wannabe_tank_whore wrote:
Your mind is indeed closed because you won't even consider the facts that disprove darwin's evolution when the holes are clearly evident.
Where is the fossil record of humans evolving from apes.
Apes from other land animals.
Birds from land animals.
Land animals from fish.
Fish from single cell organisms.
Where's science when questions need answering?
Facts that disprove evolution? Which exactly are you refering to? I havent seen any. (links to pseudo-scientific
www.GodIsCool.com sites dont count)
fossil record of humans evolving from apes: Well humans didnt evolve from "apes". But we got the same ancestors. ------> fossils of hominids show clearly how an ape-like creature could slowly become human.
Birds from land animals: Well archaeopterix got some reptile characteristics and some of birds. He may not be the direct link but you can see how it could have happened.
Land animals from fish: fossils of Latimeria, fish that already got a land animal-like skeleton structure with 5 fingers and that swims pretty much like a land animal walks. It existed millions of years ago and similar fishes were just recently found in the sea. It became a little bigger since then though (evolution....). There are also some species of fish that have primitive "legs" and lungs so they can survive on land for some time.
Fish from single cells: pretty hard to find single cell organisms that existed millions of years ago so I guess they will never be found. The fact that we cant find all the fossils is mainly due to the fact that it is extremely rare that a land animal becomes a fossil. Additionally it is extremely rare that we will actually find this fossil.
Other signs that make evolution a logical explanation:
- fossils.....why do we find a lot of strange fossils of animals that no longer exist but look very similar to modern animals e.g. Hyracotherium--->Merychippus--->Equus......horse.... It became bigger and lost some toes.
- homologies: morphologic similarities between closely related species e.g. skeleton of all mammals got 5 fingers-- same ancestors
- As an embryo humans, fish and birds look almost exactly the same. All got gills (even if they re not working). Why would a human embryo have gills which are not working? No its not because it could breathe in the amniotic liquor. Not enough O² in there I guess.....if there s any at all. Did god think: ah well I feel like giving them gills just.....dunno....because I m bored. It s really a strong sign that we and the fish have in fact the same ancestors.
- rudiments: Rudiments are organs that are not functional anymore but are still there. Human rudiments: nictitating membrane, Ear muscles (to rotate your ears), canine tooth, spanned muscles on the belly etc. (there are more). Another example of a rudiment: Wales got rests of a pelvis and rests of legs. Why? Because they were land animals and went back to the sea.
- atavisms: Another strong point: Some people got a mutation that reactivated old genes that had been deactivated. These genes could be located in the introns which are parts of the genetic code and normally arent translated. For example they got hair everywhere like fur. Or some got unfunctional gills. Some women got a milk line (more than 2 nipples in lines) like animals...... Why do they get it? Its a relict which makes you see our own evolution.
- So how could complex structures like the eye have developed through evolution, you might ask. At first there were simple structures like a cell that had a substance that broke down when light hit it. These organisms could detect light in a primitive way. The earthworm still got cells like that. So these cells gave those organisms an advantage and they spread. Slowly the light detecting cells were surrounded and sort of went into a primitive eyeball so movements could be detected. The different steps in this process can be seen in modern animals too (e.g. Planaria). So very slowly a complex eye could evolve through gradualism (slow changes).
- analogies: moles and some insects have got the same style of living and finding something to eat. So they both developed similar organs to dig. Those organs got a different inner structure but were developed for the same purpose. This shows how evolution can form organs that are effective for the individual way of living.
-marsupials in australia: This is pretty similar to analogies. Marsupials in australia evolved similar to mammals in the rest of the world because they occupy the same ecologic niches. E.g. you will find a marsupial wolf etc.
- The birds Darwin found on the galapagos isles clearly evolved from one species that came to the isle and could then occupy all the ecologic niches. The result were many different species. Some got a small pecker to eat insects, some a big one to eat grain etc.
Molecular biologyAll the forms of life are made out of the same chemical components and got the same genetic code which implies that they have evolved from each other. Molecular biological research leads to the SAME family tree as e.g. the fossil record which implies that it is probably right:
Cytochrome-c family tree:
Cytochrome-c is a macromolecule that has an important role in transporting electrons during the cellular respiration in all aerobic organisms. It s always made out of 104 amino acids. A Cytochrome-c family tree can be made when you look at the difference of this molecule in the different live forms. THis is what you will get:
other macromolecules can be compared too.....
Of course this produces similar results as the ones you get from fossils:
oldest findings:
Fish: 500mio years
Amphibians: 400mio
Reptiles: 320 mio
mammals: 225 mio
birds: 185 mio
You can also make a family tree by looking at the dependency of water:
Mammals - Birds
Doesnt this look familiar?????? Is this a coincidence?
Ok so lets make a family tree looking at the complexity of lungs and the heart:
Fish: only one heart ventricle......like a tube
Amphibians: 3 heart ventricles
Reptiles: almost 4 (not fully parted)
Mammals - Birds: 4 ventricles
Damn i ve already seen this somewhere.......
Ah well one last test.....it could just be a coincidence. Lets look at the family tree you get by comparing the immune response towards proteins of other species. If there s a weak reaction the relationship is seen as close because the proteinstructure is similar. Guess what the result will be? The same as above.....
What did you say? You re not convinced yet? Well then I suggest we will try DNA-DNA Hybridization. It s basically a method to compare the DNA. It also produces the same result.
To sum it all up we can be pretty sure that we found the correct family tree of how the different species are connected and evolved from each other.
I could go on forever but I realize that nothing I say will change someone s mind neither can you change mine.
Dont expect any more replies since I ll be bussy for about 2 weeks now.....writing Abitur and getting drunk afterwards.....
Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (18 years, 9 months ago)