]] wake

Their admins literally kick people who are better than them, kick people who get in their vehicles, kick people who kill them. I was kicked many times from there for reason "high ping over <random high number>" and I was all the time <50. Or then when I killed their admins in J10, simply just !k BYE

This server is habited by the worst, most immature, stupidest and retarded admins in the whole BF2 scene. Typical dickless kids, and they really are bad, but think elseway of themselves, oh god.. Is there a way to report these cases? There admins are prolly breaking like the every BF2RoE -,-
Was once again playing on their server. Totally wrecking opposite teams with like 70kills 0 deaths rounds (easy when theyre all n00bs) and poof .. Bann'd for stat pad (??) and cheating. They even had a real multihacker on their server with aimbot and they didnt really care or then their admins didnt understand english. Funny to see how low some people fall just to comfort themselves : )
+45|6163|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ

RoaringJet[FIN] wrote:

Was once again playing on their server. Totally wrecking opposite teams with like 70kills 0 deaths rounds (easy when theyre all n00bs) and poof .. Bann'd for stat pad (??) and cheating. They even had a real multihacker on their server with aimbot and they didnt really care or then their admins didnt understand english. Funny to see how low some people fall just to comfort themselves : )
Exactly the same thing happened to me other day I posted in different section, was on Polska Dragon Valley there was aimbotter there and I was owning their team bad and got kicked for cheating/stats pad and nothing got done about the real cheater thats why I'm sticking only to a couple of servers now
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!
(-bs-) 24/7 wake

These douche bags kicked me for bunny hopping on Wake Island (dumb).   After I logged back in, they kicked me again instantly, asking if I will remember to not bunny hop.  I joined right back up and again and was instantly kicked, reminding me that they don't want me to bunny hop.  A third rejoin later, they instantly kicked me and told me not rejoin for a 4th time unless I was absolutely sure I would bunny hop.

4 instant kicks from the one (1) (-bs-) player on the server, just for one bunny hop.  And I swear to god, he's just pissed I mowed him down while he tried to snipe me from 10 feet away.

F**k that server.  Wake blows anyways.
I hope Hell has wi-fi.
+150|5755|Yeah, there :)
Don't remember the server but we were owning them so I got "kicked for my nickname" (change nickname please - first time ever because of my nick haha) - the first round when they were better( i joined in the middle of the game) no one on our side was kicked, my nickname was okay too, no one said anything Second round we were owning them and i think they didn't like that. And when a friend asked them why did they kick, if it's maby because they can't take some competition he got warned for "talking back to admins" probably would get kicked also, but he left on his own instantly
How stupid can u get really.

Last edited by LittleBitchy (2009-07-06 06:22:50)

Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.

RoaringJet[FIN] wrote:

]] wake

Their admins literally kick people who are better than them, kick people who get in their vehicles, kick people who kill them.
Sounds a bit like VooDoos admins. They've kicked my friends simply because they were better than the admins.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.

RoaringJet[FIN] wrote:

Was once again playing on their server. Totally wrecking opposite teams with like 70kills 0 deaths rounds (easy when theyre all n00bs) and poof .. Bann'd for stat pad (??) and cheating. They even had a real multihacker on their server with aimbot and they didnt really care or then their admins didnt understand english. Funny to see how low some people fall just to comfort themselves : )
Same thing happened to me but there main admin is a hacker anyway bunch of losers!!!!!!!!
I was banned from the HOG server for "suspected hack", they also said they took PB screenshots of me and after they review those would they have a verdict if my ban is permanant or not.

Of course 1 week later I was still banned. Seeing that PB didn't ban my CD key means my screen shots wern't worthy of submitting to PB.
I posted on their forums and my thread got deleted. I guess killing their admins a bunch violates their server rules.
Haha, =HOG= sucks bigtime.
FUB ain't much better.
I'm a god damn American Jedi

Yeah, FUB banned me when I was leading a squad that flanked 2 of their squads. Supposedly I was banned for "Multihack." After applying to have my ban removed, they told me to appeal my listed ban with PBBans which isn't even affiliated with Punkbuster aka

I'm a god damn American Jedi

pinkie_slapepd wrote:

*R|A* or raging Angels is a fail clan.

