FEOS wrote:
Shahter wrote:
FEOS wrote:
You (again) miss the point.
Saddam didn't have to park his tanks behind berms. He chose to do that. And they got fucked up by air power, primarily.
When he had his tanks out maneuvering, he got his ass handed to him...while following Soviet tactics. That's not necessarily a knock against Soviet tactics, per se. Arab countries don't do very well with the whole "following training" thing, regardless.
The odds are irrelevant. It is the performance of individual crews that is important. And the manual loader provides a more effective rate of fire than the autoloader, for all the reasons previously mentioned by others.
Perhaps before you start trying to characterize what happened in Gulf War I (or II), you should read a bit more history about what actually occurred.
you (again) go with "we whopped their ass so our military must be better in every aspect" instead of doing any analyzis. what do you compare that rate of fire to? to the rate of fire of... those, who had almost no chance to actually fire? at the rate of fire of those, who had to stop every time to take aim? you call that a comparison? if some of those abrams tanks had guys reloading and some had auto-loaders - then you could compare the two. when usa tanks are seen in a battle where
rate of fire was of a consequence for
both sides and was actually decided to any noticeable degree by
how re-loading was done - than i'll take your "proven in war" for an argument (that is, if said rate of fire is actually better and compensates for the shortcomings associated with it).
If you would bother to actually read, you would see that
it has actually been done on
both sides in a
major armor-on-armor engagement and the Soviet/Russian tanks
had their asses handed to them for the
aforementioned reasons.
So...I guess you should just take it then.
Not really sure who I am quoting right now, but I am referencing Sahter. I am not going to argue whether the T-72 was better than the M1 was because they had an autoloader, or whether the M1 is better for having a manned loading position. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. I am going to concentrate on the advantages here.
+Reliable rate of fire.
+Smaller crew, less room needed.
+more compact tank.
Human loader:
+additional man for mainenence, guard, and other duties.
The US considered putting an autoloader into the M1, but decided against it, since they judged that the 4th crewman was more valuable, even in areas other than in direct gunery.
Now, as to the other issues. The US M1 has a better sight, a better distancing device, active stabilization of the gun, and a kick butt balistic computer with, among other things, a crosswind sensor and a recalibration sensor to correct for barrel droop as a result of heat buildup from multiple firings. The M1 can shoot on the move and identify and hit (and kill) an enemy tank at a greater range than the opposing tank can even range the M1. Saying it is not a fair fight because the Russian designed tank never got to perform where it would excel is a pretty specious and naive viewpoint.
There is an old saying from the Marines: "If you show up to a fair fight, you are not prepared." War and combat is not about being fair. It is about being as massively
unfair as possible in order to accomplish your objective with as little loss to your own personnel and combat power as possible (without putting other areas at undue risk). If you have 4 tanks in a prepared position, I am going to try to come at you with a whole company (14 tanks). Furthermore, if I can kill those 4 tanks at a range they can not respond at, you better believe I am going to do that, so I can be as sure as possible that I, and my men, will all go home with "all 10 fingers, all 10 toes, and alive," as my first sergeant used to say.
Also, I would submit that, in the realm of gunnery, the M1 has proven itself superior to the T-72 (and, by inference, to all other T-series tanks with the same system), from a hardware standpoint. The gun, with the gunnery supporting systems, has a greater power, greater range, greater accuracy. It
may very well have a slightly lower rate of fire, but that does not do enough to negate its other advantages.