ATG wrote:
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
ATG wrote:
Here is what people like him understand;
Send in the Navy Seals, abduct him, cut his head off with a battery powered sawzall ( to show how industrious we mericans can be ) send his head on a stake back to his village, then bomb the fuck out of the village, kill everyone, use a helicopter and airdrop salt onto the burned remains of the village, then announce that the next dumbass who talks this way, plots or participates in attacks against us will suffer the same fate.
Then you pay off the surviving warlords, build up a little infrastructure and reward good behavior.
That is all these people understand, anything short of something like this is a complete waste of time.
been tried
And the Israeli army calls itself the most "moral" army in the world, lol.
ATG's method is fine, prolly better and less controversial than Gitmo, if you don't bomb and kill everyone (just the terrorists and their camp
) and replace the saw with a 1911. Remember, village torching behavior
increased Vietcong recriutment efforts.