
Would you submit to CIA waterboarding to reduce sentence?

yes, but it is still torture31%31% - 14
yes, is it really torture if a person would volunteer?35%35% - 16
no, it is torture31%31% - 14
no, it is not torture but noway Jose'2%2% - 1
Total: 45
Imagine you are convicted of a crime and given 20 years with no parole, but also the option to submit yourself to the same CIA waterboarding proceedure used on terrorists at club gitmo to reduce your sentence.

For each session of waterboarding ( not sure what or if there was a time limit to the boarding ) you recieve 4 months off your sentence.  You get to pick the number of sessions only you will do and have to pick the day you are convicted.  Maximum of selecting 59 sessions because they need a 4 month period to waterboard your ass if you pick 59 sessions.

Do you?  How many sessions?

Nah, I'd rather work out all day and be taken under the wing of one of the kind, older felons in exchange for handjobs. I would slowly rise through the prison hierarchy to one day become top crim and get to be the one getting handjobs.


I would totally go on a crime spree and just get waterboarded till my sentence was gone.

i have been thru waterboarding.  no big deal.  so yes, i would take it.
+3,611|6794|London, England
if usmarine can do it i can do it

Mekstizzle wrote:

if usmarine can do it i can do it
it aint a big deal.  if you ever had an older sibling hold your head under water in the pool to fuck with you, then you have done it.  or you can go to sere school.

usmarine wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

if usmarine can do it i can do it
it aint a big deal.  if you ever had an older sibling hold your head under water in the pool to fuck with you, then you have done it.  or you can go to sere school.
If it is so easy why every time a journalist tries it they only last a few seconds? Also anyone ever enjoyed it?
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Macbeth wrote:

If it is so easy why every time a journalist tries it they only last a few seconds?
Could it be that they're fucking pussies?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|5894|Gulf Coast

FEOS wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

If it is so easy why every time a journalist tries it they only last a few seconds?
Could it be that they're fucking pussies?
^This, also a journalist being water boarded to the edge of sanity(or pretending to be) gets more ratings then if they sat up after the boarding, shrugged their shoulders and said "Meh"

FEOS wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

If it is so easy why every time a journalist tries it they only last a few seconds?
Could it be that they're fucking pussies?
I was just about to type the same thing....lmao...   Comparing pussy journalists to terrorists... haha
shocker the pussy journalist wouldn't last long... would kind of put a crimp on their anti waterboarding crusade...

It would be great to see a journalist get waterboarded and say... that was really unpleasant...but my head is still attached...
Love is the answer
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

If it is so easy why every time a journalist tries it they only last a few seconds?
Could it be that they're fucking pussies?
I was just about to type the same thing....lmao...   Comparing pussy journalists to terrorists... haha
shocker the pussy journalist wouldn't last long... would kind of put a crimp on their anti waterboarding crusade...

It would be great to see a journalist get waterboarded and say... that was really unpleasant...but my head is still attached...
You've hit the other nail on the head: agenda. They have to show how "horrible" it is and share it with the world to increase the outrage. Then their name gets associated with its banning and they get a Pulitzer. Then on to the next agenda-driven "story" as opposed to reporting the facts.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

From the way marine made it sound anyone could do it easy. From everyone I have seen it happen to they gave up in seconds. As for agenda IIRC Chris Hitchens (sic) was pro water boarding before he had it done to him and he gave up in seconds. It is on youtube if want to see it.
If it was so easy to withstand why would they use it?

usmarine wrote:

i have been thru waterboarding.  no big deal.  so yes, i would take it.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
How about life in prison or have one of your nuts chopped off? Awake. Open the sack, lay out the nut, swing with hatchet. Home free.
Dropped on request
Well if you know it's just going to be a waterboarding it defeats the purpose. The purpose is to try and make the guy think he's actually going to drown if he doesn't talk.

Thank you guys for clearing up what waterboarding is. I admit I was one of the sheep that would only hear how bad it was without really knowing exactly what they were doing. (Didn't stop me from supporting it though... nasty terrorists)

I'd do it until I was tired of it. Just stay away from me with the blowtorch and pliers.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-05-22 13:10:43)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

usmarine wrote:

if you ever had an older sibling hold your head under water in the pool to fuck with you, then you have done it
I once stuck my penis in a pool jet. Does that count?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Why walk when you can dance?
This pool jet was a relative to you? If not...no.
+572|6832|BC, Canada

Fallschirmjager10 wrote:

If it was so easy to withstand why would they use it?
@ drool... what a weird thing to think up btw...

Last edited by Nic (2009-05-22 14:02:23)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

This pool jet was a relative to you? If not...no.
We dated for a few weeks after.. it didn't work out.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Why walk when you can dance?
ah I see, cousins....
For the people who would submit to waterboarding to get out of 4 months of prison but feel it is still torture,

Why are you not calling for the end of keeping people in prison since you feel 4 months in jail is worse than waterboarding?
arrivederci frog
because some people could put up with short pain/ discomfort if they knew in return they would get 4 months of their life back.

please don't try to construe this into some sort of argument about how waterboarding is not some sort of cruel/unusual punishment.

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