1. In there rules you must have 150+ hours in order to join... 6 members don't have 150.
2. Some of the server admins have no idea on how the game works.
3. They ban people for living near a friend who has hacked.
4. there members stretch the rules to give them selfs an advantage in game.
5. Do something against the rules that one of there members is doing and you will get in trouble with them having no consequence.
Their server is alright... I have my good days and my bad days there...
Here's a list of Clans on my blacklist, so to speak:

=KB= Killer B (Multiple Servers)

Last edited by Guardian_Ekim (2009-09-13 13:05:14)

+49|6943|Ireland, **MZ.: Bigeasy (admin) kicked cause I killed him when he was tiring to rob a jet from the MEC airfield, kicked when I killed him when he did rob it, reason kicked for kamikaze (?) then kicked for seat swtiching, returned then asked "so you make up the rules as you go along??" banned....

Last edited by Chorcai (2009-08-28 15:08:23)

Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

Guardian_Ekim wrote:

Yeah, FUB banned me when I was leading a squad that flanked 2 of their squads. Supposedly I was banned for "Multihack." After applying to have my ban removed, they told me to appeal my listed ban with PBBans which isn't even affiliated with Punkbuster aka

This is true that they (pbbans) aren't affiliated but even balance does not offer streaming ban support. PBBans and PunksBusted do offer it to server admins.
ANY server streaming pbbans or punksbusted is going to kick you for being listed. So don't blame FUB for your having cheat software on your computer at some point. Maybe you don't hack now but you were caught once and now that will follow your cd key.
I ain't a FUB member past or present and I currently don't play there because they have pussified their server rules (can't bomb helo pads ffs like they are mini uncaps are something). so not a FUB fan boy

Last edited by Stubbee (2009-08-28 15:48:24)

The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

I just got 'banned' from the T*E (some Brazilian clan) server. I had a ping of ~90, all their members had pings of 150~300. I was riding in the gunner seat of a bomber (NOT EVEN FLYING!) and I got this message:
Banning MattyBoy714 for flying aircraft with under 100 ping!!! Do not fly aircraft with under 100 ping!!!!
fucking retards.
site lurkerer
+26|6939|cheshire u.k

mtb0minime wrote:

I just got 'banned' from the T*E (some Brazilian clan) server. I had a ping of ~90, all their members had pings of 150~300. I was riding in the gunner seat of a bomber (NOT EVEN FLYING!) and I got this message:
Banning MattyBoy714 for flying aircraft with under 100 ping!!! Do not fly aircraft with under 100 ping!!!!
fucking retards.
really??  seriously??

that has really tickled me,rofl...
pub hero!
+603|6677|the land of bourbon

lettuce wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

I just got 'banned' from the T*E (some Brazilian clan) server. I had a ping of ~90, all their members had pings of 150~300. I was riding in the gunner seat of a bomber (NOT EVEN FLYING!) and I got this message:
Banning MattyBoy714 for flying aircraft with under 100 ping!!! Do not fly aircraft with under 100 ping!!!!
fucking retards.
really??  seriously??

that has really tickled me,rofl...
only hackers have <100 ping.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7075|Great Brown North
lulz kicked once banned twice... poor admins
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

mtb0minime wrote:

I just got 'banned' from the T*E (some Brazilian clan) server. I had a ping of ~90, all their members had pings of 150~300. I was riding in the gunner seat of a bomber (NOT EVEN FLYING!) and I got this message:
Banning MattyBoy714 for flying aircraft with under 100 ping!!! Do not fly aircraft with under 100 ping!!!!
fucking retards.
yeah they have a US-based server ( i guess it is cheaper than a Brazilian one) and don't want to owned by all you US players. So do what I do and go AA. If you can't fly than make sure they can't either
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
=BoX= servers are filled with ban happy admins.  Not only that, they have more rules than any server I've been on.  Play there only if you like being babysitted.  Their admins are pretty dense also... takes a while to explain stuff to em
envision, v4|, [cMc]
+5|5645|Atlanta, Georgia
This has prolly been said already, but Digital Anarchy dA! will ban you for no reason.  Like getting into the chopper?
I'm a god damn American Jedi

Stubbee wrote:

