Lowing just give up you stupid numpty.
Austrian Fritzl boned his daughter for years and did some of the most debasing things a human being can ever do to a child and young babies, and he's probably as pious and Christian as you and any of your loony right-wing American friends are. Hell, your majority-Christian nation is ironically denominational from a Catholic church that actively engages in the fulltime hobby of fingering choirboys after Communion wine, so shut the fuck up with the racially-inciting prejudice threads.
Austrian Fritzl boned his daughter for years and did some of the most debasing things a human being can ever do to a child and young babies, and he's probably as pious and Christian as you and any of your loony right-wing American friends are. Hell, your majority-Christian nation is ironically denominational from a Catholic church that actively engages in the fulltime hobby of fingering choirboys after Communion wine, so shut the fuck up with the racially-inciting prejudice threads.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/