I'm moving to Brazil

A little known bill is now causing a firestorm among free speech expertsAn internet bill re-introduced in Congress by Representative Linda Sanchez aims to turn internet flaming and harassment into a felony, with a growing number of Congressman and others becoming familiar with the bill.The bill will make it a felony if the messages have "the intent is to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person."  People using electronic means to harass others face possible fines or jail sentence up to two years, or both.To date, the bill has the support of Sanchez and 14 other members of Congress, with Sanchez continuing to rally support for the bill.

Sanchez decided to create the bill, called the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act, after Megan Meier killed herself in 2007 after being bullied on social networking MySpace. This is the second attempt, after a previous one in May 2008, to have the bill signed into law.


Seems kind of odd to make internet bullying illegal since its not real bullying and you shouldnt care wut other people think who you dont even know? or Where do you stand... Do you think in some weird way that this could be good or you think this is stupid and waste of time and money? If the bill were to be passed the gov. would have to monitor everything which would be unlikely or impossible it could be possible but it would require a lot of work?

Good luck tracking me down assholes I'm on my neighbors wireless.
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.
First amendment anyone?
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6495|Atlanta, Georgia
4chan will take care of them.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL
If the anonymous trolling of some /b/-tard is enough to make you kill yourself, you have more problems than just the internet
+3,936|6653|so randum

S.Lythberg wrote:

If the anonymous trolling of some /b/-tard is enough to make you kill yourself, you have more problems than just the internet
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

FatherTed wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

If the anonymous trolling of some /b/-tard is enough to make you kill yourself, you have more problems than just the internet
this, plus I believe it's already illegal to go out of your way and really try and harass someone on the internet.

If you can't handle getting flamed on the internet, maybe the internet's just not for you. But there's a difference between being flamed/trolled and being harrassed.

Is it illegal to bully in person?

Fucking stupid law, if what someone writes on the internet offends you that much you should fucking kill yourself.
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.

ghettoperson wrote:

...if what someone writes on the internet offends you that much you should fucking kill yourself.
But that's why the bill was proposed in the first place.
+3,611|6774|London, England
To quote Aussie reaper (or one of those Australian dudes)

Dey see me trollin', dey hatin', patrollin n tryna catch me ridin dirty

I think it's relevant


But really:

article wrote:

To date, the bill has the support of Sanchez and 14 other members of Congress, with Sanchez continuing to rally support for the bill.
Yeah, that's really enough to pass through isn't it. Something like this would never get passed or even seriously taken

Sydney wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

...if what someone writes on the internet offends you that much you should fucking kill yourself.
But that's why the bill was proposed in the first place.
You suck b@llz, get off my internet.

^^^This could really get a person time?  btw, don't kill yourself over it if you haven't already.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Sydney wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

...if what someone writes on the internet offends you that much you should fucking kill yourself.
But that's why the bill was proposed in the first place.
You suck b@llz, get off my internet.

^^^This could really get a person time?  btw, don't kill yourself over it if you haven't already.
Don't do it Sydney!

I've never had a problem with the internets myself, If you don't want to get trolled on myspace, don't add random people as friends
+145|6461|Keller, Tx
Fucking Senators really are that stupid eh? Damn...

I just finished my first government class and it makes me sad for our country.

S.Lythberg wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Sydney wrote:

But that's why the bill was proposed in the first place.
You suck b@llz, get off my internet.

^^^This could really get a person time?  btw, don't kill yourself over it if you haven't already.
Don't do it Sydney!

I've never had a problem with the internets myself, If you don't want to get trolled on myspace, don't add random people as friends
OMG, He hasn't posted since i flammed him.  I's sorry
+240|6818|Austin, TX
Yeah, but there have been some extreme cases with lulz trolls.  There was the famous case of people using fake profiles to become friends with people, then badger and harrass them into suicide. 

There was also a case where a child died, and trolls found the parents email and phone numbers, then began to harrass them, including phoning them in the middle of the night saying "Help me, mommy!" 

There are a lot of people on the internet (including, I am sure, a few people on this forum) who use the anomynity of the internet to indulge their antisocial urges, deriving their pleasure and entertainment through the verbal and 'virtual' abuse of others.  These are people who would not think of doing anything near this bad in person, but use the safety of the internet where they can feel immune from reprisal.

I don't object to a law such as this, since it is most likely less objectionable to the public than finding them and cutting their eyes out before decapitating them.  No, I have not been a subject of this harrassment, but I can sympathize with them.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Why are so many people against Darwinism??

We have so many stupid laws and rules and set things up to protect people who should probably be dead?

Is Human life so important when that human is stupid?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Why are so many people against Darwinism??

We have so many stupid laws and rules and set things up to protect people who should probably be dead?

Is Human life so important when that human is stupid?
Yeah, we should kill old people too.
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Wait, did you misunderstand my point?

My point was that people HAVE commuted suicide because they were bullied online, and that might be a reason for this bill.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

Sydney wrote:

Wait, did you misunderstand my point?

My point was that people HAVE commuted suicide because they were bullied online, and that might be a reason for this bill.
Our point is that people in such a fragile state have more problems than just the internet
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.

S.Lythberg wrote:

Sydney wrote:

Wait, did you misunderstand my point?

My point was that people HAVE commuted suicide because they were bullied online, and that might be a reason for this bill.
Our point is that people in such a fragile state have more problems than just the internet
But ghetto said that people who DO get offended should commit suicide, which HAS happened, and therefore this bill is being proposed.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

Sydney wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Sydney wrote:

Wait, did you misunderstand my point?

My point was that people HAVE commuted suicide because they were bullied online, and that might be a reason for this bill.
Our point is that people in such a fragile state have more problems than just the internet
But ghetto said that people who DO get offended should commit suicide, which HAS happened, and therefore this bill is being proposed.
But the problem is not the internet.  People will always be insensitive, and if you can't handle that, the internet is far from your biggest problem.
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.

S.Lythberg wrote:

Sydney wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Our point is that people in such a fragile state have more problems than just the internet
But ghetto said that people who DO get offended should commit suicide, which HAS happened, and therefore this bill is being proposed.
But the problem is not the internet.  People will always be insensitive, and if you can't handle that, the internet is far from your biggest problem.
+55|6132|Portugal/United States

Macbeth wrote:

Good luck tracking me down assholes I'm on my neighbors wireless.
Oh, if they want to, they WILL track you down.
+55|6132|Portugal/United States

Sydney wrote:

First amendment anyone?
Um, the First amendment does not protect against: "the intent is to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person."
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5855|College Park, MD

S.Lythberg wrote:

Sydney wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Our point is that people in such a fragile state have more problems than just the internet
But ghetto said that people who DO get offended should commit suicide, which HAS happened, and therefore this bill is being proposed.
But the problem is not the internet.  People will always be insensitive, and if you can't handle that, the internet is far from your biggest problem.
People generally don't do the shit that imortal talked about offline. They let their antisocial tendencies out through their anonymous shield of the internet. There's a fine line between saying/doing stupid shit, and showing behavior characteristic of a sociopath.

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