FEOS wrote:
Diesel_dyk wrote:
Who would be the one responsible for approving what the CIA tells Congress, that would be the administration and more likely Cheney.
Testimony in the investigation of the "enhanced techniques" has already showed that a memo that called those techniques torture and being illegal was collected up and destroyed by the administration. That means that the "opinions" are not opinions at all but manufactured pieces for political cover and possibly cover from criminal wrong doing. Why do you think Cheney is now running around an basically saying that if he goes down he's taking Bush with him.
Now if Cheney had a hand in manufacturing opinions about "enhanced techniques" you can be pretty sure that everything that was reported to Congress was also vetted to convey the proper message.
In the end its a non issue what was told to congress, it not like they were "the decider."
and I agree this thread has been tortured enough.
I suppose that explains why Obama's administration won't release the reports Cheney requested that show the efficacy of the techniques. They are just as classified as what Obama released to start the shitstorm.
The bottomline is that certain members of Congress and their senior staffers (that would include Pelosi) are briefed on EVERYTHING that happens. EVERYTHING. They have to be in order for the funding for those programs to flow. Programs of that nature receive very careful scrutiny by Congress. For her to claim they weren't told about it is bullshit. By giving the go-ahead for the program (which is exactly what would have to have been done for funding to flow), she is complicit in what she has deemed to be criminal activity. Condemned by her own words.
At least Cheney is up front about it.
I guess the latest is that the enhanced interrogation techniques were used for the purpose of collecting information to support the Iraq war. Some are saying that even the manufactured opinions require an imminent threat to make the enhanced techniques legal. I guess the would be the Jack Bower torture loophole.
But, if they were using these techniques to support invading Iraq, then the opinions don't apply. Which is why Cheney is now running around trying to get these other memos released... Its interesting that he knows that these two memos exist and he remembers them in detail. He probably instructed the CIA to draft these.
So you have the veiled threat by Cheney that he will take Bush down with him, you have the legal opinions that are his get out of jail card, and you have these memos that support his story that the enhanced techniques were used to save American lives from imminent threat. But what might trip Cheney up is that the techniques were already being used to support the invasion of Iraq... IMO Pelosi might be trying to make this point but she's missed it by a long shot.
I still think its been Cheney/ Rumsfield the whole time. During Bush's first term Cheney ran all over Bush. That's why Bush Sr. sent in Baker and friends in to reign in Cheney. I think after that Rumsfield was fired. The way Cheney is running around shooting his mouth off about all this, I would think that his pace maker might suddenly and "accidentally" explode. If you know what I mean. IMO most people don't want to waste time going after these guys, it would be too messy and Pelosi is too retarded to stfu and stand out of the way as everyone tries to shovel the shit out the door.