Lookin' through your Window
+193|6557|Man Diego

steelie34 wrote:

Perv3rt wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

sounds like someone is a less than skilled sniper, and needs to make it easier on themselves.
I wonder if cartillery is allowed on their server?  I love dropping cars on snipers
srsly... cartillery is an artform sometimes... especially when you get people trying to cap a flag. 
Yeah, that is nice.  I think it is really funny when the car drop goes right next to them and they don't move.  Thanks for making sure that my team's air support blowing up the jeep will kill you
Dropped on request

L.Sammy wrote:

Dont know what =do= is, the server is =cd= and we call it bunnyhopping because thats what its called when a noob spams space bar from 1 side of the map tio the other.

And the no BH rule works when you have anuff admin to admin a server. Kick if you dont listen to warnings and bann if you come back and keep doing it.
lol at calling them noobs. If you knew anything about BF2, which you don't, you would know that its easier to find the hit box when somebody jumps compared to them sprinting.
edits his title too much
+2|5776|New Orleans
Worst admins? Go on the Digital Anarchy all maps server.

If you get in the team with all the dA!'s then you wont be able to fly any air vehicles.
If you get on the other team, and kill them, they make up a stupid reason to kick you, (like making room for admin.)

I often get kicked for commanding, (though not to brag or anything but I find myself a good commander) evem when no one applies, so that the admin can take my spot and get points and win.
Fission Mailed

oh hai kenny
+45|6185|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
wesleysniper aimbot
= DO= Deadly Osprey

After bailing out of a damaged F35 over the carrier while locked by a J10, the admin in the J10, Badsolo66, kicks me for being idle.  After coming back in and calling out his admin abuse (he had kicked another player for bailing also), I get banned.  I register on their forums to protest but find that Badsolo is a founding member, so I don't bother activating my account.

Two months later, I'm banned again on = DO= for a previous ban.  This time I decide I'm going to appeal and get this twat some negative attention from his clanmates.  Instead, my reregistration is denied for spamming/hacking.  The email says to contact [email protected], but my reply to that address gets rejected.

Edits: fixed clan abbreviations making smilies ;p

Last edited by hol0caust (2009-06-07 10:33:34)

be nice
+2,646|6771|The Twilight Zone
Justice fighters server, admin Blue wing= L@L nub changes side again to play with Ak and when I tell him that he bans me. Skill-less gayzor
Highdollar Chicago, specifically the admin Lorenzo55

Server rules are "not allowed to attack helicopters with jets"

In other words, Lorenzo gets butthurt when jets dominate his cobra.

Here's my rant regarding the NSDQ server (Night Stalkers Don't Quit):

I've played there before and like it. But tonight I saw they started using Auto-Admin, completely retarded. But what really pissed me off was when I was commanding. It was a close round but my team made a huge comeback and I racked in a ton of commander points. Then, in the last few seconds of the round, I got kicked from being commander, for the sole fact that I wouldn't receive the 2x point bonus (which was completely earned and deserved). Fuckers.
Aye up duck!
+440|7026|England. Stoke
Great stuff was on the Gotland AF/EF server on MEC on Operation Road Rage, been the whole the round in the jet and was 17 for 1 I get shot down by the A-10. So I respawn  and of course there's someone else waiting for the jet.
But I manage to get in first, it's powering up and BOOM! he blows me up with a AT rocket, so naturally I punish, and straight after the round ends...

And I get banned WTF! I was tk'd deliberately and punish the offender and I get banned...

