I agree with JahMan. He was lucky to get what he did, because if I was one of those police officers, I would have beat the shit out of him. If the road was busy at the time he was driving down it the wrong way, as someone else said up there ^^^^ not only would he be putting civilians lives at risk, but the officer's too.
+3,936|6818|so randum
I see worse every night i'm out in Manchester...

And lets not even talk about Belfast
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
'Light 'em up!'

FatherTed wrote:

I see worse every night i'm out in Manchester...

And lets not even talk about Belfast
Crazy Irish!

But yeah, the guy kinda got what was coming to him. This isn't the worst for a group of police anyway. In other countries they basically drag them to the police cars by their hair.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6958|Your moms bedroom
looked like a head shot to me.... i loled though

HI im going to endanger the lives of innocents with my stupidness please handle me with kiddie gloves. Fuck that Im so sick of protecting the criminally dumb. I wish he had hit my car parked on the side of the street, I mightve come out of my house and beat his ass myself
Cop shouldn't have kicked him.  Dog shouldn't have bit him. Guy shouldn't have been bopped with the flashlight.  The man did everything in his power to get away, when he saw himself caught -he surrendered.  You could tell he knew the drill as he 'assumed the position' without even being told. 

The K-9 handeler did a pathetic job at handeling his animal (or he just made it look that way while his dog got in a nip). 

That all said.  Do I care?  Only if he is a US citizen.  Regardless, the man is still a douche.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

ATG wrote:

One may lose his emotion and get a pass.
When there are two officers are beating the bastard it becomes de facto policy.
I hear what you are saying, but I would give the cops a pass if I was on the jury.

You run from them and get them all excited, you can pretty much expect getting kicked in the head.
stephen brule
It's what happens, You run from the law and the bust their ass to catch the suspect.

He deserves a kick to the head.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6958|Your moms bedroom
I watched it twice, just so i could see him get kicked in the shoulder again "punk ass bitch"

Kmarion wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

for all you guys know the guy could've just raped and murdered some innocent little kid
Actually the one you didn't hear about was a chase that was only 30 minutes apart. A murder/carjacking suspect was apprehended without high fives/kick to the head.
http://www.knx1070.com/Police-Pursuit-E … WY/4390647
Kicking a criminal legal resident black man will get the ACLU and a myriad other groups on your case.  Kicking a hispanic illegal alien won't.
Say wat!?
The dog didn't bite him. That is all im adding to this debate.

Although I stand by what I said earlier, I have been thinking. Criminals who see that's what happens if they get caught are either going to not do it(small minority) or run faster, harder and more recklessly away from the cops for fear of getting their nuts chewed by a k9. mmmmm
O' HAL naw!
+470|6896|Columbus, OH
If the cop knew he was chasing down a felon, then the kick was ok. I would have the felon momentarily stunned while being restrained in case he tries to do something drastic. The cop with the flash light went over board. I like how the K9 is positioned between the felon's legs...lol

The other day me and my roommate were watching Cops and I said that they should allow lethal force on people who run, just so there doesn't have to be a big chase and you deserve to get shot anyway. However, that was just an exaggeration.

Regarding this video, I can see how frustrated the cops can be and how they want to let out some rage on this guy, but that's no excuse. They are enforcers of the law and they are supposed to be role models for the rest of society. This guy was clearly not resisting and finally gave up, there's not even a remote reason why the cop should've done that.

Plus, I'll bet the criminal will make a case and he'll get some time cut off his sentence. Silly cop, all that energy chasing him wasted because of one stupid move.
Should have ducked
+394|6805|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Well the sad thing is why is this guy outta jail? Oh wait thats right, California prisons are so full they are letting people out in record numbers.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Vilham wrote:

The dog didn't bite him. That is all im adding to this debate.
No it didn't. People need to go watch what happens when a k9 unit has been given the command to attack, they don't let go. I will say that the officer with the dog probably didn't need to try and help spread his legs.. but no fucking way did he lose control or order his animal to attack. Not from what I saw at least.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears
They deserve to be reprimanded for the high fives... that's unprofessional and shows they enjoy the adrenaline rush a little too much
Cops are supposed to be professional, they should be able to handle the adrenaline and act professionally.

The kick in the face was excessive, that cops a coward.
but I don't think the dog bit him.

Watch it on FOX... they edited the kick to the face out... and the flash light beating.
Now that's balanced with no spin. FOX is such a joke,

ATG wrote:


So are the cops frustrated because they know there are few real laws keeping illegal alien gang bangers out of our country are they just fucking animals?

