Wow, I actually had a half decent converstation with a guy from California which spanned about half an hour.
War Man wrote:
You: hi
Stranger: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
if you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
your current administrator is: Brian
You: haha
You: i don't cybersex
Stranger: Sir, this is no GAME.
You: gtfo
You: faggot
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Funny part was, I wasn't paying attention and didn't realize I picked the same name as him.Stranger: amber?
You: hi
You: yeah babe
Stranger: we were chatting earlier?
Stranger: i'm rob
Stranger: from socal?
Stranger: hows college today?
You: I'm Robert and I'm from Texas
Stranger: oh
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: robert
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 19 m Canada
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: yo
Stranger: asl
You: 19 m Canada
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 19 m Canada
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: do you think of pig flu?
You: I have it
You: it ain't pretty
Stranger: you have it ?
Stranger: OH my god ,are u from ?
You: Ohio
Stranger: Oh good it's so beautiful
Stranger: now are you live in you home for heal pig flu?
You: yeah
Stranger: the news said more than one thousand people had been infected by pig flu in your country ,it's so bad news
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: China, ....... Pls dont disconnet
You: do you have a penis?
Stranger: last time i checked, yes
You: how big is it?
You: oh my
You: pics?
Last edited by ebug9 (2009-05-17 14:14:45)
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: hih
You: hi
You: hi
You: hih
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: h
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: hih
You: hi
You: hi
You: hih
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: h
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: heyyy
Stranger: hey
Stranger: what's up?
You: nothinn
You: just feelin a little horny
You: wanna cyber hun?
Stranger: you're a girl?
You: yeaaa lol
Stranger: okay that's good
You: tell me what you would doo baby
Stranger: how old are you and what do you look like?
You: just 18
You: 5 7 115 blonde
Stranger: niiice
Stranger: got a pic?
You: not yet
You: tell me
You: ooh
You: tell me what you would do baby
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i'd reach up your shirt and squeeze your tits
Stranger: while kissing you open mouth
You: ahhh
You: oohh i love it
You: it feels so good
Stranger: then i'd take off your shirt and kiss down your neck
You: i stroke your bulge
You: its sooo big
Stranger: i take off your bra and lick and bite your nipples
Stranger: ohh yeah that feels nice
You: o god its hurts soo good
You: get my pussy
You: i need it
Stranger: ok, i'll rub your clit as i kiss your tits
You: oh i cant resist
Stranger: and then i'll kiss down your midriff til i get to your pussy
You: i start sucking your dick
You: its soo big
Stranger: ohh yeah tell me all that you'll do to it
You: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. Reference no. 8429l271. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to Child Protective Services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.
Stranger: SHIT
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Pure fucking win
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: heyyy
Stranger: hey
Stranger: what's up?
You: nothinn
You: just feelin a little horny
You: wanna cyber hun?
Stranger: you're a girl?
You: yeaaa lol
Stranger: okay that's good
You: tell me what you would doo baby
Stranger: how old are you and what do you look like?
You: just 18
You: 5 7 115 blonde
Stranger: niiice
Stranger: got a pic?
You: not yet
You: tell me
You: ooh
You: tell me what you would do baby
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i'd reach up your shirt and squeeze your tits
Stranger: while kissing you open mouth
You: ahhh
You: oohh i love it
You: it feels so good
Stranger: then i'd take off your shirt and kiss down your neck
You: i stroke your bulge
You: its sooo big
Stranger: i take off your bra and lick and bite your nipples
Stranger: ohh yeah that feels nice
You: o god its hurts soo good
You: get my pussy
You: i need it
Stranger: ok, i'll rub your clit as i kiss your tits
You: oh i cant resist
Stranger: and then i'll kiss down your midriff til i get to your pussy
You: i start sucking your dick
You: its soo big
Stranger: ohh yeah tell me all that you'll do to it
You: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. Reference no. 8429l271. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to Child Protective Services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.
Stranger: SHIT
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Pure fucking win
WTF, was this guy on crack or something?Stranger: WHEN
You: hi
Stranger: THEY
Stranger: ACT
Stranger: UP
Stranger: YOU'
Stranger: CALL
Stranger: THEIR
Stranger: BLUFF
You: .............................
Stranger: We're not gonna pay
Stranger: We're not gonna pay
Stranger: 'CAUSE
Stranger: EVERY
Stranger: THING
Stranger: IS
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
..............................You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
next time say you're 17 or something. 18 is legal.Reddhedd wrote:
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: heyyy
Stranger: hey
Stranger: what's up?
