usmarine wrote:
silly ATG. china does not involve the US or israel so its meh......
fake forum internet outrage over jews and the evil US. this place is nothing but racists disguised with links and the use of the word zionists and such. anyone can see that. i am amazed you cant tbh.
How could he see that in his haze of Mexican-hate? He posts as if every Latino in California is an illegal alien La Raza fundamentalist. That's at least as bad as Ramm and AusCh88 and their "I hate zionists, not Jews" argument.
Honduras - there's been at least a few threads on it in the last week or so.
China - apparently China backing the dollar for the foreseeable future is more important than protesters getting beaten in some people's eyes here.
Iran clerics - plenty of info in a handful of threads about the Iranians.
I feel much more qualified bitching about the various ways the US power elite is fucking the public than the same thing happening in China. It is more relevant to me because SURPRISE! I live in the US. I've been following along with the events in Honduras and Iran over the last week or so, I just don't feel the need to rush and create a thread to let bf2s know that I am following along.