
I will not allow spam in this thread.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
I will not allow dog humping in this thread

I will not allow thread in this spam.
I will spam not thread allow in this.
I this in spam thread not will
god im cool!
god im cool!
You aren't. Stop telling yourself that.gnot<3 wrote:
I this in spam thread not will
god im cool!
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Aren't you. Telling yourself stop that.
stop that, Aren't you Telling yourself?

Telling yourself. Stop you that aren't.
BAN TBH!CanadianLoser wrote:
yourself Telling. aren't Stop you that .
nevar you cannot ban the Canadian Karma Elitiestmafia996630 wrote:
BAN TBH!CanadianLoser wrote:
yourself Telling. aren't Stop you that .
BAN tbh......wait, i like seeing that arse too much. don't ever leave bf2s ebug.ebug9 wrote:
nevar you cannot ban the Canadian Karma Elitiestmafia996630 wrote:
BAN TBH!CanadianLoser wrote:
yourself Telling. aren't Stop you that .
you cannot ban the Elitiest Karma, nevar Canadian!

You people are so immature!
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
you immature are so people!
immature people are so you!

immature are so you people!
Last edited by mafia996630 (2009-04-15 14:04:52)
you people are immature so
i fail at this
i fail at this
If you do that one more time, I'm telling your superiors!
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP