I'm with the flametroll on this one.usm wrote:
who said anything about folding? i am saying it is making the environment worse. isnt that the opposite of what we are supposed to do?
The net effect will be to shift production to lower cost, lower efficiency, dirtier production areas.
And the US will lose its production capability and zillions of jobs.
OTOH Another way of looking at it is as follows:
Cost of a product is proportional to the cost of the energy used to make it, which is proportional to the CO2 used to produce it (assuming a level playing field, which it more or less is).
Cost of coal, oil, steel, plastic etc is about even for US, Europe and China, since its all bought on the world market.
In the developed world we have 'relatively' clean and efficient industry, but we pay our people well - which adds to the cost of the product - and they in turn consume and burn resources until whittled away all their income can be shown to end up as burnt coal or oil.
Farmed food requires energy, heating homes takes energy, driving a V8 4WD to work takes energy.
In the less developed world maybe they are dirtier and less efficient, but their people earn less, don't drive so much, don't take so many holidays.
Ultimately whatever you spend on a product ends up as CO2 via oil or coal.
The lower the cost in theory the less environmental damage.
Fuck Israel