Miggle wrote:
Why? Well I played 3 rounds of Multiplayer, which I spent walking around a lot because the hud was absolutely useless, and when I saw people, I killed them. It was boring, because not only were the maps too big, the game modes kept changing without much explanation and it really all came down to kill all of the other team. Sure the mission was to assassinate some guy, but it was really just deathmatch where one of the kills makes you win the game.
K then. How is the HUD useless? I find it perfectly fine, if you have no sense of direction your gunna find games with maps hard to play, try using the radar, if your eyes aren't looking at that ever 2 seconds you should stop playing shooters. I find a lot of players dont use the radar, rather obvious when the radar shows someone behind your team and everyone ignores him. You can see your ammo fine. The gamemode indicator is pretty clear in the top right...
The maps are all very small, can get 1 spawn to another within 40 seconds running on pretty much all of them. They seem big because they are designed incredibly well, the bridge level is a prime example of that, seeing as you played 3 of the 8 maps though I find your "maps are too big" arguement a joke. The specifically designed different maps for different numbers of players.
The game gives an audio message, a visual message, a constant tracker in the top right of the HUD and players and objectives are highlighted on screen. Yeah definately no explanation....
sorry is it meant to beam a message into your head? Again you played 3 rounds, wtf were you expected? It takes some people time to learn what each mode is about and the objective of it. Um no it really doesnt come down to "kill all the other team" Assassination is about tactically defending your team mate, and it doesnt "win the game" it gives 1 victory points.
Tbh miggle it sounds like you didnt even give this game a chance, you expected god or something and the moment you discovered it wasnt you disliked it.
Last edited by Vilham (2009-03-18 21:21:27)