing you can do but rely on her getting her shit straight, except make her realise all this shit is tearing you up, and it ain't a one way street
This. Time is what is needed and even then there is no guarantees.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Meow :3 :3

Kmarion wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

It was Spidery Yoda eh, I dunno. I'm gonna need more evidence to prove that it's not .Sup

And Uzique, just let her come to her senses. Whatever you will do from now on is just lose:lose by the looks of it. As annoying as it is, there's probably nothing you can do but rely on her getting her shit straight, except make her realise all this shit is tearing you up, and it ain't a one way street
This. Time is what is needed and even then there is no guarantees.
the man speaks the truths
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6976|Denver colorado
Just go with the flow and remember that there are a lot of people on this earth

Uzique wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Uzique wrote:

She's going home again tomorrow afternoon, anyway, for another week. Another week of being treated and having the time of her life with that wankstain, haha. I've just kind of resigned myself to the luck and chance of fate now, I suppose. Either she'll come around and realize everything I've given her and have been prepared to do for her, or she'll enjoy the liberties and care-free way of single-life way too much and will stay away for as long as possible. She'll have to be here in September/October though, when term starts, so she'll just be voluntarily making her own life very difficult if that is the path that she chooses to take.
Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants so just let her make up her mind. Let her know you're not happy about the situation and believe me she'll come running back gagging for you the second she realizes things are sketchy. I can't count the amount of times girls have treated me like shit, I dump them and they come running back ready to receive whatever you demand.
Ah she knows that things are sketchy man, and I've told her I'm more than unhappy about the way things are going- I have very clearly explained that I know, if I give her space then she's just going to run to creeper-guy and a 'liberated' single-lifestyle for support and consolation, and she'll never want to try and come back to fix a relationship that she has been unhappy in for the last few stressful weeks of moving-in and adjustment. Part of me wants to just slap her and say, let me fucking show you that everything is and will be fine, but her mental stress and emotional exhaustion really is just creating a huge barrier right now. Yes, she needs time to get over that blockade in her head so she can think clearly, but how is that 'clarity of thought' going to turn when she's been spending the majority of her summer month's with a creeper best friend, living a lifestyle with no restraint or responsibility? I can't see her fully 'healed' and recovered mind then thinking "Yeah, I want to return to that relationship I perceived as being unhappy, and then left without giving [Uzique] any chance to make things work". It's hideously unfair, but I know that it's the way things have got to be... if I try to coerce her into giving me a chance anymore, I'm just going to frustrate her mind and drive her further away. Getting this one back on track and ensuring that we patch-up this stressful bump in the road is going to be a major task: part-fluke and luck and part involving me sticking around and putting my entire life on hiatus until she finishes frolicking around and makes up her mind.

Difficult girls are difficult, it's such a massive kiln. This is the most I've ever posted in self-indulgent, shitty whine threads like this, but Jesus, it's also probably the first time I've given everything to a chick to make her and the relationship happy, and ironically also the first time it's all gone tits up for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
I understand your situation but all you can do is give it time and let her make her mind up. Girls are complicated creatures that are incredibly indecisive and will take ages to decide on what they want but you have to do more than just tell her you're unhappy if you want this to work out. If you're willing to wait then let her figure it out herself...if not tell her you want to take a break or end things letting her know it's because of her stupidity that it happened, i.e REALLY show her you're sick of the way she's treating you. I often find that until girls are mature enough to know better, just talking to them is a short term solution because they usually forget about the conversation you had and will continue treating you like shit. Sounds like you've put a lot of time, effort, emotions into this relationship and you're currently getting very little in return. Show her that's not acceptable and if she doesn't change then it's not meant to be...if she does then I guarantee things will change. People (me included) will dwell on a bad relationship feeling unhappy because they're scared of what may happen w/out their partner. This isn't healthy because you'll quite often find your self confidence being crushed constantly asking yourself 'is it me?'. As I said earlier it's very easy for me to give you advice objectively because my emotions aren't involved. If what I'm saying sounds incredibly rash then ignore it but you're going to have to stop and ask yourself...she's a lovely girl but do I deserve this treatment? If the answer is no then end it. You're still young and there are plenty more fish in the sea.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6976|Denver colorado
I hear that.
+3,936|6646|so randum
kick his fucking head in
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Wish I could, sadly if even talking to her about it makes her mindset way worse, kicking the crap into her best-friend isn't gonna do me any more of a favour!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+3,936|6646|so randum
hmmmm. take him clubbing or something, and plant something on him. then tell the bouncers.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6728|SE London

Sounds like you're screwed.

I've seen this happen many times. A guy I lived with a uni did a very similar thing, lusting after a girl we both lived with who had a long term boyfriend. The moment she moved in his personality totally changed and slowly, insidiously he began working away. It was quite pathetic to see really. I, along with all his team mates from the rugby squad, used to take the piss out of him for it relentlessly.

