AutralianChainsaw wrote:
Lai wrote:
I can't believe you Americans bought that crap in the first place. You should have voted McCain,..
Omg you cannot be serious.. McCain is retarded.. he cannot make the difference between Iran and Al Qaida.
With McCain the americans would be in the same economic problems and add a war or two against muslim nations..
obama did not create the mess they are in, 20 years of careless spending did..
Now they need a leader who can fix the problem, but Obama is not the one.. and mcCain would be even worst.
The only one who could have fix this mess is ................ (fill the blank)
When both candidates are fail, I tend to go with the one that has some principles and is honest about his intentions. Obama did not create the current mess, but neither did McCain. The democrats PR decision wants you to believe McCain=Bush. Wow, they are both republicans indeed, Obama's PR might be right,.. NOT! IMO Bush really wasn't that bad either, he just had about the poorest staff in decades. I once saw an interview where he didn't had to play cowboy and could say something that did not have to appeal to people below a certain intellect, and I found him very sympathetic. I think in ten or twenty years people will reflect on George W. Bush, very differently from the way they let him go.
Obama will play cutey boy for another year or two, apologize to the world for the mess. Note that from a US perspective this is actually a bad thing, since quite a large part of the world doesn't give a fuck about the US playing humble and will just see an oportunity to walk over them. After those two years, people will realise Obama's personal contribution to restabilizing the world economy has been absolutely trivial and he will be flamed. Meanwhile Obama, pressed by a multitude of lobbies, will do something stupid. E.g. while the US is now living happily ever after with the Talibs in Islamabad, Obama will now attempt to take on China or Russia in skirmishes in the Ukraine or the Caucasus. Obama's overly ambitious climate programs (which is complete bull and Al's thing anyway) will have failed utterly and only lead to higher fuel taxes and bureaucracy. Not that it matters much. I think it is inevitable that the US will have to let go of the "number one western ace" position. Shared first or second place it will be, which personally I think is a good thing (again not from a US perspective though).
To fill in the blank, I think Mike Huckabee was the best candidate available, since he at least got endorsed by Chuck Norris.
Flecco wrote:
usmarine wrote:
Flecco wrote:
Their salads have more sugar in them than the burgers last I checked. Gl with that.
how can lettuce and carrots have more sugar than anywhere else? now are you talking about dressings?
I should point out now that the nearest McDonalds to my current location is approximately 350km away. Most of my life the nearest Maccas has been over 300km away. I didn't grow up with much fast food in my diet, especially the franchised American kind. I just dislike the stuff generally, avoid it as much as possible (other than subway really, don't go there much either though), and find the advertisements annoying.
And I hate the damn pickles!
You should always ask for one without a pickle at MacDos in any case. That way you might actually have a chance that your burger will be warm, because they had to make it fresh (*chuckle), rather than take it of the antique shelve.