+309|6853 … T220090508

You've got to be kidding me? They want to have the FED as a supercop for oversight?

Jesus Christ!

1) The Federal Reserve is A PRIVATE CORPORATION


2) THE REAL GOVERNMENT thats actually federal has no ability to audit their shit.

Give them more mother fucking power?!

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild (founder)

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — James Madison

We're going to keep getting robbed until the end of time unless something happens where the FED is abolished. Revolution needed. Or oneday were going to wake up with a bank account full of meaningless paper.


Last edited by SealXo (2009-05-09 10:55:41)

O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina
Hey, I agree.  What we really need is another public central bank.  Andrew Jackson made a huge mistake by abolishing the second one right before the Panic of 1837.

Turquoise wrote:

Hey, I agree.  What we really need is another public central bank.  Andrew Jackson made a huge mistake by abolishing the second one right before the Panic of 1837.
What's our currency backed by? Bad assets? Defaulted loans? Debt? It's worthless and the more they print sooner or later people are going to find out the cost of livings going to go up much faster than wages. Whatever- chinese stocks and gold here I come. I'll be laughing when everyone is in a soup line and I have currency thats worth something. The dollars been tanking lately, those stress tests were fabricated- and now the markets going up for no reason. It's a massive illusion to suck up more money.

Last edited by SealXo (2009-05-09 11:06:06)


nothing ever truly changes without violence
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina

SealXo wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Hey, I agree.  What we really need is another public central bank.  Andrew Jackson made a huge mistake by abolishing the second one right before the Panic of 1837.
What's our currency backed by? Bad assets? Defaulted loans? Debt? It's worthless and the more they print sooner or later people are going to find out the cost of livings going to go up much faster than wages. Whatever- chinese stocks and gold here I come. I'll be laughing when everyone is in a soup line and I have currency thats worth something. The dollars been tanking lately, those stress tests were fabricated- and now the markets going up for no reason. It's a massive illusion to suck up more money.
Hey, I agree that having a commodity based money is generally better, but the question is...  what commodity should we use?

Right now, commodity markets are very vulnerable to speculation.  Until we properly regulate speculation, we can't switch to something like a Gold Standard.
+5,233|6847|Global Command
A government of the banks, by the banks and for the banks shall perish from this Earth.

This will happen without violence because it cannot sustain its self and the people will realize that our system is founded currently on fraud and simply stop playing.

What good are fat government pensions when there aren't enough tax revenues to fund them?

They will attempt to starve us or turn off our water and power, but we will overwhelm them with our numbers and choke their rivers with our dead. ( Line from The Simpsons )

The system must be reset with the best interests of the common man a priority even if in order to do that it must totally crash.
back to i-life

Looks like someone has watched Zeitgeist Addendum...

SealXo wrote:

You've got to be kidding me? They want to have the FED as a supercop for oversight?

Jesus Christ!

1) The Federal Reserve is A PRIVATE CORPORATION


2) THE REAL GOVERNMENT thats actually federal has no ability to audit their shit.

Give them more mother fucking power?!

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild (founder)

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — James Madison

We're going to keep getting robbed until the end of time unless something happens where the FED is abolished. Revolution needed. Or oneday were going to wake up with a bank account full of meaningless paper.

Ummm, it is by design.  The people elected Obama to fix this problem so sleep easy knowing he is all over it.  And if Obama doesn't fix it, I am sure the people will elect a Republican to fix the problem so we are covered either way.  Nothing can go wrong with this plan.

Note: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  Democrats and Republicans are fucking nuts.
Man With No Name
+148|5892|The Wild West
liberal pussies
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears
Any system that enters into exponential growth will ultimately collapse on its own and the business of printing money is no exception.

When the Fed wrecks the dollar, which will be soon, and the dollar no longer = power, the Fed will fail and all the institutions that depend on the fed printing money will go down with them.

Then let's see the Fed power brokers in DC exercise their influence when their printed money = toilet paper.

The Dollar is down and dropping, the Euro is up, gas, oil, and commodities are starting to climb... we are headed for another crash when people must choose between gas and food and mortgage payments and ridiculous credit card charges. DOW 5400 here we come.

I predict that the fed will devalue the dollar like the Mexican Peso and we'll be dropping one or two zeros off of the dollar in the near future.

The Americano Peso has arrived. And it will have the equivalent value of a Chinese backed Walmart buck... Think I'm joking!?
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Turquoise wrote:

SealXo wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Hey, I agree.  What we really need is another public central bank.  Andrew Jackson made a huge mistake by abolishing the second one right before the Panic of 1837.
What's our currency backed by? Bad assets? Defaulted loans? Debt? It's worthless and the more they print sooner or later people are going to find out the cost of livings going to go up much faster than wages. Whatever- chinese stocks and gold here I come. I'll be laughing when everyone is in a soup line and I have currency thats worth something. The dollars been tanking lately, those stress tests were fabricated- and now the markets going up for no reason. It's a massive illusion to suck up more money.
Hey, I agree that having a commodity based money is generally better, but the question is...  what commodity should we use?

