Bertster wrote:
My point there is that responsibility is about due care and diligence. Not legality. Whether something is legal or not bears absolutely no relation whatsoever to whether it should be irresponsible.
Due care and diligence can't be left up to the individual, thats why we have laws and the mechanisms to enforce them.
I like shooting, I quite fancy a machine-gun, they're widely available, I don't see why they should be illegal - its just the jack boot govt trying to prevent me having my fun, and gun crime is wildy exaggerated by the fascist media as part of the global plot to prevent me enjoying myself.
If I blow my ear-drums in or my leg off, or it turns out to be a welded up hack-job and blows up in my face thats my problem, I know what I'm getting into, I'll bear the responsibility, but I will expect the health service to pick up the tab.
Should I obtain one I don't see the need to unload it when I'm not using it or keep it in a safe, I won't misuse it so you have nothing to worry about there. I'm an expert marksman and very responsible about where I shoot (although obviously it won't be on a licensed range) so there is no risk of accidentally hurting anyone.
I've never been burgled, so the likelihood of it being stolen is remote. If some irresponsible person burgles my house and steals it, well they're the criminal not me, I'll report it to the Police and claim on my insurance as one does.
Providing I don't do anything wrong, apart from obtaining said machine gun in the first place - which is only breaking a petty and annoying law which needn't apply to me - I don't see any issue with this course of action.
I will have a clear conscience handing over money to hardworking backstreet gunmakers/dealers, who are after all just trying to make a tax-free living in the neo-fascist totalitarian state we find ourselves in thanks to the oppression of big business and the illuminati.
Never mind that I could man up and go live somewhere I could have as many legal machine guns as I want, some states in America, Somalia, Yemen etc. I can't be arsed to do that.
I will introduce my kids to machine-gunning at the appropriate age, they'll be curious and it might as well be from me as the guy on the street corner.
So there you go, its easy to enjoy unlicensed military weapons responsibly and no harms done to anyone.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-07-13 05:33:16)