You: nothinn
You: just feelin a little horny
You: wanna cyber hun?
Stranger: you're a girl?
You: yeaaa lol
Stranger: okay that's good
You: tell me what you would doo baby
Stranger: how old are you and what do you look like?
You: just 18
You: 5 7 115 blonde
Stranger: niiice
Stranger: got a pic?
You: not yet
You: tell me
You: ooh
You: tell me what you would do baby
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i'd reach up your shirt and squeeze your tits
Stranger: while kissing you open mouth
You: ahhh
You: oohh i love it
You: it feels so good
Stranger: then i'd take off your shirt and kiss down your neck
You: i stroke your bulge
You: its sooo big
Stranger: i take off your bra and lick and bite your nipples
Stranger: ohh yeah that feels nice
You: o god its hurts soo good
You: get my pussy
You: i need it
Stranger: ok, i'll rub your clit as i kiss your tits
You: oh i cant resist
Stranger: and then i'll kiss down your midriff til i get to your pussy
You: i start sucking your dick
You: its soo big
Stranger: ohh yeah tell me all that you'll do to it
You: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. Reference no. 8429l271. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to Child Protective Services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.
Stranger: SHIT
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Pure fucking win
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Nicky?
You: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
Please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
If you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
Your current administrator is: Brian
Stranger: what are you talking about?
You: Sir, this is no GAME.
Stranger: i'm a chick...
You: M'am, this is no GAME.
Stranger: *Ma'am
You: Ma'm, this is no GAME.
Stranger: what is this? i haven't been doing any of that stuff. people can't even complain about a person
Stranger: they don't know who is it.
Stranger: *it s
Stranger: *it is
Stranger: this is obviously not an administrator. if your saying i'm cursing, and thats why i've been reported then why would you be cursing?
Stranger: i should report you
Stranger: wow
Stranger: and thats my cue to leave.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Nicky?
You: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
Please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
If you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
Your current administrator is: Brian
Stranger: what are you talking about?
You: Sir, this is no GAME.
Stranger: i'm a chick...
You: M'am, this is no GAME.
Stranger: *Ma'am
You: Ma'm, this is no GAME.
Stranger: what is this? i haven't been doing any of that stuff. people can't even complain about a person
Stranger: they don't know who is it.
Stranger: *it s
Stranger: *it is
Stranger: this is obviously not an administrator. if your saying i'm cursing, and thats why i've been reported then why would you be cursing?
Stranger: i should report you
Stranger: wow
Stranger: and thats my cue to leave.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey
You: hallo
You: are you european?
Stranger: ya
Stranger: are you
You: aha, my pshycic abilitilies are still intact
You: im american
You: we have bigger things
You: like cars
Stranger: haah true
You: and people
Stranger: are you a girl
You: NO
You: anyone who claims there a girl is lieing
You: girls don't talk to random people on the internet
Stranger: ya right i get sooo many pics of girls naked
You: except for horny, ugly 13 year olds
Stranger: sooo shut upo
Stranger: bitych
You: hallo
You: are you european?
Stranger: ya
Stranger: are you
You: aha, my pshycic abilitilies are still intact
You: im american
You: we have bigger things
You: like cars
Stranger: haah true
You: and people
Stranger: are you a girl
You: NO
You: anyone who claims there a girl is lieing
You: girls don't talk to random people on the internet
Stranger: ya right i get sooo many pics of girls naked
You: except for horny, ugly 13 year olds
Stranger: sooo shut upo
Stranger: bitych
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: rgrthtyjikuioiol
Stranger: hi
You: zdsvkljdb
You: hi
Stranger: srlsrtugkrtdukyb
Stranger: how are you?
Stranger: i have parkinson
Stranger: utthdgiu.,yhj.,tfuhn
You: sdknsgvn;
You: good n you?
Stranger: fijkbzrdtkbtgrdsthgdrstgbne
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: krxtbkcghjnjmkhyvjniljnmlhjmnljh
Stranger: where hoezrhgitg,rzfgtvi,esyrgare hgirefgrseygf,srg you from?
You: Canoafihnafada
Stranger: sppppppppppppppgrxktug,hrxtfuigh,tiuergdztv,ain
Stranger: u have weed there in canada?
You: yeah
Stranger: t.iufhgithng.tyihgitkh.ybt.fWEEDuzdhb,grxgtrtjgbn,d
Stranger: i like weed
Stranger: do you like weed?
You: nope
Stranger: ahhh
Stranger: too bad
Stranger: im high!
You have disconnected.
