Bertster7 wrote:
benefit wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
Free speech most certainly is an issue.
some people only want the right to free speech when it is them speaking
it is free speech when they are critical of others but racism when others treat them in the same way
britain is being tied up in knots trying to keep certain groups happy who want free speech but don't want others to have it and are quick to censor people/books/films etc they don't like
it seems some people do want it both ways
One of the things the forum is about is free speech. Moves by this forum to block hate speech are amongst the reasons the US refused to attend.
You can't have it both ways.
Although I completely agree that the whole Durban + Durban II forums thing has been a farcical platform for hate speech - trying to claim free speech is not an issue here is just plain wrong.
That's an exceptionally confusing response.
Taking Britain as a case in point, anti-hate speech laws here have primarily affected Muslims. People like Abu Hamza have been locked up due to them. That is how these laws are used in Britain. Do you have any specific examples of them being used badly?
geert wilder was banned from entering britain and not allowed to show his filmbecause muslims were going to protest and cause chaos in london
he had made a film that muslims did not like and did not want to be viewed....
and this UN conference was set to fail as the iranian man was always going to behave in this way....he has a track record of it
and recently a hezbollah spokesman was allowed to enter britain.....a terrorist allowed in and a dutch mp not .......bias?
the forum was supposed to be about taxkling racism not used to attack israel
it wasn't an anything goes forum it was supposed to be about racism....and i suppose it is ......but as much as this man says israel is racist he shows his complete bigotry...even the french leader called his speeh a hate speech