Lai wrote:
DrunkFace wrote:
Lai wrote:
No, people should take responsibility prior to conception, not whine aftewards.
Not to mention a lot of people already do.
Because you are basically killing an unborn child. Now, just for your information, I am an atheist and do not share the Vatican's point of view on abortion. I do support abortion as an emergency measure. I even support abbortion for medical reasons (e.g. kid will be retard) and advocate stimcell research including the use of aborted foetusses. However, aborting a child for the sole reason that you were to damn lazy to strap up, imo is 200% fail! And I've never made any comments, regarding the people that already do.
If you are the purely practical kind of guy, than you should also be ready to accept these purely practical arguments:
1. At least here in Holland, abortions are wholly or partially covered by abortions. Abortions cost money, so that means I'll have to pay for your goddamned laziness.
2. Two, it is a common misconception that abortions are "routine procedures". They are quite severe medical procedures, providing great stress, both physically as well as mentally to the will-not-be-mother. Like all quite severe medical procedures, they come with the risc of complications. As such they should be avoided at all costs! Surely I wouldn't want my girlfriend to undergo this, perhaps even at a regular basis, because I couldn't be bothered.
Other forms of contraception can fail.
1. Look up, and boo hoo. There are many more things which have a much higher direct cost to health cover due to laziness. Smoking for example.
2. I Fully know what is required for an abortion and know someone who has had one. Don't you think that given the fact the procedure is so invasive and stressful that those who choose to have one really don't want that child? I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through it either and I know how it has affected my friend. But I disagree totally on there being restrictions on the procedure if someone wants it.