Twice you have whinged about the sniper class. Whinging about how overpowered it is. Check out the best snipers and tell me where they stand in the global rankings.  Here is my number 61236731, go play if you need it to justify yourself. If I am a pussy for not having in my profile, then it will be the only one you have seen this century. You are defining a 'win'as killing them all and capturing the last flag. A win is 1-0 at the end of the round, anything else is gravy. You want some 'style' in your win, not content to let the tickets count down while they huddle around the flag behind their claymores. Plenty of other servers and games for you to go and toob on .

Azadar wrote:

Twice you have whinged about the sniper class. Whinging about how overpowered it is. Check out the best snipers and tell me where they stand in the global rankings.  Here is my number 61236731, go play if you need it to justify yourself. If I am a pussy for not having in my profile, then it will be the only one you have seen this century. You are defining a 'win'as killing them all and capturing the last flag. A win is 1-0 at the end of the round, anything else is gravy. You want some 'style' in your win, not content to let the tickets count down while they huddle around the flag behind their claymores. Plenty of other servers and games for you to go and toob on .
You underline my point even better than I could have, If you look @ my stats I had 70%+ accuracy with a grenade launcher, a number of C4 kills and 90 hours with a pkm, Those weapons imo impacted game play and for some were too much to handle but E.A. Stepped in to change them. I had no problem with any of them and in typical fashion adopted them to stay ahead of the rest and did so. BUT none of those weapons had the effect on the game claymores have. I will restate this again

When a team is pinned down on a room like the 2 palaces in warlord, it means they have been pushed there. All the other points taken from them by firepower. In the normal scheme of things the last flag would have been taken and the map would finish, The winners taking more points through superior skill. Now tho thats just not the case. The loosing team get trapped in the room, go support and sniper, make no real attempt to get out and this can go on for 10 minutes + These points are undeserved as they should have just lost their flag and the game finish early. The claymores are effecting the game in an unfair maner and need changed, especially as they are being used NOT in the spirit of the class or the way they were intended.

So, I used c4, PKM and grenade launcher effectively, I had no complaint about the weapons and was never on here moaning about them, a change in tactics and playing smart enabled a good player to contine to play and do well, SO, does that mean when I come out and say "this weapon is effecting gameplay, making one of my game purchases unplayable and it needs fixing" you take me more seriously or less?

Note, Thats a paste from what I said earlier. Someone else made the same "OHHHHHHH nade launcher" point you did, If that is your stats then why in the name of god are you giving me advice about playing attack on special forces when you have played less than 25 maps of it ever and by your own admission you are a sniper? I would suggest your just kinda miffed that someone is questioning the sniper class in general and talking about reducing the power of the claymore. Looking at your stats I would say you play as a normal, unlame sniper, My "problem" is with snipers using claymores as their primary weapon and E.A. giving people like me no ability to remove them once placed even when the sniper is dead.  Not you, on this thread anyway.

Note 2 , you can add your stats in profile section. I just thought you were another n0b getting ready to start a flame war with no valid reasoning behind his post. Hence me taking the piss outa you. Njoy the forums and dont take them so seriously. Not everything is a direct attack on you. Im just putting points forward to stimulate debate and to formulate a solution hopefully everyone will be happy with and that E.A. will adopt. (Yes, one can dream :p )

Note 3 Well really im passing time until the Grand Prix Qualli and since its on at 03:30 Irish time, I got feck all else to do, Schumacher for the win!

Last edited by -fe.lep- (2006-03-31 16:45:17)

Pope Picard II

Claymores should be removable by hand-grenades, but they would still blow out causing possible kills. Problem solved.

The unremoveable claymores are quite retarded I agree, and I use them now and then too when working on my pistol kills, because they are two guaranteed kills which is really a bit bogus.
Commander God
+41|6699|Denver, CO
How come everybody whines about claymores but I don't hear anyone complaining about the people (in Karkand for example) grenade whoring near the Hotel Point.  You know, those guys that just lob grenades at the spawn point when the match starts.

The point is, both do require some skill even though it seems mindless and is frustrating to the person that gets killed by them.  Claymores protect snipers and need to be placed were enemies may run to which can be difficult at times to anticipate.  Grenades are near impossible to kill a moving target and can often kill more then one enemy.

