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+1,352|6626|N. Ireland

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Apple seems to be making the false assumption that EA makes good games.
And why exactly are signed up to a forum that was built on the grounds of an EA game?

Last edited by kylef (2009-05-07 08:38:38)


kylef wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Apple seems to be making the false assumption that EA makes good games.
And why exactly are signed up to a forum that was built on the grounds of an EA game exactly?
To bitch about how shit the game is.
+1,352|6626|N. Ireland
I just noticed that I used the same adverb in that sentence twice. Grammar Nazism.

Good one ghetto
+3,936|6633|so randum
Sad thing is, the whole basis behind EA bashing is people think that EA should love them. protip, they're a company who don't give a fuck what us peons think. They make money, ergo they = happy.

it's like ford, they (in the US at least) make fairly substandard cars, yet we dont flame them to fuck.

tldr, shut the fuck up.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Apple seems to be making the false assumption that EA makes good games.
I don't think Apple care much about the quality of the games that EA release. They care about the fact that EA is the most prolific PC gaming developer and publisher. Obviously people like what they make.
Germans did 911
+427|6814|Disaster Free Zone

TSI wrote:

Uzique wrote:

EA are midget-dwarfs compared to Apple.

You can't really compare the worldwide success of the iPod-generation / iPhone generation / iTunes generation with a few shoddy sports and racing games. BF2 was, lets face it, the last time EA ever had any real involvement in an FPS game that made it big- everything else they have published or touched has been a transient pile of fade in / fade out crap. Apple have had huge domination over the mp3/mp4 player market for several years solid, and single-handedly swooped in on the overcrowded and hugely profitable mobile-phone market and shat on the competition there too. Not to mention that tons of people with too much money to spend or too much concern for style and aesthetic blow thousands of bucks on their Macbooks / MB Pros / Air (which was a huge introduction-innovation in itself) and desktop-design PC's. They're practically the industry-standard for that shit. Apple are huge compared to EA, don't be confused by the size of the product portfolio.

TSI wrote:

This. Also, why the hell would they want to buy a manufacturer which mainly makes non-Apple games? No sense IMO.
Say... I dunno... maybe to combine the developmental efforts to cross-develop and introduce Linux/OSX support for said games? Your logic fails here, it makes complete sense from a business point of view. Apple can either try to launch, develop and fund a gaming industry for OSX/Linux all by themselves, or they can buy out or buy in to an already-existing and already-huge PC gaming company, and then do some organisational and objective reshuffling to focus on platforms other than Windows. Makes real good sense to me. If the venture fails miserably and causes huge gigantic losses, then oh well, no loss to PC gamers. A benefit in fact- the world will be rid of two great evils. I really don't see why Windows geeks are bitching about this move; in my opinion it's a noble and applaudable effort they're making. Good intentions at least.
You don't do that sort of thing when you can't even sell your current wares...nobody's going to start buying macs because they suddenly can play Crysis; the appeal of PC gaming is that a) it's infinitely customisable b) there's no hardware monopoly and c) you don't pay a premium for shit you don't want (OS X much?)
Windows has been trying to copy Mac OS since its inception.
+783|6976|Reykjavík, Iceland.

DrunkFace wrote:

TSI wrote:

Uzique wrote:

EA are midget-dwarfs compared to Apple.

You can't really compare the worldwide success of the iPod-generation / iPhone generation / iTunes generation with a few shoddy sports and racing games. BF2 was, lets face it, the last time EA ever had any real involvement in an FPS game that made it big- everything else they have published or touched has been a transient pile of fade in / fade out crap. Apple have had huge domination over the mp3/mp4 player market for several years solid, and single-handedly swooped in on the overcrowded and hugely profitable mobile-phone market and shat on the competition there too. Not to mention that tons of people with too much money to spend or too much concern for style and aesthetic blow thousands of bucks on their Macbooks / MB Pros / Air (which was a huge introduction-innovation in itself) and desktop-design PC's. They're practically the industry-standard for that shit. Apple are huge compared to EA, don't be confused by the size of the product portfolio.

Say... I dunno... maybe to combine the developmental efforts to cross-develop and introduce Linux/OSX support for said games? Your logic fails here, it makes complete sense from a business point of view. Apple can either try to launch, develop and fund a gaming industry for OSX/Linux all by themselves, or they can buy out or buy in to an already-existing and already-huge PC gaming company, and then do some organisational and objective reshuffling to focus on platforms other than Windows. Makes real good sense to me. If the venture fails miserably and causes huge gigantic losses, then oh well, no loss to PC gamers. A benefit in fact- the world will be rid of two great evils. I really don't see why Windows geeks are bitching about this move; in my opinion it's a noble and applaudable effort they're making. Good intentions at least.
You don't do that sort of thing when you can't even sell your current wares...nobody's going to start buying macs because they suddenly can play Crysis; the appeal of PC gaming is that a) it's infinitely customisable b) there's no hardware monopoly and c) you don't pay a premium for shit you don't want (OS X much?)
Windows has been trying to copy Mac OS since its inception.
*Insert computer manufacturer here* has been trying to copy IBM's PC concept since inception.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5921|Catherine Black
What are the main features of IBMs PCs?
Vela Incident
+1,652|6701|NYC / Hamburg

DrunkFace wrote:

Windows has been trying to copy Mac OS since its inception.
Funny ... OSX is based on BSD which is just UNIX
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
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