They are going to be called "Pesky Fellas" from now on so their feelings don't get
Reporting from Washington -- There will no longer will be "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Obama administration said Friday. Moreover, the new president no longer claims that his title as commander in chief allows him to order people deemed to be dangerous captured and held without trial. … 9816.story
Ramm should be elated... maybe we can send all these pesky fellas to his
I bet the terrorists all around the world are laughing their asses off at what a pushover BO is...
And these guys were tried and released... except their country didn't want these Boy Scout leaders back...
"Boston lawyer Stephen Oleskey said the court process has proved frustrating. He represented six Algerian-born men who were arrested in Bosnia, taken by the U.S. military to Guantanamo in 2002 and held for six years. One of them, Lakhdar Boumediene, was the lead plaintiff in the winning case before the Supreme Court last year. In November, a federal judge ruled that the government could not justify holding Boumediene and four of the other Algerians and ordered their release.
Nonetheless, Boumediene and another Algerian ordered freed remain prisoners at Guantanamo, because the Bosnian government has refused to take them back. "Our judicial system has given them their freedom, but they are not free," Oleskey said. "It's very hard to explain that to them." "
Reporting from Washington -- There will no longer will be "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Obama administration said Friday. Moreover, the new president no longer claims that his title as commander in chief allows him to order people deemed to be dangerous captured and held without trial. … 9816.story
Ramm should be elated... maybe we can send all these pesky fellas to his
I bet the terrorists all around the world are laughing their asses off at what a pushover BO is...
And these guys were tried and released... except their country didn't want these Boy Scout leaders back...
"Boston lawyer Stephen Oleskey said the court process has proved frustrating. He represented six Algerian-born men who were arrested in Bosnia, taken by the U.S. military to Guantanamo in 2002 and held for six years. One of them, Lakhdar Boumediene, was the lead plaintiff in the winning case before the Supreme Court last year. In November, a federal judge ruled that the government could not justify holding Boumediene and four of the other Algerians and ordered their release.
Nonetheless, Boumediene and another Algerian ordered freed remain prisoners at Guantanamo, because the Bosnian government has refused to take them back. "Our judicial system has given them their freedom, but they are not free," Oleskey said. "It's very hard to explain that to them." "
Love is the answer