Lotta_Drool wrote:
Aries_37 wrote:
because some people could put up with short pain/ discomfort if they knew in return they would get 4 months of their life back.
please don't try to construe this into some sort of argument about how waterboarding is not some sort of cruel/unusual punishment.
Actually it is an argument that people who selected that are:
A: OK with torture
B: Retarded fucking idiots
why would they be retarded fucking idiots?
Believing that waterboarding/torture is unacceptable and inhumane and being willing to trade 4 months prison time for 1 session of torture aren't mutually exclusive. Especially when you consider your scenario of
knowing exactly what they will do, knowing that your life is not in danger, knowing you will have only one session, knowing that their will be a payoff, knowing they won't do anything beyond what has been agreed.