I don't know if this happens a lot or what but I have done everything needed for both the Middle East Service Ribbon and the Far East Service Ribbon but I never got the ribbon.

Is there a something else needed to get the ribbons?
Hooch Pandersnatch
I like shoes
+26|6275|West Aus
I am having the same trouble with MES ribbon having read about this and found out that award is buggy as a jungle and the bad news is some people just never get it. Can't speak so Far East because I don't have the requirements.
I believe the exact requirements are a bit of an unknown - hence the "Notes: Participant -- As best as we can tell, you get this simply for playing the game for a short period.", but generally I think you get it soon after meeting the stated requirements of playing for 1second on each of the maps.

Perhaps try going on each map again, killing someone on each, and playing a full round so it definately registers that youve played on each map.

Good luck!

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