Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

SealXo wrote:

my girlfriend is fucking her female teacher

i win

krazed wrote:

SealXo wrote:

my girlfriend is fucking her female teacher

i win
the pics ive got break zi rules if you catch my drift
+2,187|6715|Mountains of NC

krazed wrote:

SealXo wrote:

my girlfriend is fucking her female teacher

i win
what I'm hoping is something like this :

IIRC, Seal likes older women, and teachers are usually pretty old too. I think pics would look more like this:
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

SealXo wrote:

krazed wrote:

SealXo wrote:

my girlfriend is fucking her female teacher

i win
the pics ive got break zi rules if you catch my drift
upload + pm 


krazed wrote:

SealXo wrote:

my girlfriend is fucking her female teacher

i win
what I'm hoping is something like this : … ians-2.jpg
shes like the one on the left, and the teachers about 29 and chubbs and looks like shes in her 30's

Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

krazed wrote:

SealXo wrote:

krazed wrote:

the pics ive got break zi rules if you catch my drift
upload + pm 
+2,187|6715|Mountains of NC

SealXo wrote:


krazed wrote:

what I'm hoping is something like this : … ians-2.jpg
shes like the one on the left, and the teachers about 29 and chubbs and looks like shes in her 30's

you're killing the chub

I hope you're happy ............ you've offical killed it

*digs into porn pile for awsmness*
Man oozique, that sounds like a balls situation to be in!
Have a proper chat wit her and tell her that to make your relationship stronger, when she needs support she should be turning to you, cos thats what you're there for. Tell her how her going straight to that other guy is belittling your role in the relationship. Ask her how she'd feel if you had a girl mate you did that with. Tell her you're not asking her to stop being friends with te guy, but jus make you first port of call for support, not some creepy guy that wanst to get in her pants (You might wanna rephrase that last bit)

bennisboy wrote:

Man oozique, that sounds like a balls situation to be in!
Have a proper chat wit her and tell her that to make your relationship stronger, when she needs support she should be turning to you, cos thats what you're there for. Tell her how her going straight to that other guy is belittling your role in the relationship. Ask her how she'd feel if you had a girl mate you did that with. Tell her you're not asking her to stop being friends with te guy, but jus make you first port of call for support, not some creepy guy that wanst to get in her pants (You might wanna rephrase that last bit)
Ah bennis, you wise man... I've done exactly those things.

First, I said to her that having him around as a permanent third-wheel isn't cool, for me or any (hypothetical) boyfriend, because it undermines and does belittle the proper role and purpose of the boyfriend. It just makes you feel worthless and rivalled when your chick is upset and runs off to make a phonecall to some other (supposedly) understanding and selfless best-friend. She said to her female friends a few months ago that she's really glad for me and "my understanding", because if I had a friend in the same style as him->her, then she would be really insecure and envious. Bearing in mind that this was before I caught wind of the dodgy, creepy "I miss us" emails, and stopped being quite so 'understanding' and complacent.

Also, after she said that she regretted cutting ties with him, I stressed that I never told her I wanted him to disappear and stop being her friend - and I even double-checked her and made sure she had definitely thought it through before she sent that "We need to change our friendship" email - which she all did of her own doing and willpower, of course. Male friends are no different to female friends to me, I'm just not the jealous or overprotective sort, I have nothing to be jealous or afraid of. It's the creeping, 'I love you but I'll lie dormant as a best-friend for a while until my opportunity rises' type that makes me worry-- she says I don't trust her, but as I keep repeating to her: I trust you, I just don't trust them. When she had her day out at Thorpe Park today with him, and he dropped her off at our fucking house, it felt borderline ridiculous. My girlfriend getting brought back from a merry day out with the awkward 'more than just friends' guy, to come back to me after being away for 3-4 days. She didn't even want to hop into bed with me or particularly lie around and talk with me when she got in, which she normally would... instead she was just "tired after a long day", and went straight to sleep, alone. Normally this would ring alarm-bells about affairs and 'she wants him!' and all that bullshit- but I know her emotional psychology, and I genuinely know that she doesn't want him. Still, I'm worried about there being a low, depressive moment where she turns to him for a little more than just a shoulder to cry on. As long as my supportive, proper boyfriend role is being undermined by him as it is now, that scenario is always a risky possibility.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
well you're far more trusting than i am, i can tell you that much
+718|6667|Austin, Texas
There is a final solution for all your problems...

