I just wanna get people's opinions on this, it's not really a rant.

I was on a server on tuesday night and the map was Dalin Plant. I was on the US team and we was getting boned because we couldn't get any F-35s or the cobra in the air due to the J10s and the Z10 raping the deck over and over and over. Even the commander was repeatedly arty striking it. None from my team was using the AA so i hopped in and managed to get one J10 and the Z10 before the other J10 wasted me but doing what I did enabled the fighters to spawn along with the cobra and get airborne; some boats also managed to get out the carrier.

So I went back into the AA as soon as it was up again to spent the rest of my time on the server playing a sort of cat and mouse act with the J10s. With me in the AA though the J10s were concerned with getting me first instead of raping the deck, this ment that the fighters/choppers were constantly on the go and took off as soon as they spawned. We started getting some flags back then the admin told me to stop being a lamer by camping the AA. I refused to so I got kicked

I wasn't doing anything wrong I don't think, I was mearly helping my team mates by making it harder for the other team to rape the carrier deck all the time. I think that admin was just annoyed because he couldn't get lots of easy kills by bombing in his J10.

Is it lame in some peoples eyes to sit in an air defence for most of a round?
If the admin was on the other team report it to EA for there server to get shut down, technically teh admin is abuseing his power for points so he can stat pad.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6844|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Not lame at all, smart actually. If both AA turrets were manned constantly it would certainly distract the jets.

Psycho.HuF wrote:

If the admin was on the other team report it to EA for there server to get shut down, technically teh admin is abuseing his power for points so he can stat pad.
I agree....smells like a sever agreement/ROE violation, assuming this was a ranked server.  Check out ROE rules 1.5 and 1.8 here.

Last edited by GAK-Blaskowitz (2006-03-31 09:24:58)

+8|6792|Ontario, Canada
What you did was the only effective tactic available to get things going for your side, and the smartest thing to do. There is NO WAY you should have been kicked for that at all. I am surprised the lame-ass didn't demand you all stand in a group on deck to make the base-raping by arty or bombers easier.

Report them...
I think you nothing wrong In fact you are to be commended....
You were helping the team...
Another reason I don't let people attack main on my server...On that map Carrier is the main.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6781|Malaga, EspaƱa
well if u get kicked from a server while being an AA whore thats the proof the you AA pwned the shit out of the jetwhore Admin
Well it's nice to know that generally I wasn't doing wrong, thx guys. In future I'll take a screen shot if something like this happens again so i can report it now that I know I can.
+302|6774|Salt Lake City

As the others have noted, report the server.  It was okay for them to sit and rape the deck of the carrier so no air support could get off the ground, but then kicks you for manning the AA to keep the enemy fighters honest.

That is definitely a TOS violation for a ranked server.
I agree, you were doing nothing wrong!  The AA is there for that very reason and its part of the game. 
Report the server for abusing its power.
+190|6663|Home of the Escalade Herds
Wow that has to be the most lame reason for getting kicked i've ever read.

How the fuck do you camp your own carriers defense AA? That makes no sense, please report that admin and do the world a favour ;{
+102|6740|New York
Just another reason I have a No bomb or arty rule on the no caps. Unless your Spec ops, stay the hell away from my vehicles. What Kind of fun is it sitting there waiting to get off that god forsaken thing and not have a way? Its real olame in my book.

Then again you get the whiners in there that say why cant we bomb the no caps? Ya cant win either way with some people.
The AA is there to be used.  Pre 1.20 most people didn't bother with it cause it wouldn't stay locked on to the correct target.  Now that it is improved people should use it to prevent the continous spawn raping that goes on by  the chineese side at wake and dalian and to some extent dragon valley.  Being kicked for using the AA is lame.  The server should be reported immediately.  Screen shots would help your cause, but then again a formal complaint may be enough.
I agree you did nothing wrong.  I was just in a similar situation in Shariq Pen.  The choopers were just killing us, they even took our chopper MEC.  So they owned that round, next round I came in and put C4 on MEC chopper since my team wasnt interested in it and kept dropping arty on the hotel. They tried to get MEC chopper and got killed and I kept getting arty hits for the guys standing on the heli pad. geesh go take out my arty or cap flags or something.  needless to say we won.

Superlonghurst wrote:

...then the admin told me to stop being a lamer by camping the AA.
Dude that's like saying your commander camps his own satelite. What's the IP and the douche's name? I sorta feel like TKing him all round. Believe me, I've got nothing better to do in the game now.
I agree - you are to be commended. As a pilot I wish more players would man friendly AA sites - certainly puts off enemy aircraft.

Last edited by Viper38 (2006-04-09 18:57:14)

+27|6769|Gold Coast Aussieland
What was the server called?

Superlonghurst wrote:

Is it lame in some peoples eyes to sit in an air defence for most of a round?
Absolutely not.  Look at the jet whores you shot down.  If they are calling you lame for "camping" the AA, then they are just as lame for "camping" the jets and helos.

I love mobile AA and "camp" it whenever I'm on a map that has it.  Especially the Linebacker.  It's really good for shooting down unsuspecting helos and jets.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-04-05 08:40:08)

Fuck thats the lamest excuse for a kick !!!!!

Report the SOB!!!!!

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