**I've made this post in another thread but I thought it deserved a thread of its own.  Besides, it'd be interesting to hear weather any of you have come across anything like this...or something worse if that's the case**

I was playing karkand yesterday as USMC.  In a short while we had a great winning streak going, but it wasn't long till the complaints started.  Mainly from two people, one guy had the tag of [FEAR] before his actual name and the other was DVM Death something...I don't quite remember.

You name it they said it, "you guys are spawn camping," "you guys are hacking," "you guys are breathing too much air," "the earth is not round it's flat," "Jo Mama," "satan holds a special place for all you spawn campers," "we only have 40 years worth of global oil reserves left," "I know the pope and I'll ask him to ask god to kill all of you" e.t.c, e.t.c.  And between writing such quotable quotes, they were distracted by a shiny object and proceeded to type that out also....

[FEAR]:  DVM did you see that shiny object?

DVM:  Yeah man...that was totally rad!!

[FEAR]:  Ooooooo....shiny.

DVM:  You said it [FEAR]...Oooooo....shiny.

(Okay, okay...I took some artistic liberty with the last couple of quotes, but I wouldn't put it past these two)

Anyways, these two "brilliant" minds decide to switch teams for the next round, after which they grab the tank and APC and started team killing.  I've been witness to some stupidity in my time, but this was one of those rare occasions where I came across a tandom complementing each others very unique brand of mental retardation.

I was laughing my ass of at these two idiots.  While quite a few on our team were annoyed (rightfully so) most of us just didn't bother spawning again or we simlply switched sides.  Where was the admin you ask, we were wondering the same thing.  After an entire round of team killing they switched back to MEC's and said "we whooped your ass, you guys suck."  The worrying thing is, I think they seriously meant it.  They were speaking as if it was a legitimate win.

All this was on the 24/7 straferight karkand server.  This isn't a knock on the server, it's a good place with good people playing on it most of the time.  Point is...you will find twats like these two everywhere.  Sad as it is, you might want to get used to it, that or simply adopt a very budhist mindset before you click that login tab.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6657|Little Bentcock
Yeh there was i guy like that that i was playing WITH, and juz as ur about 2 cap a flag he kills u so he can get da neutralize and cap points, shame i canr remember his name, other wise he'll b gettin sum lip
Wow...I'd never think of people resorting to team killing in order to receive cap points.  That's gotta be right up there with team killing for vehicles...come to think of it, it's worse than being tk'd for vehicles.
I've been TK afew times so the Cap point go to someone else, annoying thing is most of the time it a clan squad that do it so there Squad gets more points.
I don't often TK on purpose but I do if I find people who do this trick!.
now thats funny, i like to see idiots like them more, see their points less while i try to rev others to earn medic points lol
"All this was on the 24/7 straferight karkand server.  This isn't a knock on the server, it's a good place with good people playing on it most of the time"

are you having a laugh. thats the worst server i know of. i got cought in a wall hackers kill fest many times in that server. half the time people dont even know, they just think someone was behind them when they are actually cheating. i dont play bf2 now its boring but i know that server is full of goons.
Well...I haven't been playing the game for as long as some people, so in all honesty I can't comment on what you've said.  May be there are cheaters there but I wouldn't be able to tell outright because of my inexperience with this game.
Behold!!  God said....thou idiots shall not be alone!!  I found another.  Karkand again, same server and this guys sole pupose throughout the game was to team kill.  Name was borntokillnoobz and for one round his score was -197...now that's a whole lot of team killing.
Wheres the trigger?
+34|6678|Wangaratta, Australia

Herackles wrote:

Behold!!  God said....thou idiots shall not be alone!!  I found another.  Karkand again, same server and this guys sole pupose throughout the game was to team kill.  Name was borntokillnoobz and for one round his score was -197...now that's a whole lot of team killing.
you sure his name wasnt noobmurder check out this guys tk stats

That could be him...they should give out retard awards with tk's like those.
I remember once some guy killed to take my G36E, my clan mate told me he saw what the guy did lol.

Adams_BJ wrote:

Yeh there was i guy like that that i was playing WITH, and juz as ur about 2 cap a flag he kills u so he can get da neutralize and cap points, shame i canr remember his name, other wise he'll b gettin sum lip
Are the -4 or -8 (?) worth the Neutralize/cap points?

Such retards in this game sometimes.

anzus wrote:

Herackles wrote:

Behold!!  God said....thou idiots shall not be alone!!  I found another.  Karkand again, same server and this guys sole pupose throughout the game was to team kill.  Name was borntokillnoobz and for one round his score was -197...now that's a whole lot of team killing.
you sure his name wasnt noobmurder check out this guys tk stats

how the hell does he manage to unlock so many weapons with such a low rank and score???
That's simple....

noobmurber has SF which gives him 2 unlocks for Lance Corpal, Corpal, and Sergeant.
So you made this post just to tell us about how 2 guys had fun TK'ing ? Do you think this will change anything ? Whats the point of whining ? Do you fell better now, when you showed all of us how sad and unhappy you are ? PLAY OR QUIT. This forum is full of noobs bitching about all the things that make them unhappy ? whats the fucking poit to moan here ?

BerkuT_gru wrote:

So you made this post just to tell us about how 2 guys had fun TK'ing ? Do you think this will change anything ? Whats the point of whining ? Do you fell better now, when you showed all of us how sad and unhappy you are ? PLAY OR QUIT. This forum is full of noobs bitching about all the things that make them unhappy ? whats the fucking poit to moan here ?
HAHAHAHA.............. Its called "Complain" For a reason, and by the looks of it you complain more then him..

and about the thread... Yeah that stupid, some idiot did the exact same thing to me..

BerkuT_gru wrote:

So you made this post just to tell us about how 2 guys had fun TK'ing ? Do you think this will change anything ? Whats the point of whining ? Do you fell better now, when you showed all of us how sad and unhappy you are ? PLAY OR QUIT. This forum is full of noobs bitching about all the things that make them unhappy ? whats the fucking poit to moan here ?
Listen mate...I am the last person to whine and bitch.  I'm probably one of the most patient people you will come across.  As you have so "eloquently" stated, yes, I am quite new to this game.  Hell, I'm quite new to gaming period.  Do I really care if I become the master that you are at this game, no, because I do have a life outside of this game.  That said, I use my better judgment whenever I decide to play, those two obviously don't.

I simply posted something that I thought was out of the realm of common sense, and wondered if anyone else had come across anything of this sort or if this was a common occurrence in BF2.  Did it bug me, you bet, but I simply logged off and went on my way.

It seems whatever complaints are lodged, those that lodge them are automatically deemed "whiners," or "noobs," no matter how logical those complaints may be.  Honestly mate, do you think a video game would be fun if this stuff keeps happening whenever you decide to play...all of this is supposed to be for fun, remember?

Also, you might want to look up the definitions of whine and complaint before you go off on a rant accusing others of leading sad and unhappy lives.  There's a distinct difference between the two.  Ahh..what the hell, I'll be nice and do you the favor.

To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.
To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge.

Can you spot the difference mate.  In any case, I fully understand that my posting in a forum isn't going to change matters...I just wondered if this is a common thing in BF2.  I wouldn't have asked the question if I were the "veteran" and "masterful" player that you are.

You have a right to your opinion, I respect that.  Having said that...Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one.

**By the way...it's "feel" not "fell," and "point" not "poit."  Those are typo's, I understand, and it also doesn't prove you an uneducated idiot leading a very sad and unhappy life**

Last edited by Herackles (2006-03-24 05:35:20)

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