Spoiler (highlight to read):
I guess so... for a while I thought I was just paranoid and insecure, really beat myself up for not trusting her, but now I'm just quite decided on the fact that I don't trust her weird ass friends, and I can rely on the fact that I know her better than anyone else (except perhaps her mum) has ever known her. She's opened up to me more than anyone, about everything, including the really deep parts about her self-image issues and whatnot, things that this other guy would comfort her about in the past, without really knowing why she was upset. He just did it without asking any questions about awkward and uncomfortable subjects, which I guess is why he was good for her at that time and point in her life.

Affairs and cheating and all that- just nahhh. She's known him for like 4-5 years, if there was any genuine chemistry and she wanted to be with him, they would have had their elopement by now- even if it was only a one-night stand or an awkward kiss at a party. Hasn't happened... either there's mega-mega-mega tension on an unimaginable scale, or she's only ever seen him as an emotional pillar to lean on, which is far more likely considering her mental 'state', so to say (she's not insane, I just want to be polite and not give unnecessary details about her issues). She's a golden girl, really principled with good morals, and she just wouldn't do the lying, cheating thing. She would definitely tell me that we're not working and we're over before she crawled sobbingly into bed with this ginger prick just because he advertises himself as more comforting. Oh, that and the fact that we're tied into a 12-month minimum house rent now on a luxury property... haha, she would have to go to her 'rents to bail her out financially if she was stupid enough to fuck up the relationship by getting with him, which I'm confident she won't. She does love me, and in a non self-aggrandizing way, I do have the significant realisation that I am one of the closest and most meaningful companions she's ever had. She's had a pretty rough time with her self-image crap, and I'm the first person to ever really penetrate through those mental defenses and give her some support. Our relationship's core is pretty solid, despite the fact that things seem shaky and weirdly out of sync right now... guess it's something like Poschy said, about readjusting to the domestic, relationship-bound lifestyle. I just want to swat the annoying flies that are buzzing around us right now, because when she's feeling low and starts having doubts and insecure, trifling worries over us, seemingly 'supportive' (but self-interested) best-friends that offer to take her away to a better place is definitely not what I need. She can be a handful, head-wise and emotions wise, but I love her for it and want to protect her fragility, not let some fucko that wants his own slice of her slide in there when she's down and out and convince her that he's the next Jesus.

Last edited by Uzique (2009-09-05 15:41:28)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

By the sound of it Uzi, you guys will be fine. TBH, it sounds like he'll fuck it up for himself, if he is the annoying, weird, creepy dude you make him out to be. He wants her back, and if she's as faithful as you says she is, he'll do something stupid like hit on her when drunk, and she'll tell him to get fucked; and whilst they may remain friends, he'll lose the close emotional thing they've got going on right now. I understand that that's really frustrating for you right now, and if you've already been very blunt with her about how you feel about it, then I'm not sure there's much else you can do, without straining the relationship.

EDIT: This may not make much sense; I'm pretty trashed and despite re-reading it 3 times I'm sure it's rather hard to understand.

Last edited by ghettoperson (2009-07-17 17:23:38)

+718|6667|Austin, Texas

ghettoperson wrote:

By the sound of it Uzi, you guys will be fine. TBH, it sounds like he'll fuck it up for himself, if he is the annoying, weird, creepy dude you make him out to be. He wants her back, and if she's as faithful as you says she is, he'll do something stupid like hit on her when drunk, and she'll tell him to get fucked; and whilst they may remain friends, he'll lose the close emotional thing they've got going on right now. I understand that that's really frustrating for you right now, and if you've already been very blunt with her about how you feel about it, then I'm not sure there's much else you can do, without straining the relationship.

EDIT: This may not make much sense; I'm pretty trashed and despite re-reading it 3 times I'm sure it's rather hard to understand.
You write coherently when drunk, but apparently you can't read so well. Made sense the first time I read it..

ghettoperson wrote:

By the sound of it Uzi, you guys will be fine. TBH, it sounds like he'll fuck it up for himself, if he is the annoying, weird, creepy dude you make him out to be. He wants her back, and if she's as faithful as you says she is, he'll do something stupid like hit on her when drunk, and she'll tell him to get fucked; and whilst they may remain friends, he'll lose the close emotional thing they've got going on right now. I understand that that's really frustrating for you right now, and if you've already been very blunt with her about how you feel about it, then I'm not sure there's much else you can do, without straining the relationship.

EDIT: This may not make much sense; I'm pretty trashed and despite re-reading it 3 times I'm sure it's rather hard to understand.
Yeah, it makes sense.