Well I think I found one of max's relatives.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i'm jacking off to my next door neighbor
Stranger: she has this amazing ass
You: oh really?
Stranger: and hips that kill
Stranger: truely amazing
Stranger: he's gorgeous
Stranger: I mean she >.>
Stranger: and has long straight hair
You: pics or it didn't happen
Stranger: And nice set of tits. Possibly C cup
Stranger: well, she's inside the house at the moment
Stranger: when she first moved in she was about 14 or 15 Now she's 16 or 17
You: and you're how old?
Stranger: But damn, she only got better with age
Stranger: 23
Stranger: she had these killer curves even at that age
Stranger: She wears these super tight shorts
Stranger: they hug her thighs/hips/butt
Stranger: damn
Stranger: About 5' 4"
Stranger: She's a cheerleader too
Stranger: ^_^
Stranger: did i mention she's got this vuluptous lips?
Stranger: when she wears lip gloss
Stranger: nearly makes me cum every fuckign time
Stranger: you're boring
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: rgrthtyjikuioiol
Stranger: hi
You: zdsvkljdb
You: hi
Stranger: srlsrtugkrtdukyb
Stranger: how are you?
Stranger: i have parkinson
Stranger: utthdgiu.,yhj.,tfuhn
You: sdknsgvn;
You: good n you?
Stranger: fijkbzrdtkbtgrdsthgdrstgbne
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: krxtbkcghjnjmkhyvjniljnmlhjmnljh
Stranger: where hoezrhgitg,rzfgtvi,esyrgare hgirefgrseygf,srg you from?
You: Canoafihnafada
Stranger: sppppppppppppppgrxktug,hrxtfuigh,tiuergdztv,ain
Stranger: u have weed there in canada?
You: yeah
Stranger: t.iufhgithng.tyihgitkh.ybt.fWEEDuzdhb,grxgtrtjgbn,d
Stranger: i like weed
Stranger: do you like weed?
You: nope
Stranger: ahhh
Stranger: too bad
Stranger: im high!
You have disconnected.
Well I think I found one of max's relatives.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i'm jacking off to my next door neighbor
Stranger: she has this amazing ass
You: oh really?
Stranger: and hips that kill
Stranger: truely amazing
Stranger: he's gorgeous
Stranger: I mean she >.>
Stranger: and has long straight hair
You: pics or it didn't happen
Stranger: And nice set of tits. Possibly C cup
Stranger: well, she's inside the house at the moment
Stranger: when she first moved in she was about 14 or 15 Now she's 16 or 17
You: and you're how old?
Stranger: But damn, she only got better with age
Stranger: 23
Stranger: she had these killer curves even at that age
Stranger: She wears these super tight shorts
Stranger: they hug her thighs/hips/butt
Stranger: damn
Stranger: About 5' 4"
Stranger: She's a cheerleader too
Stranger: ^_^
Stranger: did i mention she's got this vuluptous lips?
Stranger: when she wears lip gloss
Stranger: nearly makes me cum every fuckign time
Stranger: you're boring
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Last edited by ebug9 (2009-05-19 19:12:34)
AssholeYou: hi
Stranger: hey
You: where you from?
Stranger: US
You: sane
Stranger: NV
You: wi
Stranger: too cold for me during the winter
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Wtf?You: hi
Stranger: Good day
You: where you from?
Stranger: Kansas
Stranger: Jesus loves you
You: good for him
You: he loves you too
Stranger: I know, he's in my heart.
Stranger: Have you accpeted him as your savior?
You: somewhat
Stranger: That's too bad. I feel sorry for you.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
if you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
your current administrator is: Brian
You: Hello, we've had some complaints.
Stranger: hi
You: Care to explain your actions?
Stranger: what action?
You: !message
You: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
if you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
your current administrator is: Brian
You: Come clean and you won't be banned from Omegle and Omegle associated websites.
Stranger: umm.
You: Umm?
Stranger: sorry, i don't understand well
Stranger: i can't speak english well
You: Sir, you're in trouble due to your conduct on Omegle.
Stranger: why?
You: As such, we have a policy to talk to first time offenders rather than just ban them as that is bad for business.
You: We've had 42 Cyber sex complaints from your IP from our loggers.
You: According to the records in front of me
Stranger: i'm polite
You: Is this true or is it not?
Stranger: not true
You: Explain yourself.
Stranger: i'm polite everytime
You: That is not what the log says.
Stranger: and i visit here first time
Stranger: today is first
Stranger: you're kidding me?
