The only scenario I find this useful is as a MEC. But the m4 is more accurate and when shot with bursts can be more deadly. Same with the QZC or w/e but 3x that
+5|6894|Clinton, MD, USA
I stopped using the G36C, when I was still a newb (not noob, there's a difference) I thought it was the most accurate gun. But now it seems useless.
i know, the sights are too fat and i can't see my target. its the best spec ops gun for mowing down
+5|6894|Clinton, MD, USA
I don't use Spec-Ops that much anymore. I'm an engineer, you don't see too many of those but I'm one of them alright.
I prefer the M4 to the g36c, but can't say the same about the mec and pla spec weapons.  SCAR is a piece of crap as far as i'm concerned.  When I go spec ops, it's usually with the 36.  Pretty good at medium/close range and is capable of hitting things deep in rifle range.
i like the G36C since u can still get headshot while semi-auto
The Black Wizards
Back when I was new to BF2 I thought the g36c was the greatest weapon ever, but I also thought getting 2 kills in a round with under 10 deaths was a feat in itself.

When I do play spec ops I usually just go with the scar. Decently good on single shot.
I figure that it is the gun you take when you dont know what gun to take
Got His War On
+37|6927|Golden, CO
uh guys, the G36C has the same deviance as the M4, and it has less recoil.  I can see if you like the laser dot scope better than the iron sights, but your M4 isn't any more accurate than the G36C.  With the lower recoil of the G36C I can put more shots on target faster than with the M4.

Check out the wiki.
my first two unlocks were L85A1 and G36C and i loved both of them-still do
+788|6808|Brisbane, Australia

same, i regret choosing the scar, it was a rushed decision
I always take the G36c when I play Spec Ops. I've used it since Lance Cpl (nearly Sgt. Major), and never found it to be unreliable in terms of accuracy.
same here i always use the G36C but i do have to say that the M4 is good too.  but the SCAR-L is crap i wish i hadnt unliked it.  they should make a better gun to replace the SCAR-L

juanito wrote:

same here i always use the G36C but i do have to say that the M4 is good too.  but the SCAR-L is crap i wish i hadnt unliked it.  they should make a better gun to replace the SCAR-L
i know how it feels i also regreted getting the scar-l, but i thought it was great...

G36C = for CQC (like i usually do)
SCAR-L = for midrange shots
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6843|Tampa Bay Florida
G36c is better for longer-range combat in my opinion.  no recoil and very accurate= extremely accurate snipe shots, even more accurate than the assault rifles.
Mass Media Casualty

I lost faith in it too, but I found a new way of using it. As a Spec. Ops soldier, your role is to be very sneaky. When you use your G36C, you want to be in a position when your target can't shoot back. It is not an assault weapon. I just take care and it still serves me well.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+85|6905|good old CA
g36c is a great gun for me, m4 is good cause i use it in matches and scar l is actually pretty good
The New Johnnie Cochran
Pff. Man, the G36C is awesome. I was capping the Market today on Karkand and took out 2 snipers on the roof of the Square building.

I mean you can't take it toe-to-toe with support, but its unsurpassed when sniping and getting the jump on people. Which is what Spec-Ops is supposed to do.

Sarrk wrote:

same, i regret choosing the scar, it was a rushed decision
eh i LOVE mine. I like the gun alot.
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6802|South Korea.
QBZ > G36C
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6870|Riva, MD
The G36C is very accurate and a lot of people for some reason use it instead of the SCAR-L.  The G36C is very fun to use in SF for the Insurgents, Spetznas, MEC SF, and Rebels.
Dropped on request
Noobs shouldn't post about things they know nothing about. G36C is the most versatile gun in the game. It can be used at all ranges with superior accuracy and 1 shot kill capabilities.
i love the g36c. im gonna find a website that allows me to marry it.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6843|Tampa Bay Florida

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Noobs shouldn't post about things they know nothing about. G36C is the most versatile gun in the game. It can be used at all ranges with superior accuracy and 1 shot kill capabilities.
I was once kicked from a server for being 'suspected of hacking'  I got 10 kills or something around there in like 30 seconds... using the G36c.
Dropped on request

Spearhead wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Noobs shouldn't post about things they know nothing about. G36C is the most versatile gun in the game. It can be used at all ranges with superior accuracy and 1 shot kill capabilities.
I was once kicked from a server for being 'suspected of hacking'  I got 10 kills or something around there in like 30 seconds... using the G36c.
Had it been any other gun I wouldn't have believed you.

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