On the site as many of you know, the requirment is 5h for the service ribbon. Then other sites state 50h of tmie in service. I believe it to be true that you need only 25h time in service and you mush play all the maps that the particualr group such as SAS require. So you must play 25h in the team and also play all the maps that that particualr team can participate in.

If you have any questions just reply to this post... I believe this to be true due to BFHQ data with relation to stats from Thanks...
Cool member
well i think it is pretty obvious that you have to play the maps which have the corresponding team. other wise you wouldnt be playing that team as they would not exist on the other maps.
That is incorrect! I have played SF for 90+ hours now and I just recieved my SAS Ribbon at 50hours on March 26th. Total hours on SAS is 52 hours at this time. I have 35+ on Insurgent and 37+ on Russian Spetsnaz with no ribbon's. So yes it is incorrect of 5hrs posted here but on bf2player where you see 50hours this is correct.
SEARCH, there are a lot of thread on this topic

You have to play all the map with that army inside plus 50 hrs time in theater for the armies with 3 maps and 45 hours time in theater for the armies with only 2 maps.
Commander God
+41|6807|Denver, CO
I agree with daves-box.  I just got my Russian Spetsnaz Ribbon today March 29th with exactly 50:24:51 of my Spetsnaz Theatre.  I am pretty sure the requirement is exactly 50 hours for Spetsnaz.
However, with British SAS, I have 53:53:42 and still no ribbon.  That one may be 55 hours that I have seen in other forums.

Check my stats if you have any other questions.

Last edited by Lt.Garbo (2006-03-29 19:50:09)

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

50 hours, each map played as each side.
Lt.Garbo: play a round of night flight and you will get the ribbon. If you look at your stats on you will see that night flight is the map you are missing in the theater even though you have over the 50+ hours that are required.

daves-box wrote:

Lt.Garbo: play a round of night flight and you will get the ribbon. If you look at your stats on you will see that night flight is the map you are missing in the theater even though you have over the 50+ hours that are required.
I R the agree! I need three hours till mine if this is right, i will take a screenshot and maybe we can chatt with the ubar guys to change it

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