Ummm, ne1 hear of karkand with apc and tank support? ummm k
I got 10 repair points in a round.  Infact I've done it a couple times without cheating.  It's not that difficult if you stick around other vehicles throught the map.
Do you guys think it's legit to let the other team blow your crap up then repair it? I mean isn't that kinda like stat padding? Shouldn't you really go out there and kill the guy before they blow it up?
acurasquirrel, assholes like you are the reason repair points are so hard to get now.  if people didn't pad their stats, repair points would still be as easy to get as they were at launch. 
Thanks for doing your part to make some fun badges near impossible. 
Thanks a lot.
+383|6871|The Netherlands

WolfkillerXIII wrote:

Do you guys think it's legit to let the other team blow your crap up then repair it? I mean isn't that kinda like stat padding? Shouldn't you really go out there and kill the guy before they blow it up?

xaven wrote:

this isnt borderline, its clear stats padding...
Off course its plain stat padding they are talking about.

Let me put it in a different way, if we see anyone flipping boats/jeeps and repairing them or using an other way of artificially inflating their global points on the bf2s servers, you will be banned and reported to EA so they can wipe your account.

Read the rules for playing on ranked servers here and pay some special attention to ยง1.8. http://www.bf2rankedservers.com/forums/ … .php?t=251

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-03-26 02:17:45)

Da Dirty Man!
+66|6803|Spokane, Washington

To get my vet engineer me and a clanmate went on a 64 karkand server with about 20 people in it and got in a tank and an apc. He got pummeled while i hid around the corner

General-Echo wrote:

Off course its plain stat padding they are talking about.
I meant for the people talking about hiding by their arty and letting the opposite team blow it up. Not neccessarily working together with the other team because the guy blowing the stuff up doesn't know what is going on. But wouldn't the act of letting them blow your assests up instead of killing them outright sorta be stat padding as well?

I think stat padding is lame, but I don't think people's accounts should be wiped for it. It doesn't matter to me how anyone else gets their points. I'm just happy to know I get all of my awards legitimately (or atleast semi-legit, hehe. I was flying a plane around in circles for about 10 minutes, TRYING to shoot at stuff but never hitting anything. I need more practice, bah!).
Idiot. Try doing it legit. All you need is one other guy on spec ops to have a hard on for blowing up commanders assets. This was happening on Smokescreen the other day. He'd blow everything up, so I'd kill him then repair what he blew up. It really isn't that hard. Or you could..gasp..get in an armor column. That always nets about 5-6 repair points before you all blow up.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Urgh. How long does this thread have to go on.
I got the badge by jumping in a FAV on one of the heavily armored maps and zipping around hiding behind tanks

easy and legit

if you don't get enough the first time try a small group

I don't care if you pad your stats

If you have that much spare time, I've got some lawn that needs mowing
+19|6799|Behind that RPK-74
Got my expert pretty easy!
Played a 64 kubra map . 16 players.
1xJet Whore (USMC) Blowing arty and UAV/Radar.
1xEngineer (ME) waiting to repair .. Got 30+ repair points easy (tho i got around 25 deaths JUST AS EASY)
But eh, still got my badge.

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6992|Cologne, Germany

enough of this stat-padding talk now. I f you want to discuss this, exchange PM's...thank you.

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