He is a creepy, annoying, weird and overly-emotionally-close guy to her... the problem is, that because of her emotional relation to him, plus a bit of the old innocent naivety- she just never has or likely never will catch on to what he is actually trying and wishing for. She has always seen him as a best friend, "like a brother", intensely close and someone that she has loved in a familial way, for years. He is firmly stuck in her 'best friend zone', like a lot of other members here complain about being stuck in. The problem arises when I can see and smell his bullshit attempts to wriggle out of it and become more, and I'm annoyed and wound-up by his antics and adventures with her, when all she sees is innocent funtimes with a very close friend and shoulder-to-lean-on, where I see a guy totally in-love that doesn't properly know how to take it to the next level. She would reject him, anyway, but it still makes me fucking uncomfortable and bothered everytime they go out on a couple day-out together, and it still makes me less than pleased about this latest advancement when she wants him around for phone-contact and support/consolation every fucking day. It's just a promotion for him and his desperate want for more, whilst for no reason at all my role and capability as a boyfriend gets back-benched.

Last edited by Uzique (2009-09-05 15:42:07)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT
He is attracted because he sees an opportunity, and that is continually reinforced by your girlfriend's reception of his attempts. Although she isn't accepting him per se, she certainly isn't rejecting him. Until its made clear to him there is no opportunity, he is going to attempt to "win" her, and generally be the headache you so despise right now. As she seems incapable of communicating to he isn't going to get anywhere with the current situation, you'll either have to wait for him to do something stupid enough to cause her to set explicit boundaries for their friendship, or do something to remedy the issue yourself. If you are comfortable with this, it might be a good idea to talk with the guy over something impersonal, such as FB or instant messaging, and find out what he is thinking about the situation. Just ask general questions such as "How do you see (her) as a friend?", and don't be hostile or overly direct. Make appear more like you are getting information than trying to push him off - since you are - and then see if that information could help you resolve the situation. He might say something stupid in the conversation, or imply it, and that would perhaps make your girlfriend more willing to accept a direct approach later on.
Little BaBy JESUS
Do you know of any of this guys previous relationships? Because some guys are just like freakishly persistent and do not have a complete understanding of how it works (in other words they don't understand the concept "don't cut mah grass fool").
i jus realised, a few years ago, i was the guy in your story, but someone elses relationship, except less weird. However for the first year n a bit when she had a bf, the tension n friendship built up. Yeah i dated other girls in that time, but when us two were together we'd be like a couple except without the sexual interaction. Eventually the girl broke up with her bf (altho it was nothing to do with me) n two years later we still pull on almost every night out when we are single.

Basically i'm sayin your gf wont cheat on you, n she's not gonna break up with you for him, but she's definitely leading him on if he's carrying on like that, n there probably is some tension between them.

All i can say is try to show her how you can offer more comfort than him and other stuff as well (if u know what i mean)

As for not jumping on you when she got home, she probably was tired, havin sex at a theme park all day takes it out of you.

Lol i kid, but she probably was actually tired
Haha, well...

I sstayed with her last night, made her feel back at home and whatnot, but this morning things took a swing for the worst... she woke up, we spoke a little about the time she spent with him and the general way that it is all going to fit into the relationship. She broke down in tears, saying that she was at the end of her resources, was spent, and that she couldn't go on. She's a pretty emotionally-tough girl to deal with, and I guess the stress of the first few weeks of living in a house together has really made things tense and anxious in her mind-- all the while I have been completely unknowing and just in daydream-autopilot. The 'stress' and harm that me talking to her about things like this creeper guy has, apparently, gradually wore her down and now she wants separation. She says she's still just as in love, just now she needs time to fully be alone in her own head, to 'refind' herself and figure out what she really wants when she's not constantly anxious and on the edge. Considering her really complicated mind and its many dark, pessimistic spots, I'm going to honestly say that I think I've lost this one for good. Her mind has been darkening and putting a tense and evil edge on every small disagreement we've had for the last few weeks, and now the result is that these (seemingly small) issues that continually reappear about her and this guy-friend have pushed her over the edge, to breakdown.