Lt.Garbo wrote:

How come everybody whines about claymores but I don't hear anyone complaining about the people (in Karkand for example) grenade whoring near the Hotel Point.  You know, those guys that just lob grenades at the spawn point when the match starts.

The point is, both do require some skill even though it seems mindless and is frustrating to the person that gets killed by them.  Claymores protect snipers and need to be placed were enemies may run to which can be difficult at times to anticipate.  Grenades are near impossible to kill a moving target and can often kill more then one enemy.
Are you kidding me?

Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)     summ3r (13)
More Victims
(Top 10)     summ3r (13)
Worst Enemy
(Deaths by, via EA)     summ3r (24)
More Enemies
(Top 10)     summ3r (24)

and a gold knife badge to boot, ROFL.

Last edited by -fe.lep- (2006-03-31 17:28:06)

This thread should really go into complain section.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Get This......I am on the Left Flank of Karkand,from the US point of view. I am on MEC. I walk through the door, with the dumpster nearby. I see Claymore in front, so i step back to the edge of the door. The Claymore is beside the dumpster. A Guy goes through, and I still get killed, even from that far away. CLAYMORE DISTANCE SHOULD BE CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!

StormEye wrote:

This thread should really go into complain section.
Why, because the last sniper to post was a stat padder?

Last edited by -fe.lep- (2006-03-31 18:59:36)

Shoot that guy ->

-fe.lep- wrote:

Lt.Garbo wrote:

How come everybody whines about claymores but I don't hear anyone complaining about the people (in Karkand for example) grenade whoring near the Hotel Point.  You know, those guys that just lob grenades at the spawn point when the match starts.

The point is, both do require some skill even though it seems mindless and is frustrating to the person that gets killed by them.  Claymores protect snipers and need to be placed were enemies may run to which can be difficult at times to anticipate.  Grenades are near impossible to kill a moving target and can often kill more then one enemy.
Are you kidding me?

Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)     summ3r (13)
More Victims
(Top 10)     summ3r (13)
Worst Enemy
(Deaths by, via EA)     summ3r (24)
More Enemies
(Top 10)     summ3r (24)

and a gold knife badge to boot, ROFL.
If his favorite victim is 13, and you need 18 knife kills for the Expert Badge, I dont see your point. Idiot.

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

-fe.lep- wrote:

Lt.Garbo wrote:

How come everybody whines about claymores but I don't hear anyone complaining about the people (in Karkand for example) grenade whoring near the Hotel Point.  You know, those guys that just lob grenades at the spawn point when the match starts.

The point is, both do require some skill even though it seems mindless and is frustrating to the person that gets killed by them.  Claymores protect snipers and need to be placed were enemies may run to which can be difficult at times to anticipate.  Grenades are near impossible to kill a moving target and can often kill more then one enemy.
Are you kidding me?

Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)     summ3r (13)
More Victims
(Top 10)     summ3r (13)
Worst Enemy
(Deaths by, via EA)     summ3r (24)
More Enemies
(Top 10)     summ3r (24)

and a gold knife badge to boot, ROFL.
If his favorite victim is 13, and you need 18 knife kills for the Expert Badge, I dont see your point. Idiot.
So you see nothing suspicious about those stats? ROFL.

Back to topic.

Last edited by -fe.lep- (2006-03-31 19:26:03)


Jestar12345 wrote:

Get This......I am on the Left Flank of Karkand,from the US point of view. I am on MEC. I walk through the door, with the dumpster nearby. I see Claymore in front, so i step back to the edge of the door. The Claymore is beside the dumpster. A Guy goes through, and I still get killed, even from that far away. CLAYMORE DISTANCE SHOULD BE CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!
The mine should never have been there in the first place. Lets just see what happens over the next few weeks. lol
truely, is it really fair to defend a flag by placing clays in the only one or two entrances (or cover the only entrances). If you want to defend a flag as a sniper use that 3 foot long rifle and headshot some people

Attacking a flag? have the snipers place claymores at every entrance! doesn't matter if the enemy throws nades in and slaughters you all, you can still get revenge from the grave and a neutralized flag!

At least AT mines are removeable even if they can be annoying, but clays are just ridiculous now. A sniper sees someone so they pull out a gaymore and throw it at them and run away.

There is no skill to claymores - you just need to know which way to face it (which is away from you by default obviously) and then put it by a flag.

What EA or Dice needs to do is make it so you can still TK with clays - but they won't get negative points or be punishable!! that way you still have to be careful but won't get screwed over by noobs who want powerups.

There also seems to be a bug right now that sometimes causes the red skull & crossbones on friendly explosives to disappear... so then you can't trust any mines or anything you see for that round at least. So you'll end up picking up or avoiding allied mines or running away from friendly clays or C4.
Shoot that guy ->

-fe.lep- wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

-fe.lep- wrote:

Are you kidding me?

Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)     summ3r (13)
More Victims
(Top 10)     summ3r (13)
Worst Enemy
(Deaths by, via EA)     summ3r (24)
More Enemies
(Top 10)     summ3r (24)

and a gold knife badge to boot, ROFL.
If his favorite victim is 13, and you need 18 knife kills for the Expert Badge, I dont see your point. Idiot.
So you see nothing suspicious about those stats? ROFL. I don't even need to explain.

Back to topic.
No actually I dont, if you play with one friend a lot, odds are hes going to be your worst victim and worst enemy, since theres not that many people you run into on BF2 more than once, considering the 1,000,000+ users. Go look at a clan members stats, I'm willing to bet another clan member is on his favorite victim/worst enemy list.

Plus, whenever I play with friends, I find myself hunting them down more than actually playing the game because its fun to brag about it later.

Maybe you should spend less time complaining and belittling other people based on their stats from a GAME, let me repeat that, GAME, and find away to avoid the "problem" that your so upset about. Seriously, if theres claymores at both entrances to a flag, get creative, find away around it. Thats the case in this game, and life as well, learn to adapt. Shit happens, you better find away to get through it.

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

No actually I dont, if you play with one friend a lot, odds are hes going to be your worst victim and worst enemy, since theres not that many people you run into on BF2 more than once, considering the 1,000,000+ users. Go look at a clan members stats, I'm willing to bet another clan member is on his favorite victim/worst enemy list.

I Ignored the rest. It seemed pointless when u cant even be bothered to look at stats before comment.

Last edited by -fe.lep- (2006-03-31 19:53:05)


AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

-fe.lep- wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

If his favorite victim is 13, and you need 18 knife kills for the Expert Badge, I dont see your point. Idiot.
So you see nothing suspicious about those stats? ROFL. I don't even need to explain.

Back to topic.
No actually I dont, if you play with one friend a lot, odds are hes going to be your worst victim and worst enemy, since theres not that many people you run into on BF2 more than once, considering the 1,000,000+ users. Go look at a clan members stats, I'm willing to bet another clan member is on his favorite victim/worst enemy list.

Plus, whenever I play with friends, I find myself hunting them down more than actually playing the game because its fun to brag about it later.

Maybe you should spend less time complaining and belittling other people based on their stats from a GAME, let me repeat that, GAME, and find away to avoid the "problem" that your so upset about. Seriously, if theres claymores at both entrances to a flag, get creative, find away around it. Thats the case in this game, and life as well, learn to adapt. Shit happens, you better find away to get through it.
I've got a clanmate as my favorite victim, a 'more victims' and another as a 'more enemies'

Also about the clays - there's the fact that most of the time by the time you see the claymore you're already in front of it, so it's too late to become creative -_- that's my problem with them, they're everywhere, not necessarily that they're irremovable, although they should be. At least let snipers use the G key to pick em up like ziplines and such, like EA SAID would happen in patch 1.2...

Metamort wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

-fe.lep- wrote:

So you see nothing suspicious about those stats? ROFL. I don't even need to explain.

Back to topic.
No actually I dont, if you play with one friend a lot, odds are hes going to be your worst victim and worst enemy, since theres not that many people you run into on BF2 more than once, considering the 1,000,000+ users. Go look at a clan members stats, I'm willing to bet another clan member is on his favorite victim/worst enemy list.

Plus, whenever I play with friends, I find myself hunting them down more than actually playing the game because its fun to brag about it later.

Maybe you should spend less time complaining and belittling other people based on their stats from a GAME, let me repeat that, GAME, and find away to avoid the "problem" that your so upset about. Seriously, if theres claymores at both entrances to a flag, get creative, find away around it. Thats the case in this game, and life as well, learn to adapt. Shit happens, you better find away to get through it.
I've got a clanmate as my favorite victim, a 'more victims' and another as a 'more enemies'

Also about the clays - there's the fact that most of the time by the time you see the claymore you're already in front of it, so it's too late to become creative -_- that's my problem with them, they're everywhere, not necessarily that they're irremovable, although they should be. At least let snipers use the G key to pick em up like ziplines and such, like EA SAID would happen in patch 1.2...
Idd, lets hope they do something along these lines.
You with the face!
How about spamming grenades if they keep placing claymores.  You will kill them numerous times, or they will move. 

