I searched the messages and didn't seem to find an adequate answer.

I got my 18 IAR klls with a pistol about 100 short of 500 kills. I'm over 500 now for a few days and no Expert Pistol Badge. How come?  Do I need to get the 18 IAR kills AFTER I get to 500? If so then that really sucks!!!!
+93|6825|Alaska, mother fucker.
you must get 500 first then get the 18, you will be awarded then, vry sry you didnt know this
Well, that really does suck. They should explain this better in the awards section. CRAP!! And that took me a long time to get 18 IAR!!!!! They should list it as 500 kills FIRST, then 18 kills IAR AFTER reaching 500!!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!

I wonder if there are any of the other awards that have this same issue that haven't been explained adequately!!!!!!
+0|6752|California :D
All the badges that require a global amount of something and a IAR thing requires the global to be done first
Have you seen my nutz?
Use the engineer pistol it works alot better. I don't have as many kills with a pistol as you but i do have quite a bit and the engineer pistol works the best
Why would the engineer pistol work best? They are all the same. The only difference is that the Spec Ops and Sniper are silenced.

I've got 544 total kills now. It'll probably take me a couple of hundred more to get the 18 IAR. I keep getting 10, 12, 16 but that elusive 18 is a killer!

Finally got my expert pistol and 2 other ribbons last night!!!

Now, does this global thing apply to the other EXPERT badges for the 7 kits? Do I need to get 100 hrs each before even think of the 40 kills IAR for each of the kits (*35 kills for sniper)?

Last edited by markH262 (2006-04-06 11:55:43)

+93|6825|Alaska, mother fucker.

markH262 wrote:

Why would the engineer pistol work best? They are all the same. The only difference is that the Spec Ops and Sniper are silenced.

I've got 544 total kills now. It'll probably take me a couple of hundred more to get the 18 IAR. I keep getting 10, 12, 16 but that elusive 18 is a killer!

Finally got my expert pistol and 2 other ribbons last night!!!

Now, does this global thing apply to the other EXPERT badges for the 7 kits? Do I need to get 100 hrs each before even think of the 40 kills IAR for each of the kits (*35 kills for sniper)?
exactly, get 100hrs then get the 40kills

markH262 wrote:

I searched the messages and didn't seem to find an adequate answer.

I got my 18 IAR klls with a pistol about 100 short of 500 kills. I'm over 500 now for a few days and no Expert Pistol Badge. How come?  Do I need to get the 18 IAR kills AFTER I get to 500? If so then that really sucks!!!!
You really need to read the requirements. It clearly states that ALL Global requirements must be MET BEFORE A ROUND BEGINS. Just because you go over 500, doesn't automatically mean you get the reward in that round.
Got His War On
+37|6926|Golden, CO
You didn't get it because God hates you.
gone, tired of kiddietrashtalk

deject wrote:

You didn't get it because God hates you.
donĀ“t know why but just thought the same..

btw, its also better to change the server or at least the map after you have the global req and start for the IAR-points.

Last edited by eagleray69 (2006-04-07 02:16:42)

+0|6754|CA, USA
So confess your sin...on which map, with which kit, and using what strategy did you achieve the 18 pistol kill greatness?

I'm interested in hearing the varied places where people do this.

mikelyons wrote:

So confess your sin...on which map, with which kit, and using what strategy did you achieve the 18 pistol kill greatness?

I'm interested in hearing the varied places where people do this.
What a gimp just cos he dont know how


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