Right now, commodity markets are very vulnerable to speculation.  Until we properly regulate speculation, we can't switch to something like a Gold Standard.
Then we would be the only major power with a commodity-backed currency...which would put us at a marked disadvantage globally.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina

FEOS wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

SealXo wrote:

What's our currency backed by? Bad assets? Defaulted loans? Debt? It's worthless and the more they print sooner or later people are going to find out the cost of livings going to go up much faster than wages. Whatever- chinese stocks and gold here I come. I'll be laughing when everyone is in a soup line and I have currency thats worth something. The dollars been tanking lately, those stress tests were fabricated- and now the markets going up for no reason. It's a massive illusion to suck up more money.
Hey, I agree that having a commodity based money is generally better, but the question is...  what commodity should we use?

Right now, commodity markets are very vulnerable to speculation.  Until we properly regulate speculation, we can't switch to something like a Gold Standard.
Then we would be the only major power with a commodity-backed currency...which would put us at a marked disadvantage globally.
That's assuming we would enter a commodity based system without first ensuring some of our trading partners would join us.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Turquoise wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Hey, I agree that having a commodity based money is generally better, but the question is...  what commodity should we use?

Right now, commodity markets are very vulnerable to speculation.  Until we properly regulate speculation, we can't switch to something like a Gold Standard.
Then we would be the only major power with a commodity-backed currency...which would put us at a marked disadvantage globally.
That's assuming we would enter a commodity based system without first ensuring some of our trading partners would join us.
I don't see how the assumption that our trading partners would do such a thing is at all valid.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina

FEOS wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Then we would be the only major power with a commodity-backed currency...which would put us at a marked disadvantage globally.
That's assuming we would enter a commodity based system without first ensuring some of our trading partners would join us.
I don't see how the assumption that our trading partners would do such a thing is at all valid.
I don't see how you can make that assumption if you don't even know what commodity we'd pick first.
Calmer than you are.

ATG wrote:

The system must be reset with the best interests of the common man a priority even if in order to do that it must totally crash.
The mutation is now complete.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Turquoise wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

That's assuming we would enter a commodity based system without first ensuring some of our trading partners would join us.
I don't see how the assumption that our trading partners would do such a thing is at all valid.
I don't see how you can make that assumption if you don't even know what commodity we'd pick first.
Why would our trading partners make a radical change like that if they aren't having the problems we're having that would drive us to a commodity-based system?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina

FEOS wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

FEOS wrote:

I don't see how the assumption that our trading partners would do such a thing is at all valid.
I don't see how you can make that assumption if you don't even know what commodity we'd pick first.
Why would our trading partners make a radical change like that if they aren't having the problems we're having that would drive us to a commodity-based system?
That depends on the trading partner.  We're definitely not the only prosperous country with currency problems.

SealXo wrote:

You've got to be kidding me? They want to have the FED as a supercop for oversight?

Jesus Christ!

1) The Federal Reserve is A PRIVATE CORPORATION


2) THE REAL GOVERNMENT thats actually federal has no ability to audit their shit.

Give them more mother fucking power?!

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild (founder)

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — James Madison

We're going to keep getting robbed until the end of time unless something happens where the FED is abolished. Revolution needed. Or oneday were going to wake up with a bank account full of meaningless paper.

And there we have another one who opened his eyes. The end of capitalism is near.
I play at night... mostly
+47|6865|the best galaxy

Diesel_dyk wrote:

Any system that enters into exponential growth will ultimately collapse on its own and the business of printing money is no exception.

When the Fed wrecks the dollar, which will be soon, and the dollar no longer = power, the Fed will fail and all the institutions that depend on the fed printing money will go down with them.

Then let's see the Fed power brokers in DC exercise their influence when their printed money = toilet paper.

The Dollar is down and dropping, the Euro is up, gas, oil, and commodities are starting to climb... we are headed for another crash when people must choose between gas and food and mortgage payments and ridiculous credit card charges. DOW 5400 here we come.

I predict that the fed will devalue the dollar like the Mexican Peso and we'll be dropping one or two zeros off of the dollar in the near future.

The Americano Peso has arrived. And it will have the equivalent value of a Chinese backed Walmart buck... Think I'm joking!?
were doomed

Diesel_dyk wrote:

Then let's see the Fed power brokers in DC exercise their influence when their printed money = toilet paper.
This is so fucking wrong.  When the dollar finally collapses it will happen quickly and you can bet your ass that the people pulling the strings in Washington won't be left holding bags of the worthless shit.  No they will collapse it when they trade it out for Euros, gold, oil, ......   These people are not idiots and will never loose their power and wealth.

Let's see what is happening now,

A) the banks destroyed the economy by flipping houses/mortgages through bad appraisel/lending practices
B) this causes economy to collapse by recession in home building and housing market
C) people loose their jobs so they can't make house payments after already paying years and thousands of dollars to banks in interest
D) banks loose income
F) Goverment gives banks billions of tax payers money
E) banks foreclose on people who lost job (because of banks)
F) bank gets house
G) person looses house and now has no house, job, huge tax burden
H) bank keeps the thousands in interest money person paid to them and bills person for foreclosure fees and unsettled amount after forclosure
I) person has no house, job, credit, an huge tax burden, and garnishment by bank
J) person jumps off bridge to death
K) bankers point and laugh
L) Obama and Bush point and laugh, embrace each other and tongue kiss
M) Voters mindlessly vote in Dems and Republicans to fix problem
N) US media continues giving free hand jobs to any politician that will promote the distruction of America
O) Years later people figure out that Media was infiltrated by the Soviet Union to destroy Amerika

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