Good Lord, this is getting long. I am going to trim bits of it.
Macbeth wrote:
Nothing crazy about being determined in your beliefs. However, most of those experts have shown that in a majority of rape cases, the rapist did not even climax.
Meh screaming is always turn off. Do you have a source for this climax statement.
"The incidence of sexual dysfunction during rape may be high. Interviews with 170 men convicted of sexual assault revealed that erectile failure as well as premature ejaculation during thier criminal act had occurred for a third of these men, although almost none reported having these problems ih his consenting sexual relations. Only one-fourth of the men gave no evidence of sexual dysfunction during rape (Groth and Burgess, 1977)." The book is
Abnormal Psychology, fifth edition, by Davison and Neale. My wife has a Bachlors in Psychology, and our house is stacked in textbooks.
Macbeth wrote:
You are correct, I am not gay, and I do not personally like the idea of anal sex. However, I do know several people who are gay and enjoy anal sex, and I can accept that their is nothing inherently wrong or incorrect with their enjoyment of it. Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I feel the need to vilify it.
Never vilified it. If read into my post you'll see it.
No, you were comparing it on equal footing as the abnormal behavior of abusing and killing small animals. Granted, you tried to specify not hunting for food, but that was as far as you went. It may be you did not refer with enough detail to what you wanted to refer to out of a lack of knowledge about the subject. I reacted to what I felt the post said, not to what you felt the post said. Looking at a subject from a different point of view yields different assumptions.
Macbeth wrote:
I was noting your argument style. Unwavering moral cetainty, polarization of viewpoints, hyper-critical... you are writing a psych paper, you said? Surely you recognize the developmental psychological profile of a typical teenager! Oh, and for the record, I am not a redneck. most redneck friends I have would laugh at that. I drive a japanese sedan. I do not wear a hat or speak with a southern accent. I have never lived outside of the city limits of a city greater than 50,000 people. I do not listen to country music. I already told you what I based my assumption on; on what did you base yours?
My developmental psychology profile is off the wall really. I based it on your quick defense of hunting.
That is okay, is what I figured. I was having a bit of fun at this point.
Macbeth wrote:
...(yadda yadda yadda... I tend to talk a lot. If you really want to read this, look up a few posts. But I was amazing!)...
The problem is that you are arguing a subject you know nothing about, refuse to admit that your assumtions are wrong. You might as well state that the sky is pink, ignore anyone telling you otherwise, disregard any pictures you are shown, and refusing to look up to experience it for yourself. You don't even have the framework to have an informed discussion or debate on this subject.
lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you
okay, that is officially funny.
Macbeth wrote:
Deer aren't faster then bullets. Tell me what if usualy calibar used for hunting deer? What is the speed it is fired? How fast can a deer run?
I'm trying here.
So once you hit the deer then what?
It is not equal combat. It is a HUNT. The deer flees. If it gets away, it wins. If I manage to keep up, manage to get a clear shot, manage to hit the deer and kill it, then I win. Hopefully, I hit the deer in a critical spot, it goes down quickly. If it does, and it is not dead when I find it, I slit its throat, cutting short its pain. If it is hit in a bad spot, it runs away, wounded. It can last hours, still trying to get away. If I am lucky, and good, I can track it, follow it, and find it, then put it out of its misery. Just because I am hunting it, does not mean I have to be especially cruel. I know that seems like a paradoxical position, but it indeed exists. Hunters respect their prey. If I am going to kill it, I at least owe it a clean, fast kill.
If you miss, you can occasionally get a second shot off at a rapidly moving target; much harder than the first shot. It is very rare to get a third shot off. Remember, it is the woods. Lots of those tree thingies to get in the way. If it is a short range shot, odds are they will dissapear in the brush too fast. If it is a longer shot, they will be visible longer, but it is a much longer, harder shot. If he gets away, I am not going to track that same deer, since they will be long gone. The only reason I will do that trek is if I wounded the deer, and I owe it that.
I think you just don't get how easy it is for the deer to get away. It is a lot more common to come back empty handed than with a kill. Unless, of course, there are a WHOLE lot of deer, but at that point, there are too many deer for the area to support. Since we have killed off most of the deers natural preditors, it is dependant on the hunters to keep the population under control or they will all starve out as they strip out their resources.