huhRyan wrote:
Broadcast can be one hell of a map.usmarine wrote:
3 days.....during war
Call of Duty 4.usmarine wrote:
huhRyan wrote:
Broadcast can be one hell of a map.usmarine wrote:
3 days.....during war
A little less than 3 days (don't know exactly a few hours less). It was fun :]
Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
I have no idea really. I have no desire to test myself in this area either. Sleep deprivation does bad things to you and I don't see why you'd want to do that on purpose. Longest I can remember was pulling a couple of all nighters back in my lan-party days. I ended up falling asleep on my keyboard during a game of Counter-Strike. (Not because I was sleepy but because Counter-Strike is such a boring game obviously.)
In the army I've learned to take whatever sleep you can get whenever you can, so I've taken naps in trucks etc, breaking otherwise long periods without sleep.
Long story short: I need my beauty sleep.
Night all.
In the army I've learned to take whatever sleep you can get whenever you can, so I've taken naps in trucks etc, breaking otherwise long periods without sleep.
Long story short: I need my beauty sleep.
Night all.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
68 hours for me
Under 24 hours. Why? Because I was tired and went to bed....
Till the point i've gotten nausea.. headache, tunnel vision. It's a lot like being drunk.. loss of motor skills. I've done 3 days, maybe more. But I've also done like a weeks with less than 10 hours total.
Xbone Stormsurgezz