If procreation is a defining thing in marriage, should infertile couples be barred from marriage? Also, if it is a religious thing...most religions do it eg. hindus, christians, jews, muslims (even though the last 3 are kinda the same)...should athiests and agnostics suddenly be denied the right to marry? No, no, the only real reason governments deny gay couples the right to marry is because the religious right thinks it has the right to decide who can & can't be together, it holds too much power in western governments, and those governments don't want to lose votes. Simple.Major_Spittle wrote:
There are lots of things you can't do, Like have your girlfriends child (ie procreate with her) which would be a defining thing in a Marriage which involves 1 man/1 woman. Why must you attack marriage. Get a civil union, the same rights as married people, and be happy. Marriage, which is between a man and a wowan, is a religious union and has always been that. Why must you insist that you and your girlfriend be called "married". Your not, nor could you ever be. Nor could you marry a dog, a dog marry a cat, a redneck marry a sheep, and so on.....
I have no problem with you doing something that makes you happy and being who you are, but why insist on something that is insulting to many married people and their religious beliefs.
What sets back the gay movement more than anything is the antics people do to get attention like dancing half nude in a parade, insisting on special laws, insisting that what is right for you be forced to be taught in schools to children at young ages, being purposely confrontational and disrespectful toward people that would largely not care.
Anyway, these are just my opinions and If you have any sweet pics of you and your g/f doing nasty things together, feel free to send me a few;)
Gay marriage will not stop christians or muslims or hindus or whoever from enjoying a marriage. It will not hurt ANYONE, and will not make any religious marriage any less significant. In fact, it may even have the opposite effect...wouldn't a successful religious marriage be even more special in the presence of gay marriages? And hey, it would mean more couples to adopt; less reason for women to abort...
The idea of gay marriage is offensive to some religious folks, yes, but the idea of no gay marriage is as equally offensive to many gay people. What happened to the christian ideal of treating others as you'd like to be treated?
And by the way, I'm a heterosexual athiest.
Last edited by Pubic (2006-03-28 03:56:05)