formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5753|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)

Diesel_dyk wrote:

The collapse of the dollar is inevitable and by the looks of things we will be trading in goats very soon.
I think we shoulda stayed on Gold Standard. Gold is good.

If we get rid of money how are we going to pay strippers for lap dances?!! No stripper wants a loaf of bread stuffed down her g string.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6972|Denver colorado
I think we need to implement a system like in eve online. ISK. interstellar Kredits. BUT WE ARE ON EARTH HOW DO WE INTERSTELLAR ANYWAYS?
+1,352|6635|N. Ireland

fermatx wrote:

Money = good.

Credit = Questionable.

Multiple Currencies = questionable.

But then again, none of us (aagh, grammarz) are economists, so what do we know?
If there was one unified currency, there would be no Forex system and as such no inward investment to countries based solely on their interest rates. It's pretty simple: we raise our interest rate, corporations invest in UK.

Without going into too much detail this world is so focused on materialistic goals, and the values of wants versus needs, that I don't see a major change happening without entire loss of the system we have now. We're going to tear each other to pieces for oil, food and water, and then figure out what we're doing wrong when it's too late. That is the nature of human kind. The good news is that most of us won't be around when shit really hits the fan, so brb, smoking a cigar made out of a 100 dollar bill with my diamond ring transported directly from africa and funded by my oil investment corporation. I'm also going to finish the day by rolling in money and touching myself about how awesome my possessions are.
16 more years
+877|6667|South Florida

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

1) Holy crap google money or something and educate yourself for a bit.

2) convenience convenience convenience

3) efficiency of trade

4) Poverty and greed are utterly independent of currency, they are a product of value.

5) The U.N. is useless, nobody, absolutely nobody wants to do this, I can say with certainty that it could never and will never happen.

7) Don't be a communist.
15 more years! 15 more years!

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