This is true that they (pbbans) aren't affiliated but even balance does not offer streaming ban support. PBBans and PunksBusted do offer it to server admins.
ANY server streaming pbbans or punksbusted is going to kick you for being listed. So don't blame FUB for your having cheat software on your computer at some point. Maybe you don't hack now but you were caught once and now that will follow your cd key.
I ain't a FUB member past or present and I currently don't play there because they have pussified their server rules (can't bomb helo pads ffs like they are mini uncaps are something). so not a FUB fan boy
For the record, I NEVER have nor EVER will have cheat software on my computer because I don't believe in using shit like that to get an edge over my opponent. PBBans supposedly has me listed on a ban from a Germany server from a few years ago. FUB found that ban and decided to ban be based on that. I'm not sure why I would join a Germany server when my ping would be off the wall. If anyone thinks I'm hacking, check my stats:

If I were a hacker, I think my stats would be MUCH better.



PS - a follow-up on *R|A* aka Raging Angels...

Apparently this clan uses PBBans. I've played on their Dailan Plant server quite frequently. Their rules are easy to follow and their server admins are normally pretty level-headed. However, I recently applied to join their clan and I guess you have to pass some crazy recruit status to join. Well, then they check your PBBan history and decided to ban me based on that bullshit from PBBans and FUB. So yeah, they're now on my "black list" too....

Just got banned from RoadWarrior for "stats". WTF does that mean? I asked why but was gone a second later. Oh well, obviously I'm too good for those morons (even though I'm not really all that amazing at this game).
I'm a god damn American Jedi

Eleazar wrote:

=BoX= servers are filled with ban happy admins.  Not only that, they have more rules than any server I've been on.  Play there only if you like being babysitted.  Their admins are pretty dense also... takes a while to explain stuff to em
Well, their rules, for the most part, are easy to follow. Yet, they get really kick happy if you're engaged in combat with an F-35 and happen to follow it over the US Carrier even if you are NOT attacking the carrier. After being warned a few times, I started breaking my lock and swerving away to avoid being "near the carrier" and re-engaging when the 35s would come back over the hill. However, even doing that my missles that were already launched would hit late even if they turned around to go repair at carrier again, thus killing them over the carrier. I think it's funny that =BoX= pretty much has anything goes for the rest of the map EXCEPT for the carrier on Dragon Valley. After all, there's a cap point (Docks) on the west side of the carrier and it can be difficult for jets to do a bombing run on either Docks or Vista without being "near the carrier" at some point.

I played on 2 of Killer B =KB='s servers today. One of them has a ton of rules similar to BoX, and their "#4" server is supposed to be more laxed with less rules, but you're still not allowed to attack the carrier there and the admins will get kick happy for jets getting near the carrier as well.

I tend not to have a problem following "House Rules" in a server, but when an admin gets a little too uptight about their rules and how they're enforced, it really ticks me off. People seem to think points like a US Carrier should be immune to attack. Well, have you ever heard about what happened in Pearl Harbor? Japanese Kamikaze pilots would ruin whole ships by bombarding them and then crashing their jets into them when they were out of ammo.

This is a game based on WAR, people. Grow some thicker skin and deal with it. I'm not saying a server should be without any rules. However, there have been a slew of servers lately that clearly violate the BF2ROE like these "TIME" servers and it seems like nobody's doing jack about it anymore. I remember when Indian Chief and his crew used to submit reports to EA/DICE and get servers shut down as well as players reset.

Well, I'm done with my rant for the day...

Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
I don't think you meant to say there were kamikazes (OR JETS ) at Pearl Harbor?

If you don't like the time server then report them yourself to EA.

As for your ban and your denial: I don't know you but I do know lots of people from these forums who VEHEMENTLY deny using hacks only to be caught via PBSS or streaming software. Most hackers are shit players that use hacks just to get to a median ability level.
If the PBBans listing is wrong then appeal it. You can't blame admins unwilling to allow players, listed on PBBans or PsB, to play on their servers. The onus is not on them to prove you hack.

Yeah DA will ban you for flying in 'their helo' or 'their jet'. They have a well known reputation for douchebaggery behavior. Not mention a lot of them have had to buy new CD keys if you know what I mean.

Last edited by Stubbee (2009-09-10 12:01:36)

The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

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