You: The log also says you used the words "fuck" 396 times, the word "shit" 275 times, the word "bitch" 567 times and the word "cunt" 132 times.
Stranger: hahaha
You: That is in blatant violation of Omegle user policy.
Stranger: i don't use that words
Stranger: ok?
You: Give me three reasons as to why I should not ban your IP right now.
Stranger: 1.
Stranger: i don't use that words.
Stranger: 2. i don't use that words.
Stranger: 3
Stranger: i don't use that words.
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: and i visit here today first
You: If you think this is a joke then you are sadly mistaken. You are aware Omegle is owned and operated by Google? By violating Omegle and earning yourself a ban from Omegle your IP will be forever banned from Google and its sister sites. Do you understand?
You: Your IP log says you have visited Omegle fourteen (14) times within the last three (3) days.
Stranger: no
Stranger: never
You: You are obviously lying, sir.
Stranger: why i'm lying
You: I am keying in the ban for your IP. When you exit this conversation you will be banned from Omegle, Google and its sister sites.
You: Have a nice day.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i think you're kidding me
Stranger: don't do that
Stranger: i'm not fun like that kidding
You: ------------------------------------
The Admin you have been speaking with has left. Please exit your current conversation and refrain from accessing Omegle, Google and its sister sites.
Stranger: what are you saying?
Stranger: bye bye
Stranger: i'm boring
Stranger: and
Stranger: give it a shot!
Stranger: haha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
if you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
your current administrator is: Brian
You: Hello, we've had some complaints.
Stranger: hi
You: Care to explain your actions?
Stranger: what action?
You: !message
You: ------------------------------------
You are now talking to an Omegle Administrator, due to complaints about your IP
address. the complaints currently logged against your IP address are:
-Use of bad language
-Using the Omegle chat client (C) for "cyber sex"
please refrain from abusing our administrator, and talk to them nicely.
if you think we've got the wrong IP address, please explain to our administrator.
your current administrator is: Brian
You: Come clean and you won't be banned from Omegle and Omegle associated websites.
Stranger: umm.
You: Umm?
Stranger: sorry, i don't understand well
Stranger: i can't speak english well
You: Sir, you're in trouble due to your conduct on Omegle.
Stranger: why?
You: As such, we have a policy to talk to first time offenders rather than just ban them as that is bad for business.
You: We've had 42 Cyber sex complaints from your IP from our loggers.
You: According to the records in front of me
Stranger: i'm polite
You: Is this true or is it not?
Stranger: not true
You: Explain yourself.
Stranger: i'm polite everytime
You: That is not what the log says.
Stranger: and i visit here first time
Stranger: today is first
Stranger: you're kidding me?
You: The log also says you used the words "fuck" 396 times, the word "shit" 275 times, the word "bitch" 567 times and the word "cunt" 132 times.
Stranger: hahaha
You: That is in blatant violation of Omegle user policy.
Stranger: i don't use that words
Stranger: ok?
You: Give me three reasons as to why I should not ban your IP right now.
Stranger: 1.
Stranger: i don't use that words.
Stranger: 2. i don't use that words.
Stranger: 3
Stranger: i don't use that words.
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: and i visit here today first
You: If you think this is a joke then you are sadly mistaken. You are aware Omegle is owned and operated by Google? By violating Omegle and earning yourself a ban from Omegle your IP will be forever banned from Google and its sister sites. Do you understand?
You: Your IP log says you have visited Omegle fourteen (14) times within the last three (3) days.
Stranger: no
Stranger: never
You: You are obviously lying, sir.
Stranger: why i'm lying
You: I am keying in the ban for your IP. When you exit this conversation you will be banned from Omegle, Google and its sister sites.
You: Have a nice day.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i think you're kidding me
Stranger: don't do that
Stranger: i'm not fun like that kidding
You: ------------------------------------
The Admin you have been speaking with has left. Please exit your current conversation and refrain from accessing Omegle, Google and its sister sites.
Stranger: what are you saying?
Stranger: bye bye
Stranger: i'm boring
Stranger: and
Stranger: give it a shot!
Stranger: haha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
SWEET!!! Got to talk to a fellow Wisconsinite who is 16 and has an xbox 360, can't wait to get a wireless adapter.
Edit: And i met another Wisconsinite who's a 15 year old girl, haha.
Edit: And i met another Wisconsinite who's a 15 year old girl, haha.
Last edited by War Man (2009-05-22 18:00:49)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
You: but i'm a guy
Stranger: Well, congratulations on being a member of the male gender.
