Mass Media Casualty

Yeah, because the Terminator movies are all about John Connor rather than awesome killer robots.[/sarcasm]

What you're talking about is just a time paradox, it can't really be explained. The origins of TerminArnie can be so therefore my idea rules.

Also I didn't overthink it, it's just what I thought the movie would/should have in it, (until I heard that there'd be no Arnie anyway.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
'Light 'em up!'

One thing though about the film.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Did anyone notice that a lot of parts shown in the trailers weren't in the film, or were done differently? Example being when Arnie arrives. In the trailer he picks up the minigun, in the film he simply pulls the terminator in half and throws it aside.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6792|6 6 4 oh, I forget

M.O.A.B wrote:

One thing though about the film.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Did anyone notice that a lot of parts shown in the trailers weren't in the film, or were done differently? Example being when Arnie arrives. In the trailer he picks up the minigun, in the film he simply pulls the terminator in half and throws it aside.
Seems quite common these days

Yeah, I read an article about that on Digg, they gave examples from like 10 movies.

Some hilarious comments from reviewers on RT

" It’s a catastrophically bad movie whose aggressive dullness and dumbness can best be reproduced by picking up a brick and slamming it against one’s forehead for two hours. "

My personal favorite^^
© 2009 Jeff Minard

CC-Marley wrote:

" It’s a catastrophically bad movie whose aggressive dullness and dumbness can best be reproduced by picking up a brick and slamming it against one’s forehead for two hours. "

My personal favorite^^
liez, doesnt work.
Sorry, did not try...
I thought it was good : /
'Light 'em up!'

From a few responses, it seems people outside of NA prefer the movie to those in NA.
Mass Media Casualty

Okay I actually saw it. It was okay I guess. It confirmed my belief that a Terminator film without Arnold just doesn't cut it, (Digi-Arnie doesn't count although I appreciate the effort.) Still it was entertaining and action-y which was what I was after.

You know the one thing that pissed me off most though? No Terminator theme!!! I mean there was still the "ch-ch chunk chu-chunk chunk" but it didn't follow though from there. What the Hell!?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
'Light 'em up!'

Ty wrote:

Okay I actually saw it. It was okay I guess. It confirmed my belief that a Terminator film without Arnold just doesn't cut it, (Digi-Arnie doesn't count although I appreciate the effort.) Still it was entertaining and action-y which was what I was after.

You know the one thing that pissed me off most though? No Terminator theme!!! I mean there was still the "ch-ch chunk chu-chunk chunk" but it didn't follow though from there. What the Hell!?
The theme was made by Danny Elfman I think, not Brad Fiedel. I missed the main theme (T2's is the best), though I liked the bit when Harnold appears. When he looks through that door you could tell straight away who was going to be on the other side.
+5,233|6848|Global Command
I saw it and overall I liked it. If anything, Christian Bale is becoming an eyesore in that he is over exposed and in too many movies. I liked the gritty camera work and thought the special effects were not over done.
The weathered and beat up A-10's were awesome.

There were a few quirks, for example Spoiler (highlight to read):
I guess they did a successful open heart transplant in a tent at the end? And I thought the Arnie robot looked fine. My understanding of the original movies was that he was a model. And there would have been a small fleet of identical models. The executed cyborg struck me as a little silly when he was able to maintain his human part and overcome his programming. And the people going into skynets facility did not look or act near terrified enough. A slaughter line like that? there would be a lot more hysterics.
'Light 'em up!'

ATG wrote:

I saw it and overall I liked it. If anything, Christian Bale is becoming an eyesore in that he is over exposed and in too many movies. I liked the gritty camera work and thought the special effects were not over done.
The weathered and beat up A-10's were awesome.

There were a few quirks, for example Spoiler (highlight to read):
I guess they did a successful open heart transplant in a tent at the end? And I thought the Arnie robot looked fine. My understanding of the original movies was that he was a model. And there would have been a small fleet of identical models. The executed cyborg struck me as a little silly when he was able to maintain his human part and overcome his programming. And the people going into skynets facility did not look or act near terrified enough. A slaughter line like that? there would be a lot more hysterics.
The only sort of main thing I think that could have been included was more/stronger violence, enough to raise it to the 15 rating of the originals, would give a better impression of the threat and capability of the machines.
. . .
Sucked, boring and insipid--the screenplay was ill-conceived and thence as a film poorly directed. But, I like motorcycles, so I liked the moto-terminaters.
Still one of my Top 5 all time bad films.
Mass Media Casualty

You must have been exposed to very few truly bad films then.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
'Light 'em up!'

Ty wrote:

You must have been exposed to very few truly bad films then.
Top 10 bad films are all made by Uwe Boll, and I've never seen most of them.
Too much chit-chat and not enuff A10 action/T100/200/300/500 etc etc action.  If like me, your on a beach in Thailand and haven't seen it yet, pick it up for about 50 baht.
macaroni with cheeseeee

DrunkFace wrote:

Ty wrote:

Haven't seen it but y'know if they took my idea it would have been awesome.

So we all know a Terminator movie without Arnie is nothing so we need a way to put Arnie in it. Having him as the T-whatever wouldn't work since "Salvation" is leadng up to the events that led to the events that led to the events of T1, 2 and 3. SO; how to include Arnie? Simple! Make his character a kick-arse resistance fighter, like John Connor's bezerker. Make him this unstoppable machine-killing monster. Understandably the machines would react to this threat, so they overpower him, capture him and replicate him as their choice for the T-(looking at Wikipedia)-800. It wouldn't be the plot of the movie it would be a sub-plot and would have totally worked, (without seeing T:Salvation I'm sure of this.)

This would explain why there's always an Arnie to travel back in time, it would explain why the T-800 was the preferred model for the Resistance to "turn good", it would even explain the fact that the T-800 looks "younger" than Arnie does now, (I presume the machines would have wanted to age him down, after all he is part human tissue unlike the T-1000 and T-X.)

It would be awesome admit it.

I'll get 'round to seeing it once this semester's over.
You're thinking way too much into this. John conner sends his father back in time (who is actually younger then him if I remember correctly) to fuck his mum so he can be conceived...

No other plot point needs ever be explained after they they came up with this.
No,no,no,you've got it all wrong:in Terminator:Salvation 2 we will find out that John Connor is his own father,his mum slept with Arnie,a.k.a the The Metal Dildo Machine,which will lead us to another pre-pre-prequel in which we find out that John Connor's mum is actually the John Connor himself.Special DVD edition will feature Christian Bale blowing up in anger(again) and assfucking everyone on the set

Can't wait

Last edited by blah (15 years, 9 months ago)

. . .
Well, you have people (fleshy wimp-bots) and terminators (metal death machines that were made to kill fleshy wimp-bots).

So, who didn't think that whole time while they were in the skynet city center, with a friggen helo waiting outside, that the wimp-bots should not have been overrun by the death-machines? I mean c'mon, they were on death-machine turf - they should have been utterly destroyed in seconds!

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Ah, only good movies have spoilers worth trying to conceal. Spoiled cinema stinks and therefore tis already spoiled.

Last edited by topal63 (15 years, 9 months ago)

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