Last edited by coke (2009-06-16 14:10:36)

Lookin' through your Window
+193|6557|Man Diego

mtb0minime wrote:

Here's my rant regarding the NSDQ server (Night Stalkers Don't Quit):

I've played there before and like it. But tonight I saw they started using Auto-Admin, completely retarded. But what really pissed me off was when I was commanding. It was a close round but my team made a huge comeback and I racked in a ton of commander points. Then, in the last few seconds of the round, I got kicked from being commander, for the sole fact that I wouldn't receive the 2x point bonus (which was completely earned and deserved). Fuckers.
It probably wasn't them that kicked you, but rather some hacker that thought it was funny or was in line for the gold medal.
)BIA( Brothers in Arms

Kicked from their Dragon Valley server because we were winning by a lot and I was unkilled in a jet.  They gave me til 45-0 then when I killed #46 I was kicked for "disruptive gameplay."
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6557|Man Diego

hol0caust wrote:

)BIA( Brothers in Arms

Kicked from their Dragon Valley server because we were winning by a lot and I was unkilled in a jet.  They gave me til 45-0 then when I killed #46 I was kicked for "disruptive gameplay."
Quit disrupting the admin's game!!!1!  lmao
+45|6185|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Just playing Polska Dragon Valley server I was on US and someone called lasserlasse was aimbotting on the carrier seems like every server I go on theres hackers its making this game really shit and pissing me off, Im not going anywhere near normal servers any more even though theres only a few decent servers that I know of- the pisstake is that lasserlasse was hacking, and I got kicked for cheating because I owned him and his whole team, even though I been complaining about him all round, started killing him loads with the M24 then raped his team with F35 then kicked, lol what a shit server (another one)

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-06-24 00:30:51)

+45|6185|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Just got kicked from EA DE for having 39-1 kd stupid wheres the decent servers? I thought an EA one would be ok

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-06-25 18:39:52)

+70|6643|The Netherlands
Ok, I was bored again from gathers/waib and lots of pcw's so I tried public once again so epic

1. Hambuger Helden
K/D ratio: 17/0
Ban Reason: Cheater Arsch

2. Benelux Infantry Forces
K/D ratio: 68/1
Ban Reason: Aimbot

3. [=C+=]
K/D ratio: 31/1
Ban Reason: Aimbot

Why I added the k/d ratio? Because those clans always look at the ratio instead of taking a screenshot (PB).

Last edited by Cute.Nemean^inf (2009-07-22 04:29:14)

+45|6185|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
It's something to do with german servers definately, I am banned from almost every german server with a low ping for aimbot- they just cant take it lol
Just got banned with a few others for owning in {DAM} Karkand Infantry.

Seems some cheaters were using the same prefix as us, "HAWAII". It hilarious that the admins over there get mad when we own in their server. BPR guys were also banned. Guess legit players are no longer welcomed there.

They also said we sent black screenshoots when PB took them. There are tons of reasons for black screenshots, mostly being hardware/software issues.

It's funny they think me, with a 1.16 K/D is cheating.

Last edited by gotchay (2009-07-23 03:26:48)

pub hero!
+603|6699|the land of bourbon

gotchay wrote:

Just got banned with a few others for owning in {DAM} Karkand Infantry.

Seems some cheaters were using the same prefix as us, "HAWAII". It hilarious that the admins over their get mad when we own in their server. BPR guys were also banned. Guess legit players are no longer welcomed there.

They also said we sent black screenshoots when PB took them. There are tons of reasons for black screenshots, mostly being hardware/software issues.

It's funny they think me, with a 1.16 K/D is cheating.
u probably shoulda wore somethin else.  i used to get banned constantly for wearing the bf2s tags, can't wear em anymore because of it.
Be Eazy!
Yeah, I've played with friends that got banned for having a certain tag. My buddy and me had the tag KiLLa* as our prefix just as a buddy thing, it isn't a clan or anything. We got accused of hacking by some players saying that they know hackers that use that prefix so I don't really use prefixes that much just because of all the admins out there that rely on people's mouths instead of actual proof.
+250|6728|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Why do all the lame servers have to be in Europe

I want to make some people whine too
+18|7022|Victoria BC or Karkand

gotchay wrote:

Just got banned with a few others for owning in {DAM} Karkand Infantry.

