I'm a bit slow so can someone tell me if read this little graph right.
http://elections.nj.com/dynamic/files/e … N=POLITICS
The democrat Jon Corzine got 77% of the Democrat primary vote for a total of 149,617 votes.
The republican Chris Christie got 55% of the Republican vote which amounts to 181,490 votes. The next guy got 139,483 in the Republican primary.
If I read this right the Republican got almost the same amount (give or take a few ten thousand) as all the democrat votes combined? So if everyone was to vote along party lines NJ has a pretty good chance of having a republican next election or did I totally read this wrong?
http://elections.nj.com/dynamic/files/e … N=POLITICS
The democrat Jon Corzine got 77% of the Democrat primary vote for a total of 149,617 votes.
The republican Chris Christie got 55% of the Republican vote which amounts to 181,490 votes. The next guy got 139,483 in the Republican primary.
If I read this right the Republican got almost the same amount (give or take a few ten thousand) as all the democrat votes combined? So if everyone was to vote along party lines NJ has a pretty good chance of having a republican next election or did I totally read this wrong?