Next Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Global score: 162,411 / 200,000
At your current rate, you should earn 37,589 in 25.04 days (or 163:50:30 straight).
That is an unbelieveable 7 hours a day almost. How can one person play that much?
Or Maybe this is worse:
Next Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Global score: 132,530 / 200,000
At your current rate, you should earn 67,470 in 53.47 days (or 576:24:07 straight).
11 hours a day. Do these people sleep?
Global score: 162,411 / 200,000
At your current rate, you should earn 37,589 in 25.04 days (or 163:50:30 straight).
That is an unbelieveable 7 hours a day almost. How can one person play that much?
Or Maybe this is worse:
Next Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Global score: 132,530 / 200,000
At your current rate, you should earn 67,470 in 53.47 days (or 576:24:07 straight).
11 hours a day. Do these people sleep?