Rerailed by a mod ->Dilbert_X wrote:
Well now this is getting silly.
'The smokers went' They might have said something, they didn't go anywhere.
'Screw this, I'll rather smoke a bowl' Possibly 'I'd rather smoke a bowl'.
'Fuck you can tell who smokes and who don't.' Doesn't? Fuck doesn't really fit either.
'and are like 'wtf maaaaaaan'.'
Derailed by a mod - like awesome man.
Everything is harmful from heroin to crossing the street or eating your grandmothers one month old cupcakes. Marijuana is however less harmful than E.g. alcohol or tobacco. The reasons behind marijuana being illegal in most countries lie behind not only it being harmful to a degree but also due to various degrees of lobbying and misinformation. For instance, the criminalisation of marijuana in Finland back in 1966 was voted 92-80, so it could've just as well be legal now had the vote been on a different day.
The fact that it's illegal doesn't necessarily make it less harmful than legal substances. This is what I see your main argument to be: If it's illegal, it's wrong. Communism has been illegal, alcohol has been illegal. Fuck, even rock music has been illegal at some point. Not to speak of black people riding in front of the bus.
And "I'll rather smoke a bowl" refers to the subject actually going to perform said task instead of arguing on the internets when "I'd rather smoke a bowl" refers to the subject wanting to do so, but that he/she will not due to some circumstance, E.g. not having any weed.
I need around tree fiddy.