I don't know if you've tried this, but I found it a lot of fun today...

I started a new BF2 account from scratch, and it was a lot of fun. I did this for a few reasons, a) the first 200 hours I played with my old one I was DREDFUL, forever offsetting my stats, which I can't help but check out every so often, 2) I found it a lot of fun to have to go back to all the 'old school' weapons. At first it was a challenge, but then I started to realize EVERY gun in this game has SOME advantage to it, even the ones people like to rag on, and 3) it was actually very liberating to 'let go' of all those awards and medals, looking back it was silly of me playing hour after hour "medal hunting." just playing to compete was great!

The only downside was that the first 86,000 names I tried were all taken!%$#!

Anyway, I highly recommend this if you feel things are a little stale, plus without that ridiculously slow learning curve (was probably faster for those of you non-retards) this account will better represent my skill as a player.
I use most default weapons once in a while except M16A2.
There is something about that gun that I do not like about it...
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I think i will do this instead..maybe
I still want to get to Sergent Major on my current account though.
Starting over would seem "liberating" but, as u play as a lowly private u just know people think ur a noob, so yeah.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6881|Honolulu, HI
Oh, it's fun starting a new account.  I started one during one of EA's server checks because the old name was failing to connect (not knowing at the time that every Monday night EA checks the accounts lol).  As was mentioned earlier, it forced me to use the old non-unlocks and I realized they weren't all that bad.  Plus he has killer stats lol: http://bf2s.com/player/BlaZin.qxjz/

Sucks when a Lance Corporal outscores a field of Lieutenants, but hilarious
+224|6837|Some where huntin in Wisconsin

Superior Mind wrote:

people think ur a noob, so yeah.
Yea dude people think ur a noob but fuck what they think you know your not a noob.  I started all over again cause I moved houses and lost almost all my games for the comp and ps2 and my pass word and old internet email.  You know your not a noob show just show them who the fucking noob

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