Miggle wrote:
Ah, the legendary, You don't like it because you suck at it.
Maybe it was that I bought it based on amazing reviews and it ended up being incredibly average.
Maybe it was that the plot, or at least the plot of the first two levels was practically non existent.
Maybe it was that the gameplay was slow and repetitive, with AI that disallowed any flanking or tactics.
Maybe it was that the crosshairs moved so incredibly slowly, that it took an hour to line up a shot.
Maybe it was that the online was boring.
Maybe it was that it lacked splitscreen.
Maybe it was that the guy at gamestop told me it would look amazing on my HDTV, but it didn't.
Maybe you suck at PC shooters Vilham.
Maybe you shouldn't bitch when you get over hyped for a game and it can't meet your expectations.
Maybe you didn't get the plot, it wasn't really very hard to follow. Watch the video at the start and listen to what your comrades say and you might get it was pretty explanatory,
Spoiler (highlight to read): you start by clearing a landing zone for the convoy, the convoys mission is to get to visarys palace, hellgast dont want you to, hellgast try to stop you. Simples.
Maybe lulz wtf are you talking about, gameplay was far from slow and well done it gets repetitive, its an FPS, that's pretty much all there is to it. /face palm sorry it doesn't live up to the RPG elements of Deus Ex. I saw the AI using plenty of tactics, come back when you have played on elite.
Maybe TURN THE SENSITIVITY UP, its in options
Maybe, care to explain? its fast paced, changes mode frequently to ensure it doesn't get stale, there plenty of variation between the classes, half of the maps are some of the best I have ever seen, hit detection is brilliant considering its a console fps, there no lag what so ever, etc etc
Maybe awwww didums. Deus Ex must be shit too then, it doesn't have splitscreen.
Maybe you should get a good HD TV you cheap sake
Maybe I would bitch shit loads about games being shit if I did. O wait, that's you isn't it
Timesplitters has always been my favorite console shooter, Good Humor, Decent Gameplay, Decent Controls, and splitscreen.
When I buy a console game, it better have fucking local multiplayer, online is absolute shit and I only ever use my PS3 for games when people are over. Consoles are getting worse. PS2 > all.
Vilham, to claim that controls have no effect on the quality of a game is retarded to the degree I've come to expect from you. Anything can be a turnoff from the game.
I don't think people understand how to rate things. never give a 0 or 10, nothing is without virtues, and nothing is without vices. So pick a number 1-9.
Give the worst games you've ever played 1s and the best 9s, then compare other games to those.
As far as console shooters go, in the reviews thread I gave Halo a 3 and Resistance FOM a 1, therefore Killzone was somewhere in between. Halo gets points for local multiplayer and the huge amount of modifications you can make, and Killzone gets points for not being anywhere near as bad as Resistance.
When a console shooter comes out that I actually think can compete with PC shooters, I'm sure I will give it a higher score. This isn't just "Miggle's baseless hate" actual thought goes into every review I make, so before you think you "have me figured out" realize that I'm not some sort of monster, set on destroying everything you love. Remember that I'm a fairly experienced gamer voicing my opinions of the things I love.
No miggle this is you doing "baseless hate" hence why I can so easily show your points are bullshit. Killzone 2 is far from the best game I have ever played, it probably doesn't even come in the top 20-30, however its far from shit. As to controls, ever thought that in real life you don't spin 180 in half a millisecond while wearing full combat gear and carrying a rifle? Controls are designed in a way that designers feel appropriate, I found the controls absolutely fine after turning up the sensitivity and swapping zoom and run around. Just so you know, they are already patching the controls to allow for a wider sensitivity, yaaaah now we get another twitch shooter, I already own 20 of them.
You aren't voicing any opinions that's the problem. Your just making a bunch of bitchy and hypocritical opinions. Im all for people having opinions, fair enough if someone doesn't like the game because they don't like FPS or they don't like sci-fi scenarios or they don't like fast moving games or they don't feel the game does a good job at depicting what its trying to, ie in killzone 2s case war. If you had said I didn't like the whole macho bollocks with Riva or that the hellgast suddenly get 1000 battleships out of the middle of no where, then you can knock off points, but giving a game a 2 over nitpickings is pretty weak.
From now on if a game isn't a clone of Deus Ex with multiplayer it is automatically shit. You hear everyone. Miggle speaks.
/rant over. Anyway your opinions, but just to summarise, I think they are stupid and baseless. Which is a shame tbh, because normally you are quite logical about good gameplay, you know the deciding factor as to whether a game is fun or not?
Last edited by Vilham (2009-03-18 18:52:54)