lowing wrote:
imortal wrote:
lowing wrote:
Are third party services obligated to transport your ass if you are not able to pay?
By our last medical director (he has moved on; looking for replacement), anyone who wants a ride (even for a stubbed toe) gets one. Any call for medical assistance to 911 (even for a splinter) gets an ambulance. The paramedics on the crew are only interested in patient care; let billing handle getting the money later.
So when it is done and said, who is ultimately stuck paying for a transport in the event the patient does not pay? Or is it simply written off at a loss?
..written off, to a degree. The file never gets shredded, never gets completely closed. If you win the lottery, someone from billing
will be knocking at your door.
However, if you don't have the money, they are not going to deny care. There is a woman in our town who has worked up better than a
2 million dollar EMS bill, due to calling 911 2 or 3 times a day (on average) for help. She has issues, obviously. But billing still keeps track of her account, and an ambulance still shows up every time she calls 911. Because you never know; next time may be for real.
***EDIT: As to who pays, remember, the EMS budget comes out of the city coffers; any money paid to EMS as bills paid gets put back into the city, not just to EMS.
Last edited by imortal (2009-04-13 12:42:55)