I think grenades should destroy claymores.

RAIMIUS wrote:

How about spamming grenades if they keep placing claymores.  You will kill them numerous times, or they will move. 

I think grenades should destroy claymores.
thats kind of what I was talking about. And you'll only kill them once if they're capping a flag and then you can't get through the claymores  to recapture it since they weren't destroyed by the nades
the fix is simple make them friendly fire so that dropping them as flag defense instead of personnel defense will net you a shitload of tk's

my personal prefrence would be to just add them detstructable

oh and i have to disagree with chuy about how snipers are "weak". just get some good distance between you and your target and you have a HUGE advantage over every class ..except other snipers of course
Shoot that guy ->

-fe.lep- wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

No actually I dont, if you play with one friend a lot, odds are hes going to be your worst victim and worst enemy, since theres not that many people you run into on BF2 more than once, considering the 1,000,000+ users. Go look at a clan members stats, I'm willing to bet another clan member is on his favorite victim/worst enemy list.

I Ignored the rest. It seemed pointless when u cant even be bothered to look at stats before comment.
The rest of my post had nothing to do with stats, it had to do with your ignorance and immaturity. Let me point out once again, since you failed to read it earlier. THIS IS A GAME. If you're honestly this distraught about a game, you should look into serious help. The fact that you even bring up his stats is completely out of context. We were talking about CLAYMORES, not knives, nor favorite victims or enemies. I have a friend that I play with a lot, and hes not a clanmate, however, hes not on my victims or enemies list, but I'm sure he will be soon. You say that there are no other members on his list, when I didnt imply that their was. I said that him, and the person who is his Favorite Victim/Worst Enemy is probably a friend. Yes, a hard concept to grasp for those who devote their life to A GAME, yes, I said it one more time, A GAME, that there may actually be real people out there somewhere, who we from the real world, call friends. Those of you on your high throne atop the mighty world of internet forums should check it out sometime.
Pfc. Leemus
Ownerer via the strategic use of bullets
+20|6651|N.S.W, Australia

-fe.lep- wrote:

Claymores should be limited to usage within 3 meters of the top of ladders and nothing more.

that IS a joke right?

I mean OBVIOUSLY if something in a game kills you alot it needs to be taken out of the game.
Right guys?

Last edited by Pfc. Leemus (2006-03-31 22:22:06)


Pfc. Leemus wrote:

-fe.lep- wrote:

Claymores should be limited to usage within 3 meters of the top of ladders and nothing more.

that IS a joke right?

I mean OBVIOUSLY if something in a game kills you alot it needs to be taken out of the game.
Right guys?
lol. Everyone thinks they need to own everyone else. Which conflicts each other's dream.
I do agree that there are some snipers who do not do anything but calymore whoring but there are legitimate users who would be really sad if it is gone

Deal with it.  Why not actually look before hopping off the top of a ladder?
Shallow and Pedantic
+2|6715|Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Metamort wrote:

What EA or Dice needs to do is make it so you can still TK with clays - but they won't get negative points or be punishable!! that way you still have to be careful but won't get screwed over by noobs who want powerups.

fe.lep, I agree that claymores should be destructable from other explosives but to make them only usable near ladders (seriously wtf kind of idea is that?) or getting rid of them would severely weaken the sniper class.
This is on the last page, pretty clear to read, its part of a damn long post
I made last night.

So finally after all this, you get to the point I have made on 10 + occasions on this thread over the last couple of days. They need to be made diffusable and have teamdamage ON by default. Good job mate. So I guess if you think that, I think that and a whole hell of a lot of people agree, that your opening statement about E.A. and changes to the claymore were, erm....

Lets just hope E.A. see it the same way.
Ah well, its Friday, beer night, gl and hf

The rest of the Ideas were ideas posed in a bid to get people talking. At the end of the day it will be E.A. decide and lets face it, how likely is it that it will be any of those suggested above. lol

Last edited by -fe.lep- (2006-04-01 06:30:40)

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