Stupid govt paid off on the AIG slot machine, pumped more money into the financial system and freed all the financial speculators, like Goldman Sachs, who were mired in the financial collapse and about to go bankrupt.
And what kind of thanks do we get from these unpatriotic pieces of crap.... they run off and start running up commodities and the govt isn't even talking about curing the low margin rates on stuff like oil. The margin to speculate on oil should be 50% unless you're a refiner or other end user of actual oil.
And one other thing, gasoline should not be a commodity, refining is a service not a commodity, the price should be the price of oil plus a regulated cost for refining, just like in a regulated electricity market. We really need to do away with this voluntary reduction in refining capacity causing spikes in the price of gasoline... its just like insider trading only worse because Gasoline is an inelastic product and the refiners can pretty much ask whatever price they can get away with.
And then there is the whole devaluation of the dollar.... I'm waiting for the next collapse caused by a spike in oil, the last spike in oil was fed by credit cards paying for gas at the pump... now that people have less credit or have stopped using credit, the money that goes to these speculators will come directly from other places in the economy and delay any recovery... and other people who can't afford it will cause another round of bankruptcies and foreclosures, in fact IMO its going to push us back in the hole
And then there is the stupid cap and trade that's going to be an inverse oil market... Can't wait to see the rampant speculation on that false market /sarcasm. The powers that be just seem determined that we lowly human resources should get raped by energy prices.
I can't wait for 2012, if nothing happens in 2012, then I'm going to get depressed because by then I think I'll be riding a camel- unless of course there is a cap and trade fee on camel farts, then I'll really be screwed.