Seems some cheaters were using the same prefix as us, "HAWAII". It hilarious that the admins over there get mad when we own in their server. BPR guys were also banned. Guess legit players are no longer welcomed there.

They also said we sent black screenshoots when PB took them. There are tons of reasons for black screenshots, mostly being hardware/software issues.

It's funny they think me, with a 1.16 K/D is cheating.
you where banned for having black screens and having other members in your clan with a shit lost of pbbans against them
pub hero!
+603|6699|the land of bourbon

allfive6 wrote:

gotchay wrote:

Just got banned with a few others for owning in {DAM} Karkand Infantry.

Seems some cheaters were using the same prefix as us, "HAWAII". It hilarious that the admins over there get mad when we own in their server. BPR guys were also banned. Guess legit players are no longer welcomed there.

They also said we sent black screenshoots when PB took them. There are tons of reasons for black screenshots, mostly being hardware/software issues.

It's funny they think me, with a 1.16 K/D is cheating.
you where banned for having black screens and having other members in your clan with a shit lost of pbbans against them
whilst i understand your position as an admin, since i have been on the receiving end of these types of bans, it is a bit unfair to drop the hammer without enough evidence. 

the poster is right about black PB screens being caused by hardware issues.  when i first got my 8800gtx, i had to turn off anti-aliasing, or my pb screens were black.  this combined with the fact that a few people ruined bf2s good name with their antics, caused several unfair bans against me.  only after an admin told me my screens were black, was i able to fix the issue.  i also had to drop the tags, but that's another story. 

you should try harder to actually prove cheating instead of being so quick to lay down bans with only circumstantial evidence.  its really not fair.
Be Eazy!
Yeah, don't ban someone if you "think" they are hacking. Make sure they are hacking for sure before you make any ban. It is really really unfair. I think the admin situation in battlefield is terrible lol. There are so many servers I go to that say "we are recruiting, no age limit or must be 14 yrs or older" Thats ridiculous. You should hit puberty before you can admin.. Atleast that much. lol but on the other hand, I've played on servers where there were amazing admins with utmost respect for all the players til they had enough evidence to make a good decision.
+18|7022|Victoria BC or Karkand

steelie34 wrote:

allfive6 wrote:

gotchay wrote:

Just got banned with a few others for owning in {DAM} Karkand Infantry.

Seems some cheaters were using the same prefix as us, "HAWAII". It hilarious that the admins over there get mad when we own in their server. BPR guys were also banned. Guess legit players are no longer welcomed there.

They also said we sent black screenshoots when PB took them. There are tons of reasons for black screenshots, mostly being hardware/software issues.

It's funny they think me, with a 1.16 K/D is cheating.
you where banned for having black screens and having other members in your clan with a shit lost of pbbans against them
whilst i understand your position as an admin, since i have been on the receiving end of these types of bans, it is a bit unfair to drop the hammer without enough evidence. 

the poster is right about black PB screens being caused by hardware issues.  when i first got my 8800gtx, i had to turn off anti-aliasing, or my pb screens were black.  this combined with the fact that a few people ruined bf2s good name with their antics, caused several unfair bans against me.  only after an admin told me my screens were black, was i able to fix the issue.  i also had to drop the tags, but that's another story. 

you should try harder to actually prove cheating instead of being so quick to lay down bans with only circumstantial evidence.  its really not fair.
Try harder? you have no idea how hard it is to admin a clean server do you?
you have jackass's hacking left right and centre you have other players crying everyone is hacking. We do our best to admin fairly more than most. this guy who posted has the same tag as HAWAII Jr.Thug someone with many pbbans against them added to that they have all been told fix your black screen shot issue and we would even help them do so . they have decided to not fix it.  Maybe we should just take there word there not cheating.
As a player it is up to you to prove to me your clean and your game play to be unquestionable not the other way around. if you know vista and AA cause black screen shots turn it off or run XP. if you have members in your clan who hack don't be surprised if you get your ass banned for wearing the same tag.

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