Anyway, despite the fact he never really had a chance with her he worked away hard, got her to dump her boyfriend and ended up having the occasional fumble with her - but nothing more.

Uzique wrote:

Wish I could, sadly if even talking to her about it makes her mindset way worse, kicking the crap into her best-friend isn't gonna do me any more of a favour!
ill kick that pigeon's fucking head in.
+3,611|6767|London, England
It's all well getting angry at this dude but if she falls for all of that shit, then that's her problem. If she can't stay committed or isn't trustworthy I mean do you want a chick like that. I mean yeah, the guy sounds like a cock but it's upto her to stay faithful and not do anything stupid.

Mekstizzle wrote:

It's all well getting angry at this dude but if she falls for all of that shit, then that's her problem. If she can't stay committed or isn't trustworthy I mean do you want a chick like that. I mean yeah, the guy sounds like a cock but it's upto her to stay faithful and not do anything stupid.
Peer pressure mek. If she's constantly got that guy putting negatives in her ear, its gonna take its toll n she's gonna start doubting the relationship

bennisboy wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

It's all well getting angry at this dude but if she falls for all of that shit, then that's her problem. If she can't stay committed or isn't trustworthy I mean do you want a chick like that. I mean yeah, the guy sounds like a cock but it's upto her to stay faithful and not do anything stupid.
Peer pressure mek. If she's constantly got that guy putting negatives in her ear, its gonna take its toll n she's gonna start doubting the relationship
Yeah, this guy has been her best friend for the last 3-4 years as well, really close... I always doubt guys that are apparently that Saintly, and always suspect they have their own motive. She's gone home again tonight, for the rest of the week, although she's assured me it's just to see family and he won't be in town. Here's a nice 'About Me' from his Facebook though, updated very recently:

Oh, all the times I've tasted love,
Never knew quite what I had.
Little darling, if you hear me now,
Never needed you so bad.

And I want to get free, talk to me,
I can feel you falling,
And I wanted to be all you need,
Somehow here is gone.

Kiss me, please kiss me
But kiss me out of desire, baby, not consolation.

Also, his little Facebook 'Write something here...' tab said "Why don't you just go away?" in it. Putting those together... am I just being too over-analytical and worrisome here? This guy makes me seethe with rage and fret with hardcore worry.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

It's all well getting angry at this dude but if she falls for all of that shit, then that's her problem. If she can't stay committed or isn't trustworthy I mean do you want a chick like that. I mean yeah, the guy sounds like a cock but it's upto her to stay faithful and not do anything stupid.
Peer pressure mek. If she's constantly got that guy putting negatives in her ear, its gonna take its toll n she's gonna start doubting the relationship
Yeah, this guy has been her best friend for the last 3-4 years as well, really close... I always doubt guys that are apparently that Saintly, and always suspect they have their own motive. She's gone home again tonight, for the rest of the week, although she's assured me it's just to see family and he won't be in town. Here's a nice 'About Me' from his Facebook though, updated very recently:

Oh, all the times I've tasted love,
Never knew quite what I had.
Little darling, if you hear me now,
Never needed you so bad.

And I want to get free, talk to me,
I can feel you falling,
And I wanted to be all you need,
Somehow here is gone.

Kiss me, please kiss me
But kiss me out of desire, baby, not consolation.

Also, his little Facebook 'Write something here...' tab said "Why don't you just go away?" in it. Putting those together... am I just being too over-analytical and worrisome here? This guy makes me seethe with rage and fret with hardcore worry.
I'd say it proves he's an emo cunt, but i dont think it has any bearing on you guys
All of his photo albums and photos involve her, and I guess it's my kind of course-ingrained habit to analyse text and read between the lines for meaning... but every single one of those lines has a poignant meaning and application to me and my girl, no? I called her just now to ask her how she is at home, just to give her a bell, and asked what her plans are anyway- she said tomorrow she's spending the day with him, for the rest of week there after he's going to be away. A little thing she overlooked to mention when I asked before, or something more sinister? I've never suspected anything before, but I know that since meeting up with him again after 4 months of complete silence, she feels "guilt" and "regret" about letting their friendship suffer and drop off. My family members that have spoke to me on the phone say they all know I over analyse and read far too much and far too speculatively into the 'psychology' of things, but it doesn't really stop me from feeling suspicious and freaked out, anyway.

And yeah, the phonecall home to check on things and honestly try to ask about that small thing really didn't help, haha. I think the suspicious and 'What the fuck are you playing at?' part of my mind is sorta hellbent on ruining my own chance at getting her back >.>
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+3,611|6767|London, England
If you reverse the situation/roles I bet she'd go ballistic if it was you and another chick

Fuck this I'm glad I'm single

(not really)

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