This was in section 4 on the 3rd paragraph. I found this to be a little be confusing even though I have read that paragraph several times trying to figure it out. Anyway...The third use of scan is to locate the area of troops and spot them for your team. To spot a dot (haha, it rhymes), right click it and select "Spotted". This will send a message to your team such as, "Enemy car spotted," or, "Enemy infantry spotted." This will also display the appropriate icon on the mini-maps of the team, just as if a UAV were passing over the area. This spotting can also be achieved by pressing "Q" (default button) and hitting "Spotted" while looking directly at an object.
The part regarding using the 'Q' command baffles me. The way I read it implied that I would be able to use the 'Q' key while in the Command screen. I know that I can use it outside the command screen but I wasn't absolutely sure if this is possible in the Command screen. Can you/someone clarify this?