Yes, the problem lies in the fact that the Abrams was initially concieved as a tank for the defensive role; the turbine was envisioned to be used to sprint from firing position to firing position. Since it was designed for a defense in depth, the Abrams (according to the Cold War/ Fulda Gap scenario) would be collapsing on its own supply lines, and using established supply points. This would have negated the fuel effenciency issue.rdx-fx wrote:
- Our gas turbine, less reliable than your diesels? doubt it. horribly less fuel efficient, yes. that is the one glaring tactical weakness of the M1 Abrams.
Of course, seeing how the Abrams has been used in the offensive role, then yes, it's 1500hp turbine has proven to be one thirsty bitch. I HEMMIT 2000 gallon fuel tanker can barely fill a single platoon of tanks (if they did not suck themselves completely dry).
But slower? Less manuerverable? Someone has never seen an Abrams move in person.