1) Running kick to the face
2) flashlight beating
3) Dog biting
4) High fives

I'm reading that the officers are still on active duty.
lets put this into alittle perspective.

1) Uncalled For. simple as that.
2) I didn't see the huge maglite beating
3) K-9s don't bite like your puppy does.  It'll camp on and won't let go untill commanded to or the shock collar is activated.
4) I would too.

lets put this into alittle perspective.

For one that douche nozzle put himself, others and the officers in danger simply because he didn't want to man the fuck up by going to jail.

Yes the kick to the chrome dome is uncalled for. However I see no problems when tryin to place restraints on the cocker sucker, you can't tell but my guess is the little fucker was passively fighting.

Last edited by S3v3N (2009-05-14 12:22:06)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Diesel_dyk wrote:

Watch it on FOX... they edited the kick to the face out... and the flash light beating.
Now that's balanced with no spin. FOX is such a joke,
Not only did they show it.. they freeze framed it for ya..lol

Watch the entire clip and kick here http://www.myfoxla.com/dpp/news/local/L … k_20090513
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Diesel_dyk wrote:

They deserve to be reprimanded for the high fives... that's unprofessional and shows they enjoy the adrenaline rush a little too much
Cops are supposed to be professional, they should be able to handle the adrenaline and act professionally.

The kick in the face was excessive, that cops a coward.
but I don't think the dog bit him.

Watch it on FOX... they edited the kick to the face out... and the flash light beating.
Now that's balanced with no spin. FOX is such a joke,
Do you post stupid shit on purpose or are you a troll?
Being stupid would be condoning the kick to the head... are you condoning the kick to the head?
If I were trolling I would say "Do you post stupid shit on purpose or are you a troll?"

The fact is that the public sees the guy get kicked in the head and the the cops are celebrating like its a touchdown... really really stupid, it undermines the publics confidence in the police but then again this is California and home of the great LAPD isn't it? The police chief in this case has already said he has received complaints from citizens who saw the kick on TV.

Kick + high fives = need for more training.
Being caught on tape doing it = pure stupidity.

Kamarion --> I saw it on the Fox news channel, not on fox.com. The news channel didn't show it. in fact they showed the cop running up to the guy and right where the kick was they cut it, went to commerical and when it started again they showed the cops sitting on top of the guy. The editing job was a whitewash of the story. Then I come on line here to DAST and see the kick. POS Fox.

Saw another picture of the guy, he's a real sweetheart, has a tatooed lip and other crap... they showed him with a real shiner under his right eye. I guess the cop caught in the cheek or eye. Lucky the kick won't hurt his good looks.

Last edited by Diesel_dyk (2009-05-14 13:49:30)

+429|6765|Chicago, IL
Looking at that pic, I'd have cracked him a few too.

Guys obviously a gang member, he deserves a bullet to the head, he's lucky.
He will make a nice bitch for someone.  We need marshal law enacted in LA so the cops/military can just go out and kill these fucking gangsters.

Liberal pussies won't have any of it though.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6958|Your moms bedroom
fuck man, they should have cuffed him to the bumper and dragged  him back to the station, might be an improvement tbh

Last edited by Locoloki (2009-05-14 14:36:55)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Diesel_dyk wrote:

Kamarion --> I saw it on the Fox news channel, not on fox.com. The news channel didn't show it. in fact they showed the cop running up to the guy and right where the kick was they cut it, went to commerical and when it started again they showed the cops sitting on top of the guy. The editing job was a whitewash of the story. Then I come on line here to DAST and see the kick. POS Fox.

Maybe the cable network had to go to commercial? If they were broadcasting it live I don't see how they could have cut away intentionally as there was no way to predict it.

btw what were you doing watching FOX news?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I play at night... mostly
+47|6865|the best galaxy
I probably takes 10 good taxpaying men to compensate for what this guy is costing society.
Not to mention the death, human suffering he will cause in his lifetime.
All in all a total waste of resources tbh. Illogical/crap society.
Man With No Name
+148|5893|The Wild West
when I was 17 I ran from the police. I was in a car full of knuckleheads on our way to a friends house when we arrived at the friends house it was surrounded by cops.  We parked the car and all ran out like a bunch of retards.  We werent doing anything illegal at the moment, but when one person started running, everyone started running.  I ran behind some apartment complex

When I was caught, I was told to lay face down on the ground with my arms and legs spread out.

When the police officer approached me, he gave me a hard kick to the shoulder as a I was on the ground, telling me "sorry" in a "I did this on purpose" tone of voice.

I deserved it.  I didnt get arrested.  I went home that very night.

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