Stranger: Historically, we've had it conciderably easier than female gender, and in many ways we still do.
Stranger: So I think you've made a fine choice.
You: hahaha
Stranger: The male gender comes with many amenities, including:
Stranger: A penis equipped with two (2) balls
You: the dick
Stranger: yes indeed
Stranger: The ability to laugh at impolite bodily processes
Stranger: A conviniently flat chest
Stranger: Less judgement based on looks
Stranger: And generally more impervious emotions
You: hahahaha
You: bravo *claps hands*
Stranger: *bow* *bow* *accepts rose bouquet*
Last edited by War Man (2009-05-22 15:59:37)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
<3 attempting to cybersexConnecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i love u
You: are you gonna disconnect me because i'm a guy?
Stranger: l want to u
You: i want to you too
You: but i accendtially your vagina
Stranger: you female
Stranger: right?
You: you literate?
Stranger: what?
You: yes i'm a female
You: wink
Stranger: i luv u
You: i love you too
You: i want to in your mouth
Stranger: im female too
You: good
Stranger: what?
Stranger: i want you ♥
You: what color are you? race-wise? brown? white? black? yellow? red? green? blue?
Stranger: red
Stranger: im rose
You: you are native american?
You: you an injun?
You: i was about to lick your pussy but i changed my mind
Stranger: nonono
You: probably tastes like vodka or jack daniels
Stranger: oh
Stranger: I'm delicious
You: where are you from?
Stranger: secret
You: i'm from uranus
You: get it!?
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: How's life?
You: can i tell you something?
Stranger: Yes
You: life is good
You: because i just farted
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
ppl be dissconectin me all night... think that means i need to be out and not online
lawlz. i'm just high is all officer i swear!!! I swarez! lawls. lawl. i'm lawling on the floor. lawling and puking all over myself.Stranger: where are you?
You: i'm in outer space
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 안녕 'ㅅ'
You: wat
Stranger: 나 한국인이얌
You: wat
Stranger: 아이 엠 코리아 ㅠ.ㅠ
You: wat
Stranger: I am Korean
You: no shit
You have disconnected.
Korean smiley face!SirSchloppy wrote:
hahaha niceMetal-Eater-GR wrote:
Korean smiley face!SirSchloppy wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: hey
Stranger: asl
You: no I have a dsl connection
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: heyy
You: hey
Stranger: asl
You: no I have a dsl connection
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Last edited by voodoodolphins (2009-05-25 13:57:15)
I just got Rick Rolled on Omegle... that's downright wrong.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: where from man?
Stranger: deutsh
You: germany?
Stranger: ja
Stranger: und due
You: hold on
You: let me go to google translate for ya
Stranger: was
Stranger: woher bist due
Stranger: bist due mann
Stranger: ich bin deutsch mann
Stranger: blau augen
Stranger: 1.80 lange
You: Ich spreche kein Deutsch
Stranger: egall is gut
Stranger: ich suche freundin
Stranger: girl
You: Ich verstehe nicht, Sie, ich bin mit Google zu übersetzen und sie nicht übersetzen einige Worte
You: Verstehen Sie Englisch?
Stranger: due schreib aber gut
Stranger: nein
Stranger: ich schlafe immer nicht
You: Verdammt, um gut zu sehen, wie wir können nicht verstehen einander. Verlassen können
Stranger: jetz es ist 06 uhr
You: Was zum Teufel?
Stranger: bist due jung
Stranger: schüler
You: Hey Mann, ich nicht sprechen, diese Sprache
Stranger: bist due in europa
Stranger: lern doch
Stranger: hier ist german school
You: Ich bin aus den USA, und nur Englisch verstehen
Grund bin ich spreche Deutsch ist, weil dieser Website
Stranger: you school?
Stranger: okey sorry
You: no problem man
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
I've been claiming to be the devil. It's pretty fun. I'm trying to gain souls and I have to say it's going pretty well.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Scatological humor is the best.You: hi
Stranger: I shit myself. Just now.
You: how did it feel?
Stranger: Really good.
You: i imagine
Stranger: Do it
You: hmm, maybe
You: i did eat mexican food for dinner
Stranger: It feels really nice.
You: as nice as wetting yourself?
Stranger: Better.
You: but is cleaning up worth the hassle?
Stranger: I just get my dad to eat it.
You: oh ok, that works
Stranger: Yes
You: i should see if i could get my salad tossed while they're at it
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: my mom eats it sometimes
Stranger: Darn, I have to go. My dad pooped in the bathtub again.
Stranger: Bye.