Normally for anyone else this would seem melodramatic and a bit over-the-top; for her though, I completely believe it's genuine. Just sucks that people as complicated and as mentally high-strung as her don't really give any indication-- all the time she was telling me things were brilliant, it's the happiest she's ever been, she's so grateful for this new adventure in her life, etc. whilst all along little things like this peevish guy and small, abrasive arguments over minor things have whittled away her ability to cope. She has been stressed generally with the whole 'moving in' process, and has been freaking out majorly about finding a job so she has some steady income, for the rent... I found her a job, hooked her up with it myself, so her mind is at rest about it. Seems I couldn't and didn't do enough. I guess only time will tell; she has said that whatever happens she wants a "clean slate"- whether that means she'll screw her head back on (which could take days, weeks, months... years) and realize all the positive, good strengths about us that she overlooked in her depressive-state, or she'll enjoy the time apart to herself, without the stresses and responsibilities of a relationship, and will stay that way. I kinda suspect the latter, if for no other reason than the fact that these last few weeks/months, which have been really good and awesome to me, have actually been wearing her down and grinding away at her mental insecurities and hangups.


Last edited by Uzique (2009-07-18 03:04:39)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6868|Sydney, Australia

Uzique wrote:

... Sucks.
Bugger mate.
I know, I was and do honestly want to make things work, too... one of those rare relationships that you actually give a fuck, and don't mind swallowing some pride for in order to keep going and make stronger. Kinda out of my hands though when she feels mentally exhausted and spent, because of her own depressive state and sheer stressout. We're living together for the rest of the year too, haha, so if she does conclude that she wants a permanent separation after her 'collecting my head' phase, we're going to have to listen to each other getting our fuck-on. Oh Jesus, what have I done?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT
Hm, that is a bit worse than having the guy just annoy you. Perhaps you should still go after him, as an insurance policy, so that if she "refinds" herself, and decides that you are who she desires (or whatever romantic crap women think of), he won't be an issue when your relationship resumes. If you are still dedicated to her, too, it might be a good idea to do that right away. If she has been relying on that other person for emotional support, its highly likely that she'll be going to him sometime soon (through text messages or whatever communication she uses), and that he will recognize this is an even greater opportunity. Essentially, try not to let him in between you two during this time, or you will have hurt your chances of getting her back. I hope you find a good solution to this (that involves salvaging the relationship), because it sounds like you really care about her.

nukchebi0 wrote:

Hm, that is a bit worse than having the guy just annoy you. Perhaps you should still go after him, as an insurance policy, so that if she "refinds" herself, and decides that you are who she desires (or whatever romantic crap women think of), he won't be an issue when your relationship resumes. If you are still dedicated to her, too, it might be a good idea to do that right away. If she has been relying on that other person for emotional support, its highly likely that she'll be going to him sometime soon (through text messages or whatever communication she uses), and that he will recognize this is an even greater opportunity. Essentially, try not to let him in between you two during this time, or you will have hurt your chances of getting her back. I hope you find a good solution to this (that involves salvaging the relationship), because it sounds like you really care about her.
I know, she's going to be calling home and calling him a lot for the emotional support needed, now that she's convinced herself that she has nothing left to give, and that we have to finish... ironic really, isn't it? She will inevitably go straight to him, so he can serve the role that he has always played for her, and she'll be comforted and will find solace there-- will probably settle and be happy with the single life, as he convinces her that being apart from our amazing relationship isn't so bad after all. I sorely do regret every single little squabble we had since moving into the house... what I thought of as petty nothings have just added to her stress and inner-tension and has caused her to snap. I've been speaking to her on and off all morning but she is adamant that she needs a break, and doesn't know if we will get back together or resolve anything. I'm pretty terrified, I guess, because every single thing that has happened over this nightmarish past week has been completely out of my control, and hasn't been anything to do with me. When it comes to your partner's head and thoughts, what can you do? She is sure in her mind that being alone and trusting the one person she only knows she can 100% trust, herself, is the best way for her to recover and get back onto her feet. I'm sad, upset and disappointed that I contributed towards 'draining' her in the first place, and even with this new knowledge and assurances that things can change so she doesn't feel that way, she doesn't want to take the leap of faith required to trust me, who could potentially harm or let down her fragile mindset.

Ah, going to be a tough week or so. She says she's going home again, "because she left her iPod", which I'm sure is a truthful reason... but it will inevitably result in her hanging out with the creeper best-friend guy some more, as he shows her that he's a far better support than I ever have been, and as he shows her that being away from me doesn't have to be sad and gloomy, with his days out and his "I'll pay for everything!" faked generosity. Fucking hell, I'm absolutely checkmated and I haven't even had a play so far in this boardgame.

Last edited by Uzique (2009-07-18 03:37:17)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
dont blame yourself man. We all know how difficult some girls can be to deal with emotionally. Sounds like you tried everything you could but she didn't appreciate it. And its probably cos she had that guy constantly in her ear blowing every fight you two had out of proportion

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