Hey I recently switched over to vista and I can't locate my bf2 usersettings in there usual spot. Anyone know where they might be? I know the location where they should be so don't just tell me to look harder. Thanks
you are kidding right? there is no difference in location. mods/bf2/settings/usersettings.conhacefrio wrote:
Hey I recently switched over to vista and I can't locate my bf2 usersettings in there usual spot. Anyone know where they might be? I know the location where they should be so don't just tell me to look harder. Thanks
I think he might mean whatever the equivalent of this in Vista:
My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001\<file>.con
My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001\<file>.con
I know where to look, I've been playing a while. It's just not there
not under C:\Users\<your user>\Documents\Battlefield 2... ?
C:\Users\you\Documents\Battlefield 2\profiles...
they can sometimes disappear, doesn't really matter cause they're just placebo anyways
Make txt file, enter this, change it
rem Settingsfile automatically saved by bf2
SettingsManager.boolSet GSClPunkBuster 1
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.100000
SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame 0
SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime 1200
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 100
SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount 30
SettingsManager.stringSet GSPlayerName "Yoyotech.Jamesey"
SettingsManager.boolSet GSShowNetGraph 0
SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseObjectCache 1
and save it in the folder as usersettings.con
Make txt file, enter this, change it
rem Settingsfile automatically saved by bf2
SettingsManager.boolSet GSClPunkBuster 1
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.100000
SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame 0
SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime 1200
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 100
SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount 30
SettingsManager.stringSet GSPlayerName "Yoyotech.Jamesey"
SettingsManager.boolSet GSShowNetGraph 0
SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseObjectCache 1
and save it in the folder as usersettings.con
placebo or not, thank you jamesey
You probably forgot to make an account first hacefrio, on a fresh install you won't find usersettings unless you create an account, because there's no 'user' to bind them to .
Shouldn't it be created when I log onto an account for the first time on a new comp..? I would think usersettings.con would have a default arrangement and my "HaceFrio" would simply be an automatic amendment.