Spearhead wrote:
imortal wrote:
No smokers, please
Prefer someone with a strong Christian background
Women only, please
Homosexual male desired
...or should they all just be written in some sort of code?
lol, c'mon now imortal. You're smarter than that.
Saying that
you will or will not conduct business with someone because of their race is completely different than saying "Hey I'm an old lonely woman and would prefer not to rent out my house to a bunch of 20 year old males who could rob me blind"
First and foremost, My usual disclaimer that discriminating against someone based
soley on their race, skin color, or religion is an abhorant thing, and responsible for a lot of the troubles here in the world, and no goverment run or controlled agency or facility should be allowed to do it.
THAT BEING SAID, privately owned and operated organisms should be allowed to limit their customers however the hell they want to. I suppose there should be some sort of protection in the case of monopolies. But there is a vast difference between goverment run, publicly owned (ie stockholders), and privately owned and operated. I think that limiting your customer base is not a smart thing to do, but you can not legislate intelligence. Besides, here in the modern world, there is too much easy access to major information spreading systems (internet). It is really easy to spread the world of idiot bigoted compnanies and look for alternatives.
Now, before someone calls me racist, it is time for